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How Do You Contribute To The Ascension Of Humanity?

This process, which I have dubbed the Overhaul of Humanity, will be rather simple, and the role that we will be asked to play by Life Itself will be relatively straightforward. It is a part that I believe you have come to perform in this situation.

The reason you’ve arrived here—in physical form, to this place known as Earth, at this particular and vital point in history—is to take part in the evolution of our species, which you’re doing now.

I realize that this may come across as a bit grandiose, but I really feel that it is correct. However, many people are just unaware of what they can do and hence believe that there is nothing they can do. That simply isn’t the case. Delicate assistance is needed right now, and life urges you to lend a helping hand. If you are willing to give it, you have the potential to make a significant difference in the world.

Please do not allow yourself to be “frightened off” by the large scale of the agenda. If you want to grab people’s attention or make a difference on the globe, you won’t have to do any verbal somersaults, career backflips, relationship jumping jacks, or any of the other things you may imagine you’d have to do to achieve success. You do not need to be a superb public speaker, a fantastic writer, a workshop presenter, or any other skill.

Nothing that may possibly involve you will be too much for you to handle. As I have stated previously, you will not be alone during this process. As I have stated several times, Thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands, of people will be joining you… and I will be one of them. Yes? Okay? We’ll be working together on this!

So here’s what you need to know:

Your contribution to the evolution of our species will be realized through the work you perform with your own soul, which will be a lifelong endeavor.

It is possible that humanity is only one discussion away from heaven. You have to start with a discussion with yourself before you can start with anyone else. It entails you challenging your preconceived notions about yourself, about who you are, and about why you are in this place.

For some of you, the concept of “working with your soul” may be a completely foreign concept. “Can you tell me how you operate with your soul?” you might wonder. It’s a reasonable question. This is not something that is taught in high school. There is very little written about it. Churches don’t even delve that deeply into the issue.

In light of the fact that I have already completed part of this work, I can assure you that it is the most thrilling work you could ever imagine; the most satisfying work in which you could ever be involved; and the most powerful work you could ever undertake. It has the capability of altering the reality of an individual as well as the reality of a whole planet.

You will question your soul about the four fundamental questions of life during your interaction with him or her: Who am I? What am I doing here? Why am I in this situation? What exactly do I intend to do in response to this? I will invite you to ask these questions of others once you have finished asking yourself these questions (and answering them). Indeed, I am inviting everyone on the planet to ask these questions of everyone else on the planet.

It is my intention to encourage people all over the world to start a dialogue with other people, asking them the same questions that they are asking themselves. The goal of this project is to inspire people to engage with other people to the same degree that they engage with their own soul. Due to the fact that when they engage with other individuals on this level, they will have the impression that they are engaging with their own souls. As a result, this is the stage at which all of us come to understand that we are all one.

When we communicate with one another from a place of oneness, we make a significant stride forward in our progress. So let us have a conversation with one another. Let us engage in a dialogue with the rest of humanity. Let us guide one another back to our true selves by reminding one another of who we truly are—both as a group and in our individual expression.

Love and hugs to you,

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