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How Does One Get A Higher Awakened State Of Mind?

Many of us will walk through life with a sense of emptiness. Somewhere deep within each of us, there appears to be a gaping hole that we can’t seem to close. It is present, it is painful, and we are unconsciously aware of its presence. In the 3D world, most of the time, we would try to appease this by consuming material things, such as drugs, sex, or anything else that would give us an adrenalin rush. However, once we have had that adrenalin rush, the old life with all of its problems and that void is still there, and by running away from it, that void has only grown larger or deeper, or is felt more profoundly than before.

Many people feel that romantic love will replace the emptiness left by their ex-partner. When I meet my Divine Other, they will fill the vacuum that has been created. The fact is that no one else can fill the gap that you have created; only you can do so.

When we actually begin to inquire as to why this emptiness exists and why we are here on this planet in the first place, we will frequently discover that we are prompted to go in pursuit of the answers we seek. Teachers or gurus will guide some of us in the right direction, but they can only SHOW us the path-they cannot fill the hole for us unless we take the initiative and begin searching deep inside ourselves.

When I perform soul readings, the traits, talents, and abilities of the soul will come through in my soul readings, and this is essentially what makes the soul sing, what it is tuned into, and what it is supposed to accomplish while in this world when I perform soul readings. The soul itself has no need to sense an emptiness; only when it is not tuned in to, and when its higher calling and purpose are not fully awakened or acknowledged, will it experience a void.

In many ways, I enjoy ancient stories and myths because they are ultimately a form of storytelling that allows you to experience the journey for yourself:As a result, the hero, let us call him the Knight, embarks on a quest to find the Holy Grail, which is really a quest to find meaning. During this voyage, he will come across hurdles, have to climb mountains, pass through the valley of death, fight fierce dragons, and have to save maidens who are in danger of drowning. All of this is a metaphor for the entire inner journey of rediscovery and initiations that you will have to go through in order to locate your own inner genuine core-that Holy Grail-and then unearth the metaphorical gold mine that has been hidden inside you the entire time.

The more you explore this abyss, this mystery, the more profound the insights get, and the more you begin to lose pieces of yourself. This refers to the parts of yourself that no longer serve you, or that are outclassed by your adversary. Often, in order to uncover our genuine soul self, we must be retuned, fine-tuned, and in-tuned. This is because we must begin shedding all of the old patterns, old programming, and old ways of existence, and then die to all of this, and then experience a complete rebirthing.

During his meetings with Nicodemus at night, Jesus brings up the subject of this entire inner journey. He basically informs Nicodemus that the only way he will be able to locate the keys to heaven is if he loses his old Adam, dies unto the old Adam, and lets himself be born again.

This entire process of transitioning from the old to the new is one that must be completed step by step. Because with every loss of skin, your own vibrations and frequencies increase, you actually get lighter and consequently more lit up from the inside out. If this happens too soon, you will not be able to cope.

There are 14 steps that must be completed in order to fully integrate and activate the higher MASTERY that exists within each and every one of us. Once this is accomplished, one can begin working with the MONAD, the OVERSOUL and SOUL GROUP, as well as with those Ascended Masters and Beings of Light who serve as guardians of your soul. Additionally, you try to restore your own soul connection to the Divine Source, the Christ Consciousness, and the Holy Spirit, who is represented by the triple flame of love, wisdom, and power.

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