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From Carbon To Crystalline – Humanity Is Going Through Upgrades !!

by Rosie Neal
Contributing Writer,

Humanity is going thru upgrades and a restructuring of our bodies from carbon based to crystalline. It has been ongoing but it is moving faster now then ever before. Open and embrace these changes and invest in this work, and the work being “your own personal work”. Just know whatever triggers you are feeling is where you need to do the work. The faster these triggers are being released, the faster this transformation is advancing.

What is being offered is intensive work related to specific area of our body make up: Upgrades, activations, rewiring and recalibrations, depending on your current light frequency. This work is individual and is frequency specific depending on how much work you have previously done and catered to your individual needs.

You cannot put a 100 watt bulb in a socket that is only able to light up 30 watts. Those that have worked intensively on clearing their system of dense energy, (negative emotions) and blocked energ,y are of a higher vibration. They can now receive higher frequencies of light. When the kundalini channels and meridians are cleared, the energy can flow freely.

The work will be matched to your specific needs and take you to the next level from where you currently are.

These monthly transmissions are building on each other and is an ongoing expansion into your highest soul potential and a opening of your spiritual gifts and talents to assist you in every aspect of your life. Your ascension, which I refer to more of “your souls I am presence technology” is becoming active in your avatar’s “Physical body,” or as I prefer to call it, “inner-cension,” so that you may live your divine purpose and essence on this planet and assist in creating the next level.

There will be nothing from your past that can be used as a reference point to understand where you are going. You will be creating everything from moment to moment. Allow things to flow synchronistically through your life.

Try to break away from repeated patterns and programs they keep you locked in a paradigm that will no longer serve you. It is time to let go of all the old stories and wounds that have kept you locked in a paradigm that has not served your greatest potential. I have an exceptionally difficult time with structure because I prefer to be guided by spirit in each moment.

We are at a point of creating what has never been created before. The higher frequencies will be pulled together as the denser frequencies will fall from your reality and reference point. As this process begins to happen, it will occur very smoothly. You will become aware of the shifting and the change taking place, but it will just happen so cohesively that some won’t even notice and those that notice, won’t worry.

You will begin to lose moments in time. Know all is well. There is no judgement as all is being guided from that of your souls point of view.

No one is in a greater position than the next as each is in a perfect place based on what is needed from your soul’s point of reference. Each will be exactly where they need to be or geographically moved to a location which will serve and assist them to achieve their highest potential in this life.

There will be many of us that will be traveling extensively or even abroad this year. Some of those that travel abroad are there to either be the receiver of frequencies in order to bring frequency specific frequencies back to our area or location. There will be a few people who will be going to other denser locations to play the role of a transducer. All will be divinely guided and in perfect order for each being.

Allow time to just be. No meditation, no thought processing. Just be. Allow something greater than the you, that is normally in control, to surrender to something that is much greater than the miscue personality that you think you are. You will be allowing a integration of the greatest and highest aspect of your soul to enter.

All the years of analyzing through analytical thought processes will slowly dissipate as you move into another level of density. This will be an upgrade as there will no longer be a need of utilizing the old ways of a rambling thought process. You will step into a place of knowing.

You will recognize this shift by the quietness of the mind’s thought process. All the ramblings of the past and future will not exist. You will live in the present eternal moment of “NOW”. When you go to look up a past memory, it will be used as a reference point of view. There will be no emotional attachment to the memories experience as it would be before the shift.

It will be much equivalent to going to a library reference catalog and you will pull the necessary information up for a point of reference that you need in the now moment. That analyzer part of you will cease to exist. You will no longer need it. You will not have a desire to be chasing another’s information as another frequency of information will not be applicable from your perception or necessary for your future path.

As you continue to raise in frequency, you will choose what experiences you may want to embrace. You are learning how to step into sovereignty, but it will not happen overnight. It will be a gentle and cohesive transition. You are stepping into a state of just being and knowing what needs to be done in each moment.

You have never been here before and are being fully supported as you move forward. You are creating it as you go. I refer to this as a state of grace. The work is just finding the comfort zone to surrender to the old ways that no longer serve you.

As you make way for that of the new, breathe, let go, and let God/Source/Creator guide. Many people are on the edge of new beginnings.

From my heart to each of yours 

Rosie Neal

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