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How to Thrive During the Ascension Process!

Understanding the Current Cosmic Climate

As we traverse this remarkable era, it’s evident that significant transformations are unfolding on diverse levels, ranging from the vast collective consciousness to the intricate nuances of our individual experiences. At the crux of this dynamic is Mother Earth, or Gaia, which reverberates with the energies and aspirations of its inhabitants.

Grounding Ourselves Amidst the Cosmic Dance

In these unparalleled times, it becomes imperative for us to discern between what resonates authentically with our essence and what’s external. We are here, in this very moment, with a profound purpose: to manifest change through our unique frequencies and heightened consciousness.

Embracing our innate gifts, realizing our mission, and acknowledging the blessings we bring forth is pivotal. It allows us to anchor ourselves, ensuring we remain centered and aligned with our divine service.

The Role of Starseeds, Lightworkers, and Empaths

For those who identify as Starseeds, Lightworkers, Angelic beings, or members of the Blue Ray, these times are particularly poignant. These individuals are attuned to subtle energies, capable of intuitively perceiving shifts in the world and the collective consciousness. Their role is paramount in sustaining the frequency balance, fostering the ascension process.

These Light bearers are conduits for divine frequencies, absorbing the transformative upgrades and influxes of light from the cosmos. By letting go of past traumas and embracing the healing process, they pave the way for the Christ Consciousness to flourish.

Furthermore, many are summoned as grid workers, entrusted with the task of transmuting energies, praying for the world, and bolstering the collective light quotient. As Light Radiators, they exemplify the timeless adage: “Your center is the love that created you, real, true, and always prevailing.”

The Implications of a Frequency Shift

We have recently witnessed a profound frequency shift. Many are now navigating heightened sensitivity, forging connections with higher realms, and experiencing the benevolent presence of angelic entities. This shift heralds the reawakening of dormant divine capabilities and offers a renewed sense of purpose.

However, it’s essential to note that with such potent shifts, there can be disturbances in our immediate environment. While some embrace the higher light frequencies, others may feel overwhelmed, leading to resistance or attempts to counteract the ascension energies.

Nevertheless, as we continue our journey, more frequency shifts await us. As we encounter these waves of light, it’s crucial to remain vigilant, observing any correlating events in our environment, especially those stemming from fear or resistance.

Embracing the Ascension Symptoms

As we integrate these higher frequencies, various symptoms can manifest, indicating our alignment with the cosmic dance:

  1. Temporal Fluidity: Experiencing shifts in one’s perception of time and space, resulting in a renewed understanding of time
  1. Enhanced Sensitivities: A heightened need for tranquility, increased hunger, and a shift towards cleaner diets. Hydration becomes crucial.
  1. Synchronicities: Observing recurring number sequences, often referred to as angel numbers, indicating divine guidance
  1. Physical Sensations: Feeling energy waves coursing through the body, sometimes leading to physical vibrations
  1. Relationship Dynamics: Existing relationships either evolve, aligning with the new frequencies, or they dissipate, no longer resonating with one’s path.
  1. Spiritual Connections: Establishing bonds with new guides and angels, and reigniting memories of our celestial origins.

Embracing the Journey Ahead

The current cosmic climate is an invitation for growth, transformation, and ascension. As waves of light continue to flood the planet, they might stir old wounds, beckoning them to the surface for transmutation and healing. The intensity of fear-driven events often correlates with the magnitude of light influxes.

In this pivotal era, our collective and individual roles are more significant than ever. By staying grounded, embracing our divine purpose, and navigating the ascension symptoms with grace, we contribute to the grand cosmic tapestry, fostering a brighter, more harmonious future for all.

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2 thoughts on “How to Thrive During the Ascension Process!”

  1. Thank you so much for all the posts you’ve been uploading. They bring clarity and understanding to an otherwise confusing and mind boggling series of events in the now.

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