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Is This Your First Time on Earth? 5 Signs Of Reincarnation!

Do you believe in the concept of reincarnation? Do you genuinely believe that you have had a previous life? The belief in reincarnation has been around for around 3000 years. A wide range of cultural groups, including Indians and Chinese, as well as Thai and Japanese, hold the belief that we all have many previous lifetimes and that our ultimate objective is to no longer be incarnated.

There are various techniques to determine whether or not you have had a previous life:

1. Dreams are a form of communication.

We have a lot of dreams that are really strong. When you dream, you have the ability to access memories that you would otherwise be ignorant of if you were woken. Have you ever experienced a childhood dream that has remained with you throughout your life? Memory flashbacks are common, and when they are unpleasant, it indicates that there is an unresolved problem that has to be dealt with in this incarnation.

2. VU Déjá VU

We’ve all had the sensation of “seeing things again” at some point in our lives. It’s that strange sensation that we’ve all had at some point in our lives or that we’ve experienced ourselves. However, while some feel that déjà vu is caused by a neurological dissonance, others believe that it is a manifestation of the possibilities of other dimensions (a parallel world), and still others believe that it is a revelation of previous life experience. Although this is a warning indication, it might just be a recollection from a previous life that has resurfaced in your current existence.

Fears and phobias are three types of phobias.

Is there anything you’re terrified of? Do you have any idea why? Many individuals think that particular memories or events from their childhoods and adulthoods put “stains” on their recollections of previous lifetimes. A fear from a previous incarnation that has remained with you and manifested itself in your present reality is most likely the cause of your current problem if you cannot explain it with an event from this lifetime.

4. Memories

In all likelihood, your inexplicable prior recollections are the result of a previous existence. There have been several reports of young toddlers who have had vivid recollections of their past that have subsequently turned out to be quite precise in terms of detail. If you have prior recollections, it’s possible that something occurred in a previous life.

5. Preference for Specific Cultures/Time Periods

A common belief is that if you have a strong connection to specific cultures or historical periods, this is a result of your soul’s experiencing something similar in a previous life, which is known as “past life residue.” It’s possible that you have an unexplained affinity for Indian culture, Ancient Greek artifacts, or the Renaissance Period, for example.

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