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How To Re-organize Your Energy In New And Creative Ways!

The planetary environment has changed. As you see it, you may feel that your own field is distinct. As the planetary field and your own are intertwined, this is also true. New frequencies and energies are being brought into the Earth’s atmosphere, and they are being structured in new ways. This is the beginning of something new.

As you allow this to happen, the light inside you grows and expands to fill the expanse of your existence.

Allow this to happen as often as possible by remembering your true nature, allowing yourself to flow freely and allowing yourself to be used by the Oneness that is. This evolutionary momentum is accelerated every time you realize and claim the truth of Oneness. When you accept your intrinsic place in this Oneness, you achieve the greatest conceivable level of consciousness. When you allow yourself to be who you actually are, now, in this moment, the world shifts and transforms.

The light within you is now arranging itself in a different way. This is due to the fact that people have banded together to exert their will. Various decisions have been made, and the results are radically transforming reality. It’s possible to think of this as removing the layer of story, or belief, that served as the foundation of deception—the basis of separation.In fact, though, the fundamental truth is already present, and it is a question of your state of being-what you are accessible to, what you are in harmony with, and what you perceive in yourself and others.

Within your own field, new patterns for life beyond separation are beginning to emerge for you to use. As time goes on, you’re rearranging and evolving.

This is something that many of you are willing to do, and we appreciate that. This is a wonderful gift to the rest of the globe, and it adds a touch of serenity to these turbulent times. You can no longer hold on to the past or hold on to the beliefs that came from concepts and thoughts of separation as you are transformed into something entirely new, structured in new ways and expressing a felt sense of connectedness to all life. We experience joy in a far more expansive way when our fundamental energy field no longer matches theirs. This is the only way to do things.

You will never be the same after this experience. You will never again grow in terror. The fear is not of the area of attention you are choosing to connect with and experience life as a human being through. The Divine Oneness, the Unity of Life, the Oneness of All is being reestablished.

As the One becomes you, life is progressing toward ever-closer unions of awareness. As your Christed self transforms into you, Because it is where you get your Divine Knowledge, the Truth of Your Being,

And when this occurs, you will realize that you sense the Oneness in a totally new way. We understand that this may be difficult to grasp. However, we can assure you that you will be aware of its occurrence as it occurs. At first glance, you may not be aware of how much progress has already been made. It’s up to you to experience the shift when the new template of Unity takes root and becomes a part of who you are, and we’re certain you’ll do so. Feeling your enlarged reality will take hold gradually as you recognize and open yourself to the whole of yourself and the world, letting go of your attachments and letting go of what you don’t need. If you want to join in this way, these are our words of advice, but each of you is directed, in your understanding, from the inside. To awaken completely, you have to have intelligence inside you; the Oneness is doing its best to do the same for all life and everything that exists. It will be done, as long as that drive remains open and flowing.

Your species’ souls have accepted this evolutionary necessity and the heritage of light that is Oneness in your species as a whole. As those with eyes to see see the world, the Oneness is reestablished, recovered, and re-articulated, and the clean and clear truth of life is acknowledged as genuine.The Divine Flow returns all that is life to life.

Your presence may be a source of joy and clarity, and your inner connections are the mechanism through which everything you need arrives to you more quickly than at any other moment in history. Visit it frequently. Indulge in this inner stream and allow yourself to express yourself in whatever way brings you happiness and pleasure. The right road, the authentic approach, will manifest itself if you are soft and open and listen to your sincere and knowing heart.

This moment is a gift from the real you, and it wants to be completely present in this moment! And don’t be afraid to express yourself both inside and outside of yourself! Going from here to there and through all that is in the way, the Fullness of Life understands just how to achieve it. Getting to the heart of the matter Release what no longer serves you. For the sake of all life on Earth, you may participate in building and realizing a new pattern for creation, a New Creation.

Now is the moment. And again, anytime it occurs to you to make room for your inner connection, to acknowledge the purity of your own expression, to feel into your innermost understanding about these shifts and your journey into resonance with your real self. The inner light knows. It’s easy to know how you’re feeling at the moment. Listen to what your body tells you! Pay attention to your inner voice.

Because you are composed of this ascending planet’s life, the planetary field may guide you. And because of its knowledge, it is a good guide. There is a lot of support and assistance available to you. Right now, At a time when the world appears to be in the worst possible situation, the light within is rising, and the New Creation is taking shape. You may achieve a state of oneness and harmony with the universe just by allowing yourself to feel it! In the immediate future,

What we’re saying here isn’t simply empty rhetoric; it’s a manifestation of the new fields and forms that have been brought into existence by the Divine Plan and Will.

The planting of fresh seeds has resulted in new growth and new streams of light that are greater than anything that has ever existed before. It’s time to get over the fear. Beyond the facade of isolation. It’s all there is. All of life is interconnected. A new future of endless and eternal light can be found here and across the universe, despite appearances.

This is the dawn of the New Day in its infancy. Appreciate its magnificence! “

Keep it close to your heart and enjoy the thought of making a new universe.

It is a joy to be a part of the light’s arrival beside you!

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