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How To Open Yourself To Receive A Message From The Divine!

It is possible to receive a message from your higher self or from your own spirit guides while you are sleeping (aka, Guardian Angels, God, or however you wish to refer to a higher source).

The true difficulty is understanding when to open your senses in order to receive a message from the Divine in one of the many different ways that it may communicate with us.

In order to receive a word from the divine, one must be completely open to receiving it in whatever form it is decided to be sent in. For Source (or God) works in mysterious ways, and while it is likely that a message will be sent when it is most needed and requested, it may be sent in an unexpected manner.

Keep an open mind and ask for help in any of the following methods, while remaining open to all of them at the same time.

How to Receive a Message Directly from the source!?

Open To Unexplainable Phenomena

Have you ever witnessed something that you couldn’t understand and decided to avoid it altogether?

You may have noticed that something in your house has been moved despite the fact that you were certain no one had touched it, or that lights flickered as you went past, even though the bulb had only recently been changed and the lamp had never malfunctioned before.

These are simply a handful of the hundreds of options, and they are only a few of the minor instances. The next time you come across something you just can’t seem to grasp or explain, consider whether it’s feasible for you to have a greater understanding of it by looking at it through the eyes of Spirit.

Keep an open mind when it comes to olfactory memory.

Olfactory memory is a word used to describe how our sense of smell can make us feel and remember things from our past when we smell something we know.

Sometimes, you may be in a room that isn’t open to the outside world, but there is a scent in the air that you can’t figure out and you can’t figure out where it came from.

There have been several reports of the aroma of cigarette smoke, perfume, or flowers being present when none of these items (and no one else) were in the immediate vicinity.

Perhaps this is a message from Spirit or from loved ones who have passed away, comforting us that they are close by and extending their love and support to us from the other side of the universe.

Be Open To ‘Feeling’

It is most common to get this type of communication after a loved one has recently died. On the back, arms, or hands, it usually feels like a gentle graze of the skin or hair.

This, on the other hand, is rather unusual and usually indicates that Spirit is present and bringing them comfort.Even more common than this is the ability to simply “sense” the presence of a loved one or Spirit in close proximity.

Be Receptive To ‘Hearing’

In many cases, the communication from Spirit is sent through voice or music, and this is not unusual.

Perhaps a song will play with a message in the lyrics or an instrumental rhythm that you need to hear at that very moment, or perhaps you will hear your name being shouted from a distance while no one else is there to hear it.

Spirit is attempting to get your attention by sending you a message. They are pleading with you to take your time and listen. Find the message that is being delivered at the time that connects with your soul and do with it whatever you choose.

Be Open To The Realm of Dreams.

Dreams provide a great means for Spirit to bridge the gap between our lower, three-dimensional reality and the higher realm of spiritual life, which is accessible only via dreams.

In other words, dreams serve as a “bridge” between us and the divine, allowing us to meet them halfway and receive their heavenly knowledge in the process. Every dream is unique, yet not all dreams come true. Some, on the other hand, may not provide the message you want, but rather the message you need.

Keep an open mind to any symbols or meanings that appear in your dream and trust your gut instinct. When our dreams are so clear that they make us wake up, we become absorbed in the emotions that they make us face. This can cause us to wake up.

It may be beneficial to have a dream notebook near the bed in order to record anything that sticks out the most before the dream fades away. Provide as much information about your dream as possible, and refer to a dream dictionary or dream interpreter to gain further clarification.

Being as open as possible to all of the ways listed above will greatly increase your chances of getting a message from your Guardian Angel, the Source, your Higher Self, or a deceased loved one.

However, whether or not you receive a message, or whether or not you miss it when it is sent, is immaterial. Your spirit guides are constantly at your side, and they want you to know that you are loved and supported no matter what happens.

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