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How to Manifest Your Desires ?!

By Cherie Roe Dirksen

Today’s blog is going to concentrate on the key steps to manifesting what it is that you desire to experience.

“It is always a good idea to reassess or rethink what it is we want to manifest so that we can always remain focused and clear on what we want out of life.”

For a recap of the Law of Attraction and how you can begin to take charge of your life, please read Tuesdays blog here before proceeding with the following steps.

  • Setting an intention — do this daily and try to follow-up every week on your desires manifestation.   You may want to retweek what it is you want.  It is perfectly okay to change your mind.   It is important to bend with the wind and to not resist it.  So, if you feel like there is something better you want to manifest, then do that and don’t stay rigidly stuck on your first desire.  It is always a good idea to reassess or rethink what it is we want to manifest so that we can always remain focused and clear on what we want out of life.
  • Visualization and Emotion — when you have set your intention visualize what it would feel like if you were already living in that reality.  The more you feel the emotions, the more the Universe will line you up with that frequency that you want or believe yourself to be on.  We all played ‘make believe’ when we were kids, so don’t tell me you don’t know how to daydream!  This step is literally daydreaming that existence and when you get to the ‘feeling’ part, you have your positive manifesting emotion.
  • Anchoring — anchor that emotion!  Try to feel that emotion whenever you can.  Think about how wonderful it feels.
  • Detach — the most important part of this process is to detach from what you want.  This almost sounds like a dichotomy but it isn’t.  The reason why we need to detach from the outcome is that we don’t know the quickest possible way to get to our desires.  The Universe does and when you detach you are actually allowing for the speediest route to your desired destination.  Know in your heart that your wish is being seen to and that the fruits will come.  When you can be in this frame of mind, you have detached and are in the state of allowing.  Blank out your mind and stop worrying about how to ‘get there’.
  • Live it out — see yourself always living in the desired outcome.  Instead of focusing on the hows and whens of the manifested desire, focus on what you are going to be doing when your dream is met.  In other words, if you desire more money, then money is not what you really want — you can do very little with the physical aspect of the money except wipe your bottom with it.  What you want is what the money can buy — the vibrational exchange.  So picture what it is you want the money for.  Is it a new car or a lavish vacation — then picture yourself driving down the highway in your new car or soaking up the suns rays in Barbados (hell, even throw in the first class ticket you could afford to get there with!).  Let go of how you are going to get there and ‘feel’ like you are already there — picture yourself boarding the plane and drinking champagne in first class or getting into your new red Porsche and starting the ignition.  Make the visualizations exciting and pleasant.

You can do these visualizations and emotion-enhancing techniques when you meditate. All it takes is a powerful 5 minute meditation to kick-start your desires into action.

“Tell yourself how quickly you are going to get things done and how much fun it’s going to be.”

I usually do an exercise in the morning over my first cuppa.  I set my intention for the day and I see myself easily carrying out all my plans and having time to spare.  I also visualize that I am enjoying myself immensely whilst I am doing it.  Go on, try it!

You will be amazed how everything falls into place when you expect it to.  Think about that.  When you whine and complain about how little time you have, or how much you have to do — you usually end up meeting that agreement easily!  So try it in reverse.  Tell yourself how quickly you are going to get things done and how much fun it’s going to be.

Let The Universal GPS Take You There!

What I know for certain is that if you do not detach you start to doubt, when you doubt you lose the momentum of your desire.  When you try to fathom the way the Universe should bring your desire about, you are resisting what can be done to achieve your goal.  This can lead you to take ages to manifest what you want instead of letting go and letting the Universal GPS take you there.

“…when you are in your integrity you will be a responsible creator and you will manifest for yourself and the greater good.”

Keep focusing on your goal and enjoy the ride!  You are always going to want more and want to create more, this is alright as the Universe is ever-expanding.  Please don’t get me wrong with this statement as I am not advocating being an ‘over-consumer’ — please co-create responsibly.  But I have no doubt that when you are in your integrity you will be a responsible creator and you will manifest for yourself and the greater good.

Lastly and probably the most important step — have fun!  The joy is in the journey and not always in the arrival of your destination (this is just a momentary bonus until you want to manifest your next creation).

Happy manifesting!

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