During this transitional period into the Age of Aquarius, new energies are encircling our bodies and manifesting themselves in a variety of medical symptoms. Many people may begin to experience many of these energy shift symptoms on a daily basis during this time of transition of the ages, as our bodies change and upgrade to higher frequencies as we go through the ages.
Headaches: When the crown chakra opens or expands, it may be a very powerful and painful experience for the person experiencing it. It may feel as if a spike or rod is being injected into the body. Headaches are widespread, and they can range from migraines to cluster headaches and everything in between. Women appear to be more susceptible to them than males. They can be triggered by an excessive amount of energy going through the head chakra, as well as by hormonal changes that occur when the chakras are activated, for example. In certain cases, requesting Spirit and your Higher Self to make a change in the energy flow will alleviate the discomfort you are experiencing.
In the event that you seek assistance to alleviate the pain and the assistance is provided as part of the procedure for increasing your pineal or pituitary gland, the agony will only diminish further. As your vibrational rate increases, the pineal and pituitary glands expand in order to accommodate the higher energy frequencies that are being produced by your body. However, there are other glands that can alter as well, but these two are the most important ones that cause headaches. This can endure anywhere from a few months to many years, depending on your current degree of spiritual development and the rate at which you are growing.
Symptoms similar to the flu are extremely frequent and are a normal part of the healing process. Simply wait it out and avoid using antibiotics, which will only serve to delay the process more. These signs and symptoms are generated by the physical body’s reaction to the poisons that are released when the chakras begin to open up further. Whatever was confined or congested in the chakras is drained out via the bloodstream to relieve the congestion. Because it does not support the new ideas and paradigms that are being enacted, the imprinted consciousness in the blood becomes poisonous to the physical system, resulting in confusion and further destabilization of the system. Supplementing the body with blood-fortifying enzymes, herbs, and essential oils can assist to alleviate the symptoms of this condition. Drinking hot lemon water can also aid in the cleansing of the body. You should avoid doing too much work during this period since you are experiencing a significant shift in vibration. It will pass if you just relax and take it easy.
This is a frequent reaction when the solar plexus chakra opens and releases the fear, wrath, and resentment that have been stored in the region. Nausea, loosened bowel movements, and diarrhea are all common reactions. Gas and farting will be produced as a result of karmic and familial troubles. The Bach Flower Rescue Remedy can be used to alleviate these signs and symptoms. Don’t be scared to take it every 30 minutes if that’s what you need to do.
At the same time, increase your vibration to move the energy through your body and alleviate muscle and joint aches and pains. This elevated and driven energy crashes against obstacles in the flow of energy, generating the symptoms and ailments that are described above. Often, this can be lessened by asking for aid from the Higher Self, who can modify the flow of energy to ease the discomfort. Whether it takes a few seconds, hours, or days, the body may swiftly acclimatize to the greater vibration.
The symptoms of depression are generated by an increased rate of vibration, which is fairly frequent. Because of the increased frequency, any diseases, viruses, or infections that have been hidden in the body are forced to come to the surface. Examine your thoughts and decisions that are influencing your reality in order to determine the fundamental reason of this state of affairs. It is also crucial to keep track of your internal conversation in order to figure out what you are constructing for yourself in the first place. It is possible to swiftly move through a state of mind if you pay attention to it and recognize that it is not caused by the present. The herb “St. Johns Wart” is anti-depressant and anti-viral in addition to its other properties.
Weeping uncontrollably and fearing for one’s emotional well-being: In this fashion, the emotional body will react when barriers from this lifetime and past incarnations begin to be cleared away. When the Photon Belt energy is activated, it promotes and aids in the natural release of these loads. Struggling with these desires or resisting them just serves to further suppress and block the energy, making things harder to deal with. Crying, moaning, weeping, or toning can all be used as a purifying release technique. To assist with the emotional body, consider using Bach flower medicine or an essential oil.
The following symptoms include: FLUTTERING, HEART PAIN, OR BREATHING PROBLEMS: Heart palpitations are a common symptom of a heart condition.symptom that occurs as the heart chakra begins to open or enlarge in order to receive more energy. Pain feelings in the chest and difficulty breathing can be quite terrifying, leading you to believe that you are suffering from a heart attack or other medical emergency. The symptoms listed above are produced by an expansion of energy coursing through your solar plexus and heart chakra, respectively (heart and stomach area). The most effective treatment is to relax, which will help to regulate the flow of energy. Fear and anxiety simply serve to restrict energy flow, resulting in an even more extreme reaction. This is a common occurrence when the number of occurrences is increased.
