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Energy Update March 2023: Get Ready for a Cosmic Shift!

You already know that, energetically speaking, March will be a pivotal month. Even though the month has just begun, there have already been several alignments and significant events that encourage us to go on with reclaiming our independence as human and spiritual beings. From what I’ve heard from my spiritual advisors, this month will be the tipping point when the world decides on a new harmonic timeline.

We are still experiencing the effects of the tremendous new moon on February 20 that unleashed a great deal of energy and was followed by extremely significant solar flare activity as March begins. This doorway between the polarities, the Alpha Omega, is still open and having an effect. Miracles, energy mastery, truth, freedom, and motivation are all emphasized in March because of the gorgeous exact conjunction between Jupiter and Venus in Aries at the beginning of the month.

If you’ve been feeling lost and unsure of your spiritual path, or disheartened by the spiritual charlatans who are using this movement for their own ends, your search is now over. Saturn will remain in Pisces until February 2026, during which time the spiritual landscape will undergo significant transformation. Those who have been manipulating their audiences will be exposed, and new instructors will step up to take their place.

With both Neptune and Saturn in Pisces, our spiritual life has reached a new level of maturity and structure. I disagree with the pessimistic predictions of certain astrologers who see only gloom and disaster in its future. Saturn is the instructor, the task master, the perfectionist who demands we complete our work before moving on to anything else. From what I can see, Saturn’s presence in Pisces will help to offer some much-needed structure to the spiritual mayhem and uncertainty that Neptune’s presence in Pisces since February 2012 has spawned.

Saturn in Pisces, I believe, will help curb the oppression of the last three years. In many ways, it all started with Saturn’s transit through Capricorn, particularly in the months of January through March of 2020 when it was in conjunction with Pluto. Then what occurred? You may find out more about the Energy Purpose & Soul Mastermind, where I’ll be discussing this topic in further depth.

The March 7 full moon occurs at 15 degrees of Virgo; it is not dramatically aspected, but it does bring an unusual vibe to the month since it makes a beneficial aspect to Uranus, which is now in Taurus. As Virgo is Pisces’ lower octave, our decision that day between Martyred Healer and Christ-Centered Awareness is intriguing, given that Mercury will be in Pisces and Saturn will be entering Pisces.

The dilemma we face is whether to put our own happiness and health at risk in order to provide them to other people. Do we see ourselves as ‘in service’ as a submissive worker or ‘of service’ as an independent leader? This has always been at the heart of our karmic cycles and soul groups, and this year will provide us even more possibilities to leave our mark. The energy prisons of our karmic CORE alignments are being broken down, and the pillars of our CORE karma are being ignited so that we may go ahead with the clarity of liberation.

The next major event is the solar new year, which occurs on March 20th, the equinox. At this point, the calendar year officially starts. Then on April 20 at 29 Aries, another Alpha Omega Portal, there will be a new moon, after the Equinox new moon at 0 Aries. They provide chances for finalization, reflection, and refocusing one’s vitality. With two Aries in the mix, we’re primed for initiative, enthusiasm, and boldness. Because I reside in the southern hemisphere, where spring arrives early, I am able to fully appreciate the rebirth of nature that occurs with the arrival of spring in the northern hemisphere. In a few weeks, those of you living in colder regions will be able to enjoy this.

Be ready for a double shot of boldness and a hunger for independence if you haven’t been decisive or have been feeling a bit unsure. Those born under the sign of Aries are the ones most likely to go off into uncharted territory in search of adventure. They may not always make the wisest decisions, but they never seem to lack bravery, curiosity, or a thirst for discovery. Mars leaves its retrograde phase on March 15, clearing the way for rapid forward motion.

After a very lengthy transit that began in August 2022, the planet of action and the ruler of Aries, Mars, will finally exit Gemini on March 26. That’s an exceptionally lengthy stay for Mars in any sign, but particularly so for one associated with karma, communication, and travel that may also lead to perplexity, uncertainty, and overanalysis. If you’ve been feeling lost and unsure of where to go or what to do next, Mars’s extended stay in Gemini, which ends at the end of this month, may help shed some light on the situation.

While the effects of awakening new DNA layers, our multidimensionality, and healing all that was fragmented can be difficult to understand at first, they are the outward manifestation of our inner progress toward ascension in the physical body, re-connecting ourselves completely at all levels, and healing separation.

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