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Guide To Understanding The Fifth Dimension!

The frequency of the 5th dimensional reality is becoming a frequency that mankind is evolving into on a daily basis. As we elevate our vibration to meet that of the fifth dimension, our senses, such as sight, smell, and taste, begin to change. The development of enhanced states of consciousness, compassion, and knowledge are all still in their early stages. As our sensory systems begin to align with higher frequencies, we become increasingly conscious of the vast number of dimensions that exist. Being intellectually engaged in the 5th dimension provides us with the capacity to see into that dimension from outside of it. However, it does not imply that you are really operating in that dimension; rather, it indicates that your thoughts assume you are comprehending the “reality” of it. Let’s have a look at how we arrived at the fifth dimension in a quick overview.

Dimensional Light:

If the three-dimensional universe is nothing more than a hologram or illusion, we are never completely immersed in that spatial field, but rather are overlaid on it like a shadow. What happens when we shine light on oneself or on a particular dimension, if we participate in each dimension as a shadow? According to science, light may exist in two modes at the same time: as electromagnetic waves and as a linear stream of particles known as photons. In reality, light is nothing more than a frequency (dimension) of electromagnetic radiation that is briefly interacting with another dimension (s), which is why it may exist in two states at the same time. Light is truly capable of being in all dimensions at the same time. However, this has not been proven as of yet. We are seeing the manifestation of these states of energy in the form of visible light. Just as all three dimensions exist in the same place in space, so do the many dimensions of light exist at the same point in space. Similar to the human experience, the light we are familiar with is nothing more than the result of the diffraction of this mixture. Our knowledge of this subject is as little as a grain of sand in the vastness of the universe. What happens when our belief system is hit with such force that it cracks the very grain of sand and causes the atomic structure to rearrange itself?


In a three-dimensional construct, the journey of the soul is viewed as dark and light; as above, so below; as above, so below. The region of the galaxy where you are located is a place of dichotomy. Even the very essence of your existence is a dualistic state of affairs. You both exist and do not exist at the same time. Despite the fact that your spirit exists, you are unable to perceive it. There are two components to this binary star that you name the great central sun. It makes up the galaxy’s core, which you refer to as the great central sun. Because of its push-pull effect, this star is laying the groundwork for the rest of the galaxy to be built on, laying the groundwork for all of existence. Besides these fundamental principles, there are a few more that determine your world, but they only apply to the first three dimensions. When we go to higher dimensions, we do not have access to all of the rules of physics that are normally applicable.

The first six dimensions are as follows:

Each dimension exists for a unique purpose, and no two dimensions are identical. According to popular belief, there are an endless number of dimensions contained inside the vacuum known as space. They each have their own set of laws and behaviors that are entwined but never touch.Some are energy superhighways, while others are structures designed to provide an immersive experience. Whatever the cause of the dimension, we are unable to determine what it means. An attempt to explain would be like discussing a space ship with someone who was born in the 12th century. Let’s take a look at the first six dimensions of this hologram and see what we can learn about them.

There is a restriction of energy in the zero dimension, often known as the null. It is just a point in space with no gravitational pull. Its primary purpose is to serve as a reference point for the subsequent dimensions rather than anything else. Consider the zero dimensions to be similar to a GPS coordinate, which indicates the precise position where a body of energy may be found. There can be no hologram if the null dimension is not there. In numerology, the number 0 is referred to as a space holder.

In the first dimension, we have a little more breathing space. Due to the lack of a graphical user interface, it is quite straight in its design. In the first dimension, we have a little more breathing space. Its architecture is relatively linear since there is no other dimension outside the null, which makes it quite simple. If the zero dimension is a point in space, then the first dimension is a plane that is only as broad as the point. (And the null dimension is a rather dull dimension.)No matter how hard you try, the plane will remain in the same linearity as your vision because it simply cannot show you any more information.Because it is a single plane, there can’t be more than one of them. The number one represents fresh beginnings in numerology. any other dimension besides the nullIf the zero dimension is a point in space, then the first dimension is a plane that is only as broad as the point. (And the null dimension is a rather dull dimension.)No matter how hard you try, the plane will remain in the same linearity as your vision because it simply cannot show you any more information.Because it is a single plane, there can’t be more than one of them. The number one represents fresh beginnings in numerology.

With the addition of yet another dimension, things are beginning to get extremely interesting around here. By adding width to the solitary plane of the first dimension, we have created a second dimension. In addition to providing the opportunity to ultimately provide depth and tangible substance to the way we see the first, it also allows us to build upon the finite aspect of the first. The second dimension appears to us as something that is akin to a sheet of paper after the first two dimensions (plus the null dimension) have been established. When we look at a sheet of paper from the side, it becomes solid and impermeable, and it takes on the appearance of a straight line. When the paper is turned over onto its writing surface, we see it as a wide area, but we have no sense of it beyond its length and breadth, as shown in the illustration. Once the third dimension is included, we are able to conceive the completeness of all three dimensions at the same time. In numerology, the number 2 represents duality—humanity vs. divinity.