Hot flashes and night and day sweats: Both men and women are prone to experiencing these symptoms. Because of excessive energy streaming through the body, hormonal changes (which males experience as well), and the body’s in-process of learning to adjust to the higher vibratory rate, this is the case. Occasionally, some men may have fat accumulating in this area, which may cause them to believe that they are gaining breasts. This is not something to be concerned about if you are a guy, because the puffiness in the chest area will only last for a brief period of time.
Excessive tiredness is widespread, with people often waking up in the morning and unable to get out of bed after a full night’s sleep, or falling asleep in the middle of the day, for example. When the energy shifts across the entire spiritual body, this occurs, as described above. This will pass with time; each individual has a different time frame in mind; for some, it may be weeks, for others, months, and for some, years may pass before it does. Creating a pyramid structure to sit beneath will provide excellent energy boosts when you are feeling low on energy, so try it out if you can. Drink plenty of clean water to hydrate your cells, and add crystals to the water to revitalize it. Consume light meals that include organic vegetables. Physical activity that is light in nature will help to boost the flow of energy through the body. Bach remedies, floral essences, and essential oils will all be beneficial during this time of change as well.
Weight Loss: You go to bed early and feel fatigued, yet within a few hours, you are fully awake and alert. Due to the photon belt energy gathering around you and the body’s inability to retain the energy as a result of the energy being obstructed and congested, you will experience this condition. It is critical not to get up and do anything because the energy is intended for healing all of the subtle bodies, including the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical. The best way to assimilate the energy is to quietly sit and read, watch television, or listen to meditation tapes to help you fall back asleep after waking up. For a period of time, this may appear to recur every night.
Weight gain is a pretty prevalent concern, and it’s understandable why. Because the body perceives that it is being invaded, it adds an additional layer of defense. If you are a light worker, you will need to use more water in order to generate energy. If you don’t drink enough water, your body will begin to accumulate water, which will eventually result in stagnation. The fact that fat is required to contain the vibration when new DNA is activated is another important issue to consider. Body fat has a greater frequency than the surrounding tissue, which is required for the generation of healing and channeling energy. Many of you have also agreed to place light grids in the regions around your homes, which is an excellent idea. Body fat is required for the anchoring of these grids since it aids in the storage of energy. Body fat plays a very loving role in the world because it allows embodiments to assist mother earth in retaining her frequency.It is during the process of crystallization that the body fat is uniformly distributed around each and every cell within the embodiment. This enables the entire body to operate as a tuning fork, allowing a new vibration to be held in place.
MEMORIES DISAPPEARING OR FEELING SPACEY:The fact that you have no recollection of what you had for supper and that dinner is only an hour away might be a terrifying experience. There is no loss of memory on your part. The left side of your brain is becoming less active, and the right side is becoming more active. Areas of the brain are being awakened in order to deal with the increased amount of energy being received. Sometimes it is difficult to talk, and the words come out jumbled or garbled; nevertheless, this is a temporary state that will pass, and there is no time limit on it.
EXTREME SENSITIVITY: As you open up to a higher vibration, you will notice that you become very sensitive to people, noises, light, scents, tastes, and a variety of other things as a result of your increased sensitivity. This can have a negative impact on the central nervous system and can be a challenging situation to deal with. If this is occurring to you, you might consider taking B vitamins as well as a multivitamin. It is best to seek a homeopathic cure or Bach flower remedy for excessive sensitivity for extreme sensitivity if you are allergic to certain vitamins.
A blowing light bulb and an electrical situation If this is occurring to you, you are achieving a very high vibrational rate and will most likely be a deep healer or channel for spirit in the future. It is caused by an exceptionally high amount of energy entering the physical form. 50,000 volts of electricity flowing in all at once is an accurate description; not only is the body incapable of dealing with it, but the energy passes through the body and out again, affecting any electronic devices in the process.
