It is past time to take action once again! I believe it is past time for us to take control of our world’s fate. We are all in agreement that the process of planetary emancipation is taking an excessive amount of time. This is our opportunity to work together to accelerate the process. Because of this, we are taking use of the opportunity presented by the solstice on December 21st to construct a gateway through which we will integrate our consciousness and initiate the process that will bring us one step closer to the freedom of the planet.
Make this a viral sensation! Distribute it around the globe! Please make it available on your websites and blogs. Inviting spiritual groups to participate is encouraged. If you are aware of an alternative media source, you may forward this message to them. Create a Facebook event for your local group of individuals who are doing this in your region of the globe and invite them to attend. For this event, we also need the creation of a major Facebook group. It might be possible to make a video on this and upload it on YouTube. Please, Don’t forget to link back to our website and Youtube channel.
The good benefits of mass meditations and activations on human civilization have been proved by scientific research, and therefore everyone of you who will participate in this activation will be actively contributing to the closer realization of planetary liberation:
According to a crime research conducted in Washington, a meditation group is responsible for a 23.3 percent decrease in violent crime trends. Two-month national demonstration experiment in Washington, DC, demonstrated how a coherence-creating group of TM-Sidhas may decrease crime and social stress while also improving the efficacy of government services.
So What exactly is TM-Sidhas?
While sitting quietly and comfortably with the eyes closed during the morning and evening practices of Transcendental Meditation, or TM as it is often known, is a simple, natural method that may be done easily for 20 minutes in the morning and evening.
Your mind easily transcends mental activity and experiences pure awareness at the source of thinking, while your body experiences a unique level of relaxed alertness throughout the practice of TCM.
Stress and fatigue may be discharged in a natural manner as a result of this deep resting state. By practicing regularly, the practitioner will get a developing sense of improved health, more vitality and more mental clarity as well as a larger sense of pleasure in his or her life.
In general, people who use TM report that they can do more with less effort, and that their career, pleasure, and interpersonal connections are more gratifying. Importantly, the advantages of consistent practice build on one another, as shown by a number of research conducted on the subject.
These Light forces are aided by this activation, which allows them to anchor Light energy on Earth’s surface, so stabilizing the positive timeline even more. The number of individuals who participate in that activation is the single most significant element in the ability of the surface human population to accelerate the process, and it is the single most important component in the process. It is possible to attain the critical mass of 144,000 persons by participating in this activity! We may even be able to reach one million people! In the energy field across the earth, this will cause a vast healing chain reaction to occur.
There are a plethora of friendly cultures around the galaxy. They are at a highly developed condition of spiritual growth, and they have a strong direct connection to the Source of all creation. Humanity is welcomed into the Galactic family, but they must first receive a clear, powerful, and coherent signal from the surface people indicating that contact is wanted.. A critical mass of 144,000 persons participating in our meditation will send such a powerful signal to the galaxy that, according to Galactic rules, this will begin the process of our planet being accepted into the Galactic family.
The process itself will take some time, but a first and very significant step will be made, with far-reaching exopolitical and geopolitical ramifications, in the near future. Activating Divine Intervention will take place on December 21, 2021, at the precise time of the solstice, when it will have the greatest potential good impact on mankind.
In Los Angeles, the precise time will be 8:00 a.m. (Pacific Standard Time).
This corresponds to 9:00 a.m. Mountain Standard Time in Denver.
10:00 a.m. Central Standard Time in Chicago.
In New York, the time is 11:00 a.m. EST.
In London, it is 4:00 p.m. GMT.
Paris time is 5:00 p.m. CET.
Cairo time is 6:00 p.m. EET.
Afterwards, we enter Wednesday, December 22nd, which is the far eastern time zone, as follows:
00:00 am CST (midnight) on Wednesday, December 22nd in Taipei and Beijing, 01:00 am JST in Tokyo, and 03:00 am AEST in Sydney are the times for the aforementioned events.
You may find out what time the meditation will begin and end in your time zone by clicking on the link >> Find Your Time Zone
There are two steps to this activation: the first is to sign the Planetary Liberation petition, which can be seen below the video. The second step is to share the video with your friends and family. The actual meditation process is the second phase. The combined effect of this two-step trigger will have the greatest conceivable impact on the current planetary predicament.
Instructions to follow before beginning the meditation:
For the intended exopolitical impact to be triggered by December 21st, we must collect 144,000 Lightworker signatures by that date.
You may sign the Liberation of Gaia petition at any time after you’ve finished reading. Simply by clicking on the following link :
The following are the instructions for the meditation on December 21st:
- Develop your own relaxation method to help you achieve a calm state of mind.
- Intentionally employ this meditation as a tool to co-create the trigger that will initiate the process of First Contact with loving Galactic beings and Divine Intervention.
- Invoke the Violet Flame from its main source to surround you with a protective circle both during and after the meditation. Make a request for it to transform everything that is not in service of the Light.
- Imagine a magnificent white light pillar originating from the Cosmic Central Sun, which is subsequently disseminated to the Central Suns of all galaxies across the cosmos. Then visualize this light entering through the Galactic Central Sun, traveling through our Galaxy, entering our Solar System, passing through all beings of Light within our Solar System, passing through all beings on the planetary surface, passing through all beings underground, and also passing through your body to the center of the Earth, as described above.