The third dimension is the one that adds height to the length and breadth, and it is the last step required to form an area that has the potential to have mass (this does not imply that it will have mass, simply that it has the potential to have mass). We take the third dimension for granted, as if it were a natural phenomenon. We arrived on the planet with the whole perception required for the activation and opening of the first three dimensions. The third stage is the formation of a firm notion. As a result, everything becomes more “dense” and vibrates at a slower pace as a result of the third dimension. According to our observations, the slower the vibrations, the more our minds consider this to be a solid structure. All of these (s) lower vibrations contribute to the duality of being a human being in physical form. When you look at light, you will see that it is a frequency that vibrates at such a quick pace that it bears no structure, yet nonetheless exists.

The three dimensions allow us to have an earthly experience without having to maintain a constant connection with spirit, which is provided by the next two dimensions of space and time.In numerology, the number three is known as a catalyst number, and it indicates that we would not be here if it were not for the third dimension.

The fourth dimension is the one that is up for grabs next. It is difficult for us to comprehend the quantum shift that occurs in the 4th dimension, but let us state that it is regarded as a place to be and a location to move energy in certain ways. Many dualities are permitted to exist in the quantum state that, when seen from the perspective of the third dimension, make no sense. The fourth dimension serves no purpose other than to generate room for the subsequent seven dimensions. It acts as an anchor for all of the energy on the planet and creates the conditions for human life.The fourth dimension trains us to deal with the higher dimensions and enables us to exist on this planet in any form of energy we choose to manifest it in. It is regarded as the ideal dimension for a bridge. If you recall from the beginning, we said that many of the dimensions were nothing more than a means of transferring energy, and the fourth dimension is doing just that. Simply put, the fourth dimension is concerned with establishing an atmosphere conducive to two-way communication via high-frequency light waves. This technology also enables connection with Gaia and other beings of light, such as ascended masters, as well as with spirit.

Take note that ascended masters were previously a part of our third-dimensional plane until they ascended into a higher dimension; they are still here in the third dimension, but their vibration is at a higher frequency, so we cannot see them, but we can feel and hear them. Seeing is a third-dimensional sensory organ that allows us to perceive the world around us. Higher dimensions are only visible via the restricted scope of the eyes, the pineal gland, and the chakra system to those who claim to be viewing them. With its 144 levels and a length of more than 50 feet, the chakra system absorbs frequencies from a higher dimension and shifts them down so that humans may sense them via the pineal gland and, if the DNA has been elevated enough, through the eyes.

As a result, the fourth dimension is both the ground and the gateway to the higher realms. This land bridge enables us to have bidirectional energy flow from the 5th to the 12th dimensions via it. In numerology, the number 4 represents mother earth’s energy, the physical world, and things with a definite structure or foundation.

The qualities of Gaia and humans are totally transformed by the fifth dimension. It will be less necessary to learn when this is completely integrated since we will enter the body fully aware and remembering what we have done before. We have a sense of belonging and are a part of the Akash, thus the teachings of 3D no longer apply. As master manifestors, we are able to put an end to our insatiable desires and needs. It is only through self-mastery that one may get the insight and understanding necessary to employ manifestation in an unconditionally loving manner. We change from being in service to being in service, just as the Pleadians did a hundred thousand years before us. We have the ability to determine how we will be and which planet we will be on. There is no pull on the hologram in the lower realms. We graduate into the fifth dimension and pull it in around us, merging with the energy that surrounds us. The number 5 represents transformation in numerology.

Evolution through frequency:

When we raise our vibration, we are communicating to our soul that we are progressing and that we are ready to receive greater illumination. Working in the first three dimensions, we can only transmit information to spirit and cannot get it back; this is how the veil works, and it has been accomplished via the use of magnetics and purpose. We made use of your light in the construction of the veil. This magnetic field and the dynamics required to participate in Gaia were generated by you and billions of other creatures who all joined together to do it. For the sake of your children, you made the decision to maintain your DNA in two states, one divided by the veil and the other kept by Gaia in the crystal cave, or Akash, for the sake of your children. When we combine magnetism and purpose, it is simple to take DNA and divide it into its 12 layers. The most difficult thing is to comprehend that there are 12 levels.

Dimensions, light, planets, and everything else are all here to aid us in our quest for knowledge. We don’t have to identify every little detail or attempt to figure everything out since we can’t because we’re looking at things from a 3D viewpoint. Working on the teachings and coming from a loving, caring place are the best things we can do. A mirror to our own personal experience is provided by life and the dimensions as we understand them. There are no two fingerprints, no two dimensions, and no two experiences that are similar. It’s important to remember that there are numerous portions of you in different dimensions that are experiencing the same thing.

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