Comments on: Energy Shift Symptoms: Don’t Ignore Them! In Devotion of Light Sun, 02 Jan 2022 07:42:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Eilene Sun, 02 Jan 2022 07:42:12 +0000 I’m so glad these articles are available to read. Tonight before turning on my laptop the table light went out, I read anyway. I requested Strand awakening in my body and my stomach expanded as if I was cooking down a stew. This article directed me to a quick at home care. My gut directed me to send the energy to the Earth, after placing my foot on the floor and requesting a shift I had some relief. After I used some essential oils and thought about the healing properties of Fenugreek my stomach was back to normal.
Tomorrow I will feel great and replace the light bulb. Thankful for the lesson and another Blue Sky day, it maybe gray… still happy.

By: Cindy Sun, 19 Dec 2021 22:36:29 +0000 Im so sorry to hear this Fred. But you are most def not alone. What have you tried to help with the symptoms? Do you salt water bath every day, meditate, enjoy being outdoors GROUNDING, drinking hot lemon juice water? Finding energetic outlets? Even like sending much love/energy to all beings on this earth or something to that effect? Lots of water and Bach remedies but seriously deep breathing, Ohming, tuning fork daily tune ups? I do all of this more and less and I still feel pretty intense energy in my head and back. 😆 🕊]]> In reply to Fred.

👋🏼 Im so sorry to hear this Fred. But you are most def not alone. What have you tried to help with the symptoms? Do you salt water bath every day, meditate, enjoy being outdoors GROUNDING, drinking hot lemon juice water? Finding energetic outlets? Even like sending much love/energy to all beings on this earth or something to that effect? Lots of water and Bach remedies but seriously deep breathing, Ohming, tuning fork daily tune ups? I do all of this more and less and I still feel pretty intense energy in my head and back. 😆 🕊

By: Fred Sat, 18 Dec 2021 13:15:13 +0000 What if your microwave is going nuts like it is possessed, deep freezer goes out, lights turning on without the switch being turned on almost all my electronics have took a crap and its getting worse. Bad migraines, muscle pains, joints screaming, ringing in ears i can go on and on. I feel like im going to explode one min and tranquility the next. My heart feels huge for some reason

By: Lakshmi Sat, 18 Dec 2021 11:14:52 +0000 Experiencing loss of appetite and a need to change my regular diet to something light and nutritious. I am a vegetarian and am not able to figure out a good routine to assist me. Heart palpitations and from frew days a disturbance in throat causing phlegm and slight discharge in nose. But they subsided slowly. Fading of memory has been there from quite sometime, slight weight gain. Don’t feel like eating much.

By: Babitha Baburam Fri, 17 Dec 2021 23:13:12 +0000 I’m feeling some twitchings in my body, headache, n something in my the middle of my chest, n on top of my head.