- Declare your intention and determination for First Contact and Divine Intervention by pronouncing (aloud if feasible) the following two decrees three times each: Physical First Contact with peaceful extraterrestrial entities is now decreed and ordered by me! I declare Divine intervention to be effective now! Physical First Contact with peaceful extraterrestrial entities is now decreed and ordered by me! I declare Divine intervention to be effective now! Physical First Contact with peaceful extraterrestrial entities is now decreed and ordered by me! I declare Divine intervention to be effective now!
- Visualize friendly Galactic beings reacting to your decrees and physically approaching you as well as everyone other who has made the same decree. 7. Pretend that the Source is intervening directly into the situation on Earth, causing a massive healing change to take place over the whole world. Visualize Light transmuting all of the residual darkness on the planet, mending all injustices, eliminating all poverty, and providing wealth to everyone on the planet. As you visualize the beginning of a new big cosmic cycle of the Age of Aquarius, focus on the idea of pure Light, Love, and Happiness being brought to all creatures on Earth.
The recommended time for our meditation session is 20 minutes.
The following transcription of this message will be accessible on the DNA AWAKENING Blog website, and may be copied and pasted on your websites, blogs, and social media accounts. Inviting spiritual groups to participate is highly recommended. If you are familiar of an alternative media source, you may forward this message to them.
Liberation of Gaia is a Priority Right Now!
I know this will happen
Together ❤ we can liberate Mother Earth and ourselves !!! Spread the message
Meditate 😑with😑us😑
One Love
❤Lets do this!❤
😁 XxxxxxX😁
🐬 🌻 🦋
It is a bit difficult to follow your YT videos for they are not consisten.t I am attemping to follow each day as suggested However, I cannot find them daily and they are not in your YT channel on a daily basis. Tthey seem to be at rendom . Please correct this and /or advise me. My intent is to follow each day. Thank you very much I appreciate your positngs and the channeling!!!
With love
I’m A Taraus ! This Is Very Interesting and powerful Msg. God Bless🙏
I am a Taurus also and we love unconditionally we are important and it’s time:-) thank you DNA it is amazing information so happy to be a part of all of this love to all
Everything you say is true, but you forgot the most important part. The protocol or
method, so here it is. It’s a 4 step 4 minutes method. It’s the only one I know and
it literally allows me to do miracles on demand and it doesn’t take any of my energy.
Use it to connect to Source, attain 5D immersion, awaken your god spark, heal,
to transform matter, to get creative downloads, to alter the weather, to alter
events, to change timelines, to change properties of water, get vitality into plants
and trees, etc.
Step 1 Imagine your ego as a shadow silhouette of yourself and kick it to the curb.
Otherwise, the process will not work.
Step 2 Believe you can do anything you want when you put your mind and heart into it.
Step 3 Fill your heart with joy. This is the key to tapping into the quantum god
field that permeates everything and connects you to the whole Universe. Adding a
smile as you do this.
Step 4 Instruct this conscious quantum god field what you want it to do. Like a
maestro, you command this force to execute your instructions.
Voila! Enjoy and practice on house plants, tap water and work up to bigger things as
you go.
Very nice help .
Do you do after meditation it seems or is it during ….. the ego shadow makes sense to me…although I don’t want to eliminate it but make it an ally of my soul …anyway….
Growing up in a 3 D world, you dont see all the evil and understand the hate; the lies told to you by those who are your allies and defenders; those who are your countrymen. Endeed Mother Gaia has suffered greatly. A lot has been robbed and from us. None of us will come out of this unchanged. We have been robbed of our integrity; been chattel since the day we were born. Now is the time to take it all back…
I am so excited, my body charged with love and light energy about 3 second before I heard.
I suggest we balance our energy fields as well as we can.
Plant/light diet, lots of water, exercise and fresh air. Meditation, breath work. Salt baths… Any practice that helps you connect to self… Our Light Will be seen, heard, and felt by ALL higher Dimensions
God Bless
We need to make this happen! The plant needs this right now!
One Love 💙🦋💙
Great idea! Let’s counter the negative vibrations of the ills of the world with positive ones. Love shall conquer all!
Mit kosmischer Unterstützung schaffen wir es, gemeinsam eine neue Erde voller Liebe, Frieden, Fülle und Segen zu manifestieren. Ich grüße alle Brüder und Schwestern im Licht mit einem liebevollen Namaste’
Hey everyone, I hope we are all on board for the event. As well as get many many people in and active. I heeded the message and sent this viral as best I could.
Looking forward to justice and peace..
Bless ye
My roomate signed the petition on my computer. I am attempting to sign the petition and it will not release his name and I am not able to sign. Please advise.
Love is the Power,
use your smart phone if not computer each person should do this on their own device.
I’m looking forward to Dec 21, 2021. I’ve made a commitment to do Light Body Meditations each day putting frequency and awareness to bring peace and love to the Planet. Also seeing the Earth and people during their Meditations on this day. Regardless if you are new to the idea of meditating or comfortably in your practice We all come together in the Love and Light. WeAreAllOne
Thank you Beautiful soul for this Awesome opportunity to help LIBERATE PLANET EARTH,,I Am so excited to be part of this most important time in the history of Terra, the Freedoms of Humanity are at stake,I feel compelled to help awaken as many SOULS as will receive the Truth, I send LOVE,,LIGHT and Soul Awakening to All Humanity, We are One UNITY ,,we are All Divine infinite Creators,,We are SOURCE Experiencing a TEMPORARY Avatar, Vessel called Human, I Send Entire Earth LOVEEEE,,NAMASTE,,Athena Kay