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Getting In-Tune With Your New Earth Realities!

February has a few special gifts, one being the palindrome date on 02-02-2020, which hasn’t happened in 909 years and the next one is going to be 12-12-2121. We have a very powerful Mercury retrograde this month too, which is going to bring up some new lessons and we have a 30 year cycle ending.

The theme for February is ‘renewal’, time to re-purpose those old lessons and start considering new options. We are now in the expansion phase of our ascension journey so there’s no slowing down or stopping, we just keep forging ahead and making course corrections as we go. There are no mistakes, just energetic re-alignments and re-considerations.

February starts with some relief from the relentless energies we’ve had since December 2019. So maybe a little relaxing is in order and taking time for some reflection on what has happened since we began this journey. Do you remember January 1991? We’re closing a cycle which began then. What were you doing then and what is different now? This is big because it involves a Saturn cycle and he’s been a big player this year with the Saturn/Pluto conjunction. Oh and that isn’t over either, it’s just taking a little break for a month or two then it will be back on our agenda.

February’s Mercury retro is in its shadow period beginning on the 2nd and it goes into full swing on the 16th. This one is strong because it’s in Pisces, the opposite sign to Virgo, Mercury’s second planetary rulership (although I believe Chiron should rule Virgo). In this Mercury retro cycle we’re going to have to look at our Martyred Healer issues and consider whether we still want to maintain our soul contracts, responsibility, obligations, and commitments.

While it’s a noble gesture to be the healer, we have arrived at a point where we can no longer maintain that level of energetic connection in others’ lives and on their paths. We have shifted our participation from being a source of inspiring light to diving headfirst into their healing journey. With this Mercury retro we will be given an opportunity to shift that, as well as to take a bigger look at how our own energy trauma is compelling us to participate so strongly in healing others.

Are we trying to heal them or heal ourselves?

Do we feel validated if we heal them and does that make our personal suffering less intense?

Have we spent so much of our energy, time, and effort healing others that we have forgotten what our own path of joy looks like?

That’s part of our personal renewal theme and the re-purposing of our energy. What can you accomplish in your own life with all of the energy you’re pouring into others’ healing?

And further to February’s theme of renewal and repurposing we cannot forget about the Saturn/Pluto energy that will be playing in the background all year. It will continue to compel us to open up to the portals of potential that our soul holds for us, examine how we’re using our energy, looking at our energy boundaries, and whether we are operating at our highest potential that is fully aligned with our soul’s energy priorities.

One other aspect that isn’t discussed too much but it is also very powerful and active all year and that is the square between Pluto and Eris, the energy warrior for social justice. To understand Eris’ energy think of Zena the Warrior from the TV series. The fighter for truth and justice, she fights for the underdog, the victims, the marginalized, and those who cannot speak for themselves.

Any wonder that the most victimized in society, victims of human and child trafficking, are getting so much attention, as well as the vast corruption in politics and government? We’ll see a lot of that being uncovered this year thanks to Eris’ activity.

While we need to take action in February, we also need to spend some time in contemplation, reviewing our options, being open to new energies, giving ourselves time to process our grief over unmet expectations, losses, and disappointments, as we re-align ourselves with our souls purpose and potential to renew our commitment to our 3D/5D ascension path and the joy, peace, love, and abundance.

We are most effective when we are healed, whole, and congruent on our own energy path. Take the time this month to get re-aligned with your soul’s mission because March opens a whole new portal of potential as Saturn moves into Aquarius for the first time since January 1991. Buckle up and shine on. Have a great month.

Source : Jennifer Hoffman

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