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How Can Ascended Masters Assist Us To The 5D?

If you are interested in spirituality, you may have come across the term “Ascended Masters” and wondered who they are and what they do. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of Ascended Masters, their origins, their roles, and how they can help us on our spiritual journey.

Who are the Ascended Masters?

Ascended Masters are beings who have achieved a high level of spiritual evolution and have transcended the cycle of reincarnation. They are not angels or gods, but humans who have lived on Earth and mastered their karma, their lessons, and their divine plan. They have attained a state of consciousness that allows them to exist in higher dimensions of light and love, beyond the limitations of time and space.

Some of the most well-known Ascended Masters are Jesus Christ, Buddha, Quan Yin, Saint Germain, Mother Mary, El Morya, and Sanat Kumara. However, there are many more Ascended Masters from different cultures, religions, and historical periods. Some of them are known by different names or aspects in different traditions. For example, Jesus is also known as Sananda, Buddha as Gautama or Maitreya, and Quan Yin as Kwan Yin or Tara.

One of the earliest sources is the Theosophical Society, founded by Helena Blavatsky in the late 19th century. Blavatsky claimed to have contact with a group of spiritual beings called the Great White Brotherhood, who were the guardians of ancient wisdom and secrets.

Later, in the early 20th century, Guy Ballard and Elizabeth Clare Prophet expanded on Blavatsky’s teachings and founded the I AM Movement and the Church Universal and Triumphant. They introduced many new Ascended Masters and their messages to their followers. They also popularized the practice of decreeing or chanting affirmations to invoke the presence and power of the Ascended Masters.

Today, many New Age movements and spiritual groups acknowledge the existence and influence of Ascended Masters. They believe that Ascended Masters are working with us to raise our consciousness and help us ascend to higher dimensions of reality.

What do the Ascended Masters do?

The Ascended Masters are not distant or aloof from humanity. They are very much involved in our spiritual evolution and our planetary ascension. They work with us individually and collectively to guide us, inspire us, heal us, protect us, and empower us. They also work with other spiritual beings such as angels, archangels, elementals, and star beings to assist us in our journey.

The Ascended Masters have different roles and specialties according to their ray of service. The rays are streams of divine energy that correspond to different aspects of God’s creation. There are seven main rays that relate to the seven chakras, the seven colors of the rainbow, and the seven days of the week. Each ray has a corresponding Ascended Master who oversees it and helps us to embody its qualities.

The seven main rays and their Ascended Masters are:
  • The first ray: The ray of will and power. Its color is blue and its day is Sunday. The Ascended Master of this ray is El Morya, who helps us to align our will with God’s will and to act with courage and integrity.
  • The second ray: The ray of wisdom and illumination. Its color is yellow and its day is Monday. The Ascended Master of this ray is Lanto, who helps us to access our inner wisdom and to expand our awareness and understanding.
  • The third ray: The ray of love and compassion. Its color is pink and its day is Tuesday. The Ascended Master of this ray is Paul the Venetian, who helps us to open our hearts and to express our love and creativity.
  • The fourth ray: The ray of harmony and beauty. Its color is white and its day is Wednesday. The Ascended Master of this ray is Serapis Bey, who helps us to balance our energies and to create harmony and beauty in our lives.
  • The fifth ray: The ray of healing and truth. Its color is green and its day is Thursday. The Ascended Master of this ray is Hilarion, who helps us to heal ourselves and others and to discover our inner truth.
  • The sixth ray: The ray of devotion and peace. Its color is purple with gold flecks and its day is Friday. The Ascended Master of this ray is Lady Nada, who helps us to develop our devotion to God and to serve humanity with peace and joy.
  • The seventh ray: The ray of freedom and transformation. Its color is violet and its day is Saturday. The Ascended Master of this ray is Saint Germain, who helps us to liberate ourselves from negative patterns and to transform ourselves with the violet flame.

How do the Ascended Masters work with us?

The Ascended Masters work with us in many ways, depending on our needs, desires, intentions, and level of consciousness. They can communicate with us through our intuition, dreams, visions, signs, synchronicities, books, music, art, or other people. They can also send us their energy or light through meditation, prayer, invocation, decreeing, or visualization.

Ascended Masters can also work with us through our Higher Self or Soul. Our Higher Self is our true essence that is connected to our Source or Creator. It is also connected to all other souls and beings in the universe. By aligning with our Higher Self, we can access the wisdom and assistance of Ascended Masters more easily.

Another way that Ascended Masters work with us is through our personal or group missions. Each one of us has a unique soul purpose or contribution to make to the world. Ascended Masters can help us discover and fulfill our missions by providing us with opportunities, resources, insights, or support.

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