It is time for the awakened collective to rise to the occasion and take on the task of bringing together these two extremes. You do not need any more separation at this time. You may be rescued without the assistance of someone in a position of power or authority. The hero that resides within you, the teacher that is waiting to speak up and speak out, and the healer that has always been there are the new centers of your beingness, and the movement from the mind of the ego to the heart of the high self is what this shift in consciousness is all about. All you need to do is recognize them.
You have to be present in your hearts in order to keep those high vibrations going and to rise above the mind-based fights that are taking place between different ideologies and different points of view. You’ve learned over a long period of time that it’s important to pay attention to your feelings, and this has helped you a lot.
You are aware enough to know that engaging in the polarity game is not in your best interest, and the fact that you are aware of this is what allows you to maintain a higher vibration. To be able to hear these messages, you must already be at a high vibration, and you are continuing to show that you are capable of being compassionate, of loving unconditionally, and of releasing judgment in order to forgive and let go of anger.
You can count the number of instances where an intuitive sense has directed you to make the correct choice or kept you from making the wrong option, and in those moments, your lives were permanently altered as a result of the decisions you made. This is the action that you take. You are the ones who will lead mankind into a greater awareness because this is how you approach it, and because of this, you are the ones who accomplish it. It is not due to the fact that you have access to all of the relevant information. It is not due to the fact that you are learning from the best instructor. It is not due to the fact that you have a greater amount of extraterrestrial DNA active inside you. It’s because you’re human, and the only thing that makes you human is your feelings.
You have so much to contribute as a result of what you have experienced and as a result of what you have felt, and that alone is sufficient to qualify you as an individual who serves all of mankind. We watch you wracking your brain to figure out who you should be, what you should do, and what you should name yourself, but the reality is that you are already yourself, and that is plenty.
You are designed to be feeling beings who utilize your intuitive sense to direct you towards the light, and when you are led towards the light from within, you have more to offer mankind than someone who has three PhDs in a certain field of study. You have more to teach the rest of humanity than the scientists who are at the forefront of understanding how the universe works and how everything fits together.
Energy Update for August 24, 2022 – It’s Time to Take Action!