Earth And Starseeds Are Entering A New Era!

Suddenly, there is a tsunami of huge energy shifts that is now a fact. These changes are taking place both on the inside of the earth as well as on the inside of us.

Ancient periods were characterized by an elaborate language of geometrical forms, shapes, and sounds that were used to express information. It is true that the patterns themselves contain energy, for it is through the combination and interplay of all of this that cosmic energy from the Source appears in both outer and inner forms.

Because the planet went from the 5th dimension (Atlantis) to the 3rd dimension (the present) and to very basic levels after Atlantis, our ability to understand this language and our understanding of all of creation changed a lot.

Pockets of highly trained priests and scientists escaped to outside parts of the Atlantean civilization, such as Egypt, Peru, Mexico, and other places, soon before the final collapse of the society. They then established a network of subterranean mystery schools, which were in turn linked to mystery schools in places such as the Himalayas, Haran, Greece, and other locations.

As much as these secret schools contained certain keys and codes for mankind, they were occasionally perverted by their own inner brethren who, due to the state of complete oblivion in which the planet found itself, were unable to comprehend what they were teaching. The truth, or the supplied or maintained material, began to be interpreted in their own way, and the truth was no longer pure anymore.

These old and ancient teachings of the mystery schools will begin to fade away at this time as a result of the opening up of the ancient portals, which are beginning to move the planet into higher realms of awareness. Because, in reality, they were only there to hold space and keep some of what had been lost, and they had lost sight of what they were keeping and how it was being used.

It was a vital function they played for mankind, but much of it turned into a form of brotherhood, and intrigue set in, leading to cloak and dagger affairs—something that, in its purest form, was never intended to happen.

They met in 2012 with the Intergalactic Council to discuss the changes that were occurring in the Milky Way Galaxy and its counter galaxy, Xenon, and then decided that they would have to alter their own plans in order to accommodate the changes that were taking place in the Milky Way Galaxy and its counter galaxy, Xenon, as a result of what was taking place. A great deal of this could not have been expected because all life and all living forms have free choice. As a result, even the most well-laid plans had to be evaluated from the perspective of the larger picture.

The experiment of the voluntary star workers who had incarnated since 1950 was enormously successful and lovely in many aspects, but the majority of star children were lost in their educational and social environments. This was always the risk that would be taken, because no one could predict how these volunteer souls would respond to being immersed in such a thick and dismal 3D reality. Most of these star seeds come from the 5th and higher dimensions, as well as the higher stages of evolution.

After the star gates were opened, it was discovered that there were a large number of star workers who had awoken and were keeping the light constant.

An alternative method was used in order to bring new activations of the star seeds into being instead of doing all of that. Initially, it would only work with souls who had the innate ability to reawaken to their own higher soul selves. With the help of the cosmic hierarchy, it would then be able to send those higher keys and codes, which would be uncontaminated by anything or anyone on Earth, back to everyone else.

People who were advanced enough to do this job would be the only ones who could do it, but they were also part of groups of souls who could help them because they had been connected to the planet since the beginning of time.

These souls were then subjected to a grueling purification process, during which anything that might still be holding them back or obstructing their progress toward greater soul development began to fade away.It was necessary for the souls to become so pure that ego was no longer there, and that the soul would not interfere with whatever was sent via them, but instead be able to comprehend what was given and communicate it to people in a form or language that they could understand.

As of now, there are just a dozen of them operating at this level, with more expected to be activated in the next months and years.

They do not channel other creatures or masters, but rather they broadcast the keys and codes that mankind requires at this moment to function properly. The fact that this is in a form that mankind hasn’t had access to in more than 900 000 000 (million) years means it communicates in a way that human technology hasn’t been able to even attempt to decipher, emit, or comprehend as of yet.

These souls are free of encumbrances, which means they are free to travel their own path, and they have no affiliation with or membership in any recognized group, mystery school, or other institution. It is because of this that they were hand-picked for this mission and are the purest of the pure that they have such a strong connection to the Divine Source itself.

They would gradually begin to recall and then quit being tied to all of the things that were causing them difficulty or obstruction – such as relationships and other obstacles – as they began to communicate these keys and codes to the rest of the star seeds. To genuinely have access to the stuff that their own souls were planned to deliver into this world at this moment, they must first purify themselves and then reconnect with their own souls. It is located deep within them, rather than on the outside.

It is expected that there will be large downloads and adjustments over the next few weeks and months. As a result, it is absolutely necessary for all light workers to cleanse and purify themselves on a variety of levels. It is also critical that the bad ego be wiped away, because it is truly all hands on deck at this point. There is no need for competitiveness in this situation. Everything is one.

These are the souls who take upon themselves the mantles of duty, and as a result, have been tried more rigorously than the rest, in order to be pure enough to carry out this mission. They are not more or less than the rest. They have already gone through the crucible of purification and will go through even more in the future. This is their finest kind of service to humanity, which they perform with love and deep humility at all times.

Prepare, in fact, for the enormity of Being itself to descend upon our planet, causing a major change in gears as well as fierce purifying flames to rage throughout the globe.

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1 thought on “Earth And Starseeds Are Entering A New Era!”

  1. I am shivering all over, trembling with gratitude. I have been asking for an explanation for some months (even years) as to the very intensive, almost destructive heartbreaking, mind bending traumas I have been experiencing mostly all of my life.. thank you so much for bringing the light of information into my world. I am now 75 years old and want to go home. I can take no more.

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