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Get Ready For A New Moon In Sagittarius: Here’s What To Expect!

On November 23, at 1 degree Sagittarius 38′, we get a New Moon. Jupiter stations direct at 28 degrees, 49 minutes of Pisces, barely 3 degrees from a complete trine, only 4 minutes after the New Moon. When Jupiter stations, it forms a harmonious trine with the sun, making us excited about what the future may bring. Jupiter’s station this year occurs at the same time as a trine to the New Moon in Sagittarius, Jupiter’s own sign.

Jupiter is trying to convey a message by way of our emotions. You can almost feel the rising tide of optimism as people everywhere finally get the courage to pursue their dreams. Outside, opportunity in the material world may seem to be withheld or put on hold when Jupiter is in its retrograde phase. During this time, introspection is prioritized. Now that Jupiter has gone straight again, though, our thoughts are once again turning to expansion and development in the tangible world at large. All previously halted plans can now go forward. Withdrawn assurances are still valid. Therefore, everyone looks ahead optimistically.

It’s fitting that Sagittarius is the astrological sign representing optimism and reaching for the stars. When our hopes and dreams are placed in the future, we are filled with an abundance of energy and enthusiasm for the numerous possibilities it holds. Although Mars’s square to Neptune is ending, we still need to make sure we have enough time, energy, and materials to complete our tasks. Now, though, Mars is reapplying to a constructive trine with Saturn, suggesting that we should plot out our future. However, a reasonable and doable one

While in Pisces, Jupiter’s strength increases significantly. Plus, it’s strengthened by a potent sextile to Pluto. When planets station, like Jupiter does on the day of the New Moon, their prominence is amplified. This new moon has a lot of promise, then.

The first step on this amazing adventure is to bring ourselves into harmony with our goals and values. The difficulty will come from avoiding the temptation to rush headlong into the unknown without a map or a safety net. To do this successfully, some degree of patience is needed so that events can unfold in their proper sequence. So, it’s important to see a large end goal but to ground that vision in something that can really be accomplished.

To celebrate the New Moon in Sagittarius, here are some uplifting affirmations:

The New Moon occurs at 5:58 p.m. Eastern Time (2:58 p.m. Pacific Time; 10:58 p.m. Greenwich Universal Time) on November 23. The new moon phase ends with the waxing crescent moon on November 27. With the New Moon, this is a good time to set goals or make positive statements.

I am enormous, and I sense myself expanding into limitless potential.

There is no limit to my positivity and confidence in the future.

Open-hearted charity is a source of great satisfaction, and I can attest to that.

No difficulty is too great for me to laugh off.

Pray that I may have faith that everything will work out for the best.

I pray that I’ll be shown the path that will lead me to the answers I seek about the meaning and direction of my life.

When it comes to venturing into the unknown, I am the one who blazes the trail.

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