The reactions of animals to your energy can vary, but you will discover that most dogs, cats, and other animals are aware of it and are either afraid of it or want to be around it all of the time. Many animals are unable to keep up with their demands for energy. Others are a little alarmed because they do not comprehend what is going on.
As your vibrational frequency rises, you will notice that you no longer desire the foods that you used to enjoy. Drinking more coffee, tea, and eating more meat are only three of the nutritional modifications that people undertake when their vibrations increase in speed. Meat is very dense and can have a significant impact on the body’s energy levels, particularly if it contains hormones. It is possible that you could develop cravings for particular meals or that you will stop eating your favorite foods. This is completely natural and is a necessary element of the transition to a higher frequency. If you notice something like this happening, simply allow it to happen and explore the new possibilities.
Some of these symptoms are being experienced by a large number of people. Many people are racing to their doctor, chiropractor, herbalist, and other professionals in a state of fear, only to be assured that there is nothing seriously wrong with them. This is the truth, as well. All of these symptoms, however, are just transient and serve only to show that the physiological changes described above are taking place. Some of the recommended alleviation methods for the conditions listed above are as follows:
Allow the current to carry you rather than fighting it. If you’re feeling fatigued and drained, take some time to rest and sleep well. Drink plenty of water since you are dehydrating and detoxing at a faster rate than normal. Valerian is used to reduce emotional tension and stress levels in the body. Fenugreek is an herb that reduces stress on the lymphatic system and aids in the process of detoxification. For muscular spasms, Valerian can be used in conjunction with mud baths or a lengthy hot soak in a bath that has been enriched with a cup of Epsom salts. This should be done on a daily basis. It is important to remember that even if you are experiencing heart palpitations or breathing difficulties, it is the heart chakra or the throat chakra that is clearing out the blockage, and that the symptoms are very temporary. You are not dying; you are simply evolving!
You should not, however, simply take my word for it. If you are unsure, you should seek medical advice. In the event that you do not know where to obtain Valerian or Fenugreek, you may visit a health food store or, even better, merely state the names in your thoughts whenever you want alleviation. Any and all healing energies are transferred by the sound of the name, and they are just as potent when pronounced in the mind as when spoken loudly or when taken physically. Try it out and see what happens. Invoke the assistance of your angel guides or higher self to alleviate any discomfort. The majority of the symptoms appear to linger a few of weeks before disappearing. From time to time, some symptoms may reappear or worsen.
It is not necessary for everyone to be experiencing these changes at the same time; for example, a very tiny fraction of people have already embodied an additional 2 strands of DNA (as of 2001) and are now beginning to experience fourth dimensional consciousness. Our present level of awareness has a direct impact on the physical changes that occur in our state of being; as we raise our perceptions to accept ever increasing degrees of truth and higher thinking, we embody additional strands of DNA in our bodies. This entire process is overseen by our I AM presence or higher self, which means that we are in incredibly capable and loving hands, and we must learn to surrender to this presence and higher self. How many of the following energy shift symptoms are you experiencing right now?
I’m feeling some twitchings in my body, headache, n something in my the middle of my chest, n on top of my head.
Experiencing loss of appetite and a need to change my regular diet to something light and nutritious. I am a vegetarian and am not able to figure out a good routine to assist me. Heart palpitations and from frew days a disturbance in throat causing phlegm and slight discharge in nose. But they subsided slowly. Fading of memory has been there from quite sometime, slight weight gain. Don’t feel like eating much.
What if your microwave is going nuts like it is possessed, deep freezer goes out, lights turning on without the switch being turned on almost all my electronics have took a crap and its getting worse. Bad migraines, muscle pains, joints screaming, ringing in ears i can go on and on. I feel like im going to explode one min and tranquility the next. My heart feels huge for some reason
I’m so glad these articles are available to read. Tonight before turning on my laptop the table light went out, I read anyway. I requested Strand awakening in my body and my stomach expanded as if I was cooking down a stew. This article directed me to a quick at home care. My gut directed me to send the energy to the Earth, after placing my foot on the floor and requesting a shift I had some relief. After I used some essential oils and thought about the healing properties of Fenugreek my stomach was back to normal.
Tomorrow I will feel great and replace the light bulb. Thankful for the lesson and another Blue Sky day, it maybe gray… still happy.