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How To Avoid The Most Common Lightworker Pitfalls!

Lesser known lightworkers may be adept at healing and/or intuitive development. Other popular phrases include “Starseed” (soul origin from non-Earth worlds or galaxies) and “Indigo Children.” Indigos began appearing here in the late 1960s, though they exist across all age groups. Awakened Indigos are here to transform negativity (often starting in their own birth families) and bring healing and light to the world. You can learn more about Indigo children and adults by searching Google and reading Celia Fenn’s writings.

I’ve been involved in holistic health, lightworker, and starseed groups for many years and have seen my fair share of good, bad, and odd. I’ve also felt sad, annoyed, and disappointed. I am hoping that any major shift in consciousness and development will necessitate initial “baby steps”. This is a type of guideline to keep us all on track.

These are the main pitfalls I’ve encountered, and they seem to have gotten worse over the last year. The planet and ourselves will benefit from a united force of love, light, and healing.

1) Lightworker & Adult Indigo “chip on your shoulder” club and support group:

Many adult Indigos had a difficult upbringing. Part of our generational karma is mending familial “stuff” and wounding around being “not good enough.” Many of us inherited guilt, sexism, and cruelty from our ancestors, which was terrible and devastating. It’s up to us to heal, transmute, and go on. This is our pre-incarnation promise to Source/Spirit, the Earth, and ourselves. When we connect with individuals who share our experience, it is important not to convert it into a pity party or what Caroline Myss calls “leading with our wound.”

Being called a “freak” or a “wierdo” throughout most of one’s life can be immensely hurtful and generate a fundamental distrust of the world and most people. It’s tempting to hide in a safe little shell, but like Indigos, lightworkers have a task to do, and it usually involves others. Avoiding life and our true feelings leaves us imprisoned in our wounds, in a shell of denial that may appear safe, but contains other dangers.

2) Treating it as a “religion” with judgment:

Many light workers, Indigos, and other like-minded souls distrust or even despise organized religion. Some of these souls may have been subjected to religious abuse as youngsters, involving fear, manipulation, and coercion. There is a surprising amount of religion-like behavior in spiritual and New Age societies. For one, the “Us vs. Them” mentality that pervades many religions and has harmed humanity for hundreds of years, and also the “our way is the ONLY way” mentality. One argument is that religion has been a form of conditioning and default setting for many of us, and we need to be mindful of any conduct that excludes someone for whatever reason. The Mayan Calendar’s strong “Ninth Wave” of “Unity Consciousness” is upon us. It’s time to let go of any religious divisions. It feels fantastic to be part of something “special” and out of the ordinary, yet it is the mundane, non-sexy activities that make up our lives. We must always remember that we are all in this boat together, and that we can all sink or float.

3) Ego-based decision-making and infighting:

A few months ago, I noticed a post by a well-known instructor and leader in the Starseed community. She labeled everyone a bunch of “new age wimps” and chastised them for their meekness. Her statement deeply disturbed many of the group’s empathic and/or highly sensitive members. I found it offensive and completely off-base. Who are we to evaluate another’s path? Needless to say, I quietly left that group. However, we must remember that we are part of a greater WHOLE and that the Universe is intelligent and understands what it is doing. Doubt is counterproductive and might even cause spiritual failure.

The younger Indigo and Crystal people can be more direct, which is mirrored in their astrology. For many of them, their aim is to demolish ineffective social structures, particularly in education and the environment. People who lack discipline turn their energies on their own kind, or merely on people in general. Fighting and ego-based attacks are not beneficial. The ego is subtle and will exploit anything to achieve its goals, including spirituality. Regular spiritual practice that involves meditation and mind-training, I believe, is the remedy. The mind might deceive us if we don’t understand how it works. We need to “check up!” on this, to quote the great Lama Yeshe.

4) Spiritual junkies and other types of spiritual addicts:

This has become a major issue with all of the free online classes, attunements, and other experiences. Spiritual energy is easily “hooked” because it feels good. It can also be used to escape reality, alienate people, and enter one’s own spiritual dream world. I’ve seen it a lot as an energy healer and teacher. I’ve even seen folks run to so many classes, attunements, and teachers that they go insane. My theory is that self-taught spirituality is to blame. This isn’t always a negative thing, but many people could use a “BS detector.” It’s easy to get caught up in the work’s strength and light. We have a physical body for a reason. We committed to being embodied to experience life and accomplish tasks. Energy addiction is as dangerous as drugs, alcohol, or any other addiction. Sadly, often the indicators go unnoticed until the situation spirals out of control. Energy addiction requires similar treatment to other addictions, with counseling and behavior modification strategies at the forefront.

5) Ignorance of evil, darkness, and negativity:

This is a major issue that is causing serious harm in some communities. Especially in light of recent US massacres, it’s difficult to deny the existence of evil and negativity. Denying something does not make it nonexistent. In other words, we may choose to work with it rather than wish it away to the cornfield. That’s one of the big things my generation (Pluto in Virgo) is here to do. That doesn’t mean we glorify or dramatize it. A fine line

Questions about spiritual teachers who reject the presence of darkness and negativity and imply that others are unqualified to talk about or explore these themes. There seems to be a spiritual “light addiction” spreading. What can you tell us?

A: There are multiple layers to this, and we will look at each one separately. First, there is an aversion to gloom, negativity, etc., and the belief that discussing it is “giving energy” to it. For now, one would have to be blind in 3D to not see negativity in all its forms. Of course, how much one gets depends on karma and other circumstances, as well as one’s personal “view,” which we’ve already explored. To dread darkness is to deny 1/2 of existence (Yin/Yang). Resisting does not work in this circumstance. Negativity is useless unless its causes are addressed. We like how your great knowledge Keeper Chogyam Rinpoche compares experience/existence to “manure” for growing tomato plants. This is a significantly more effective and skillful technique to work with negativity or Shenpa (emotional “traps,” neurosis). Of course, this requires a lot of thought and effort; there is no shortcut. The temptation to compartmentalize is always present for those seeking the “fast track” to enlightenment. This seems to be really popular right now, and we’ve noticed it. – 11.19.11 Akashic Wisdom Keepers

This topic will undoubtedly be revisited. Since 2010, I have observed an unprecedented degree of pettiness and arguing in online forums, which does not set a positive example for our own community, but also for the rest of the world. I hope we can get everything together soon, especially for 2012. Love and light will soon dominate the earth. It’s up to us to realize our full potential to serve others and create a new planet we can all call home.

I wish you the best of luck.

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