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December 2021 Energy Report: Transition to 5D!

A plethora of options for settlement, reparation, and reassessment present themselves in December. As is true of any buffet, we will not enjoy or desire everything that is served to us at a buffet. Ultimately, we’ll pick what resonates and leave the rest, knowing that we can always return again if we desire something different. Prepare for the show to begin now, as we wind down the year 2021 and accept the gift of energy sovereignty that it has given us as we prepare for the year 2022.

And here we are at the end of the year, in the last month of the calendar year. When we look back on the events of 2021, I believe we can all agree that we could never have predicted many of the events that occurred. But they did, and the issue now is, what do we do from here forward? What does it look like to go ahead from here? The question is, how can we rise above the turmoil and place our faith in the traditions and systems that we perceive have failed us? (badly). The energy themes for the month of December involve activating your self-ideation triangle—self awareness, self reliance, and self empowerment—as well as reclaiming your sense of self. Consequences, inspiration, and truth are among the other issues explored. Nothing should be done haphazardly-Trust, but double-check. Pray for sunshine and have an umbrella handy. Keep an open mind to taking a different route, and make certain that you are the one behind the wheel.

Because it is the end of the year, December may be either a relaxing close to the year or a frenetic dash to finish up all the loose ends. The month of December brings in the number 8, which some believe to be the symbol of infinity, which is correct. However, it also depicts the never-ending cycle of karma and healing cycles, as well as the lifetimes of pledges and vows we make until we decide that we no longer desire to continue doing so. With the great transformative energies of December, we have the option of either breaking the karmic chain or taking a few more laps around its course. The energy to do so comes with the tremendous transformational energies of December.

By the end of December, we will be able to break free from the old cycles that are preventing our soul alignment, personal progress, and pleasure, and move forward into the creativity of the fifth dimension. But, before you climb on board, keep in mind that the 4D bridge represents a point beyond which there is no turning back. Once you’ve stepped on it, there’s no turning back. And once you surrender those energies, objects, ideas, beliefs, and everything else that has been holding you back from taking that first step across the 4D bridge, you will never be able to get them back. The following is the answer to the question of what is preventing you, or anybody else, from making a commitment to this cause: It’s a significant time commitment.

It becomes even more difficult to make that decision when you realize that you will never be able to return to your previous life, your previous way of being, your previous way of doing things, and your previous way of using fear and anger to empower yourself (see my podcast on how we use anger as a tool). We cannot make this decision carelessly or fast. It is not a decision that can be taken lightly.

So, before you start blaming or judging yourself for not being able to take “huge action,” take a deep breath and pause. It is only when someone is terrified of where they are that they will take a jump in any direction in order to get away from it that they will engage in “huge action.” You may hear my tale of setting my oven on fire by taking drastic action by listening to the audio episode.

There are many significant energy aspects that occur in December, beginning on December 1, when Neptune returns to direct motion in Pisces after being retrograde since late June. This is significant because the year 2022 will see a Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in Pisces, which occurs once every 155 years and always heralds the beginning of a spiritual renaissance in the world. Neptune has also been in its own sign since February 2012, and it governs a variety of subjects like drugs, deceit, illusion, and jail. Is there anything about those themes that we’ve been familiar with since late 2019?

Then, on December 4th, we will have a total solar eclipse at 12 Sagittarius, which will be a welcome relief because we have been in an eclipse window since the November 20 lunar eclipse, which has been a difficult period for anyone who is an empath or sensitive to energy shifts, as well as for those who are sensitive to emotional or energetic shifts. Most people are experiencing these energy changes right now because, as we have increased the collective frequency, more people are becoming aware of them. That’s a good thing because it indicates that we are getting closer to energetic parity on our 3D/5D ascension integration journey.

As with the eclipse on November 20, the eclipse on December 4 is a mirror image of one that occurred in December 2002, allowing us to perceive the past coming forward for change (or recurrence) in the present. One of the most fascinating and compelling aspects of this story is the inclusion of two unique twists. According to the research of Phillip Sedgwick, the eclipse will occur at the same time as a cosmic anomaly known as the Great Attractor. An example of this is a gravitational anomaly, which is a kind of super black hole that is so dense that light may be bent by its gravity. It attracts galaxies to itself while simultaneously emitting streams of high-frequency energy into the universe. It is both a creator and a destroyer of the cosmos in which we live. In addition, the eclipse on December 4 is in close conjunction with it, and surprise, surprise, Mercury is perfectly conjunct the Great Attractor on the same day.

Due to the fact that we are dealing with karmic cycles and lifetimes of karma, the presence of Mercury, the planet of karma, at the source of our universe, the Great Attractor, has special significance. The Great Attractor and Pluto were in conjunction during the December 2002 eclipse. The consequences of this have been evident during the previous 19 years. Now Mercury enters the picture to shift direction and provide us with some respite from the streamroller impacts of Pluto, allowing us to channel this energy into something more personal.

As I have already said, there were many negative forces released at the beginning of this century, and now they are being confronted by the karma boomerang. If everything seems to be in a state of turmoil, it is because chaos is a natural element of the ascension cycle. For many years, I’ve been talking about this cycle with people. We must first ascend into lower frequencies in order to reach higher frequencies.Descension, transcension, and ascent are three stages of a process that involves disintegration and chaos just before crossing the 4D transcension bridge. Within those three stages are steps that include disintegration and chaos just before crossing the 4D transcension bridge. This is where we are at the moment.

Venus is also retrograde in Capricorn for the month of December, and it will be in that sign when it has a meeting with Pluto on Christmas Day. Remember the Batman and Robin themes that will be featured in November 2020? After all, Wonder Woman, with her magic lasso and her quest for justice, has joined the ranks of superheroes in the Marvel Universe. It’ll make for an intriguing Christmas season, to say the least.

The continuing Saturn/Uranus square of 2021, which has been a powerful energy signature for the year and had a little hiatus due to Saturn’s retrograde, but is now back and stronger than ever before, deserves to be mentioned as well. This square, which occurs at the end of the year, represents a violent confrontation between the powers of 3D and 5D, with Saturn symbolizing the control and dominance of 3D and Uranus representing the freedom and creativity of 5D, respectively. This element will be prevalent throughout the last week of 2021.

This is occurring while Venus finishes the year in Capricorn, where it began the year on January 8 and, if you recall from the October Energy Report, Mars began the year at 27 Aries, the same degree as the October 2021 full moon and was in Aries for six months during the previous year, beginning January 8. Venus is now spending a significant amount of time in Capricorn, where it will engage in combat with Pluto and attempt to restore some equilibrium to the ascending cycle.

These are the personal planets, the ones that have a more intimate relationship with us on an individual level. Is it possible to say “power to the people” at this point? In the face of our continuous 3D/5D integration journey, which is about community, connection, cooperation, collaboration, and creativity, I believe we are seeing a rebirth of our own power. The millions of lights that make up the community of light provide the community with its strength. Bring on the light, for the era of illumination is here.

In 2022, we will be discussing our self-ideation, or the concept of ourselves as healed, whole, and aligned with our values and beliefs. To make progress in any area of our energy development and expansion, we must first establish a solid foundation, which includes removing any traces of trauma and sadness, as well as any feelings of wrath or fear that may have arisen as a result of those experiences. Being 360, as I described it in 2010, is the state of energetic congruence and divine harmony, and it is the condition of being in which we are fully present. Self ideation is the process of bringing a thought into our physical, emotional, mental, and energetic reality via our imagination.

The three components of the self ideation triangle are as follows: self awareness – being totally anchored in our own energy; self ideation – having a concept of oneself; and self ideation – having an idea of oneself.

Individual self-reliance entails being completely complete in our own energy and not relying on anyone else to provide us with energetic completeness or wholeness; individual self-empowerment entails being our own source of power and not relying on or giving our power away to others.

The themes of inspired action and repercussions are linked throughout the month of December. When we say we’re inspired, we’re talking about our co-creative relationship rather than exposing ourselves to a higher power or force that we believe to be better or wiser, or more competent or knowledgeable than we are. The term “consequence” refers to “what happens next,” and the two terms are interwoven since they are co-dependent. We are paralyzed by dread of the repercussions and refrain from taking action. Alternatively, we might take action and hope that the outcomes are beneficial. We must learn to regulate our fear of the repercussions of our actions if we are to enable inspired action to be really driven by trust in our power to connect with, intend, and create the reality that we want.

Because we are the ones in charge of our lives, we have the ability to make the choices that will propel us toward our goals. It is our responsibility to make the best selections possible and to make the next best move that will lead us to where we want to go. We forget that we make decisions every instant of our lives, and that although we may be swayed, manipulated, blackmailed, guilted, and humiliated into making decisions, the ultimate choice about what we will do is ours.

Saying no to things we no longer want, things that do not serve our new intention, things that are not in alignment with our desires for peace, joy, love, and abundance in our lives, and things that simply do not fit or feel right to us any longer, is one of the most courageous and empowered decisions we can make for ourselves right now.As a general rule, don’t expect everyone to accept, agree with, or appreciate what you choose; nevertheless, that is their issue, not yours. Continue to be trapped in a continuous cycle of compulsion, manipulation, guilt, and humiliation, or choose to ignore them and go about your business as usual.

In December, we return to the beginning of the story, where we began in January 2021, when we believed that all of this chaos would be resolved shortly. It will end, but not because the perpetrators will put an end to it; rather, it will end because we, as a collective human being, will decide what we want to do next.when your record got stuck and you had to reposition the needle to get it to play again (I spoke about this in a podcast). After all, it’s time to shift the needle and pick what we want and what would work best for us right now.

As we go further along the ascension road and integrate more of the 5D energy into the 3D paradigm (saying goodbye to darkness and yes to light), we are given access to new potentials that are aligned with our energetic intention at the time of the integration. We must decide whether or not the material components of our lives can reach the level of integration with the spiritual. There is no pressure here, since if we do not take that choice this time, it will be available again in the future.

This month, as we disclose pieces of our own ascension experience, there is a tinge of nostalgia for the days gone by. Those who have served as light warriors, portal keepers, and as guardians of the ascension process are discovering that their tasks are now being carried out by others. Many more individuals have come forward to spread the light and carry out the tasks that were previously designated for light workers alone. Those changes are taking place because the collective energy frequency is much greater than it has been for the last ten years or longer, and more crucially, it is time for the early light workers to transition into new positions.

3D represents the model of karma, in which fate reigns supreme. Fifth Dimensional (D5) is the paradigm of creation; there is no karma or laws; everything is created as we go.Someone needs to prepare the 5D energy areas, and that responsibility rests on the shoulders of the light workers who have been working so diligently to bring light to 3D for so long. It is similar to what occurs when you raise your children and eventually they are ready to leave the nest and start their own life after you. In order to go from being “the mother” to being a mother, there is an adjustment phase that must be completed.

And that is where we are at this point in the work that we have been doing for a long time now. A transformation in our own consciousness must occur at some point, the birth of a new awareness that allows us to go beyond our caretaking responsibilities and into positions that provide us with more satisfaction. The era of karmic sacrifice has come to an end. We must transition from being Martyred Healers into our own enlightenment in order to become fully powerful masters of our own lives. The 5D creator is represented by the Christed Awareness paradigm.

The spiritual awakening and revival that will occur in the year 2022 is a continuation of the mass awakening that we have fostered through our efforts in the previous decade. The baby has grown up and we have other things to accomplish, the first of which is to concentrate on our own happiness.

A number of things may be accomplished in December, including tying up loose ends, planning our Christmas vacation, purchasing presents for family and friends, decorating our houses, preparing for the new year, and completing a great deal of the hectic work that takes up much of the month of December.

However, there is another way to channel the energy of December in a more personal and inspiring manner. Make use of this month to identify your areas of inspired action. Take a break from the craziness of the month and give yourself some time to relax. If your life is changing from one of providing care for others to one of providing care for yourself, consider what offers you pleasure. In what areas of your life have you been holding back skills, talents, and abilities that are now able to be completely expressed? What no longer requires your attention so that you may devote your whole attention to yourself?

Lastly, in order to be prepared for the year 2022, what does your own paradise on earth look like? The year 2022 has a vibration of 6, which represents the vibration of heaven on earth. If you want your reality to be a manifestation of 5D energy, you must first establish an intention and then allow the energy to flow in.

We are still dealing with the turmoil created by dictators and despots who want to dominate us and everything around us, but the 3D paradigm is rapidly fading away since it is not supported by energetic forces of any kind anymore. For the first time in history, we are ready for a new paradigm of truth, justice, and transparency, one that is based on the 5D paradigms of connection, cooperation, community, collaboration, and innovation. The 3D paradigm of control, power over, dominance, oppression, and competitiveness has