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Energy Update September 2022: What’s New And What Will Change?

Fluctuations in energy and other such things are something you must constantly contend with because of the dynamic nature of the universe. Even if we tried, there would always be some kind of development.

You could be feeling a little bit different from how you usually do right now since everything is so novel. Even if you haven’t fully realized it, your views have shifted in recent times. Do you feel like you have no control over your emotions and that you’re always under pressure? It’s possible this is due to the retrograde that’s happening right now.

Essentially, all energy events may either complement one another or cause discord. These energies may be helpful for some in straightforward ways, while for others they may be a source of stress and anxiety that must be addressed. While going through this change in energy, you may feel certain inner differences, some of which may be stressful. Regardless, there’s no need to panic.

Sensitive people may experience some discomfort from these energies, but they are manageable. There is a way out of this, and you will succeed despite this and everything else you are experiencing. You’re being propelled forward by this.

These current energies are essentially internal rejuvenations. As a species, we are maturing out of our soul contracts and re-establishing our connections to the stars. Reality is starting to reveal itself to you.

Internal cleansing is something we’ll be doing throughout the month of September. We’ll be dealing with a dramatic uptick in emotional intensity as the full moon’s energy makes its way here, and you’ll have to do some inner work if you want to be able to handle it. You shouldn’t attempt to cram this energy into unsuitable slots. Instead, let them flow where they belong.

Allow yourself to be forced by these forces to evaluate what is and is not contributing to your happiness. Learn to appreciate your own qualities and develop your own potential. Even while these forces may seem counterproductive at the moment, they are really working for your benefit.

What you need to do now is give in to the change and let it transform you. Breathe deeply and calmly, and keep in mind that everything in life is temporary. Even if we believe something will stay forever, it will eventually go away. There will always be transitions.

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1 thought on “Energy Update September 2022: What’s New And What Will Change?”

  1. Thanks DNA awakening, it’s so true the pressure is intense, I am feeling my physics abilities are getting stronger. I am feeling calm and learning to let go of what that don’t serve my soul anymore .

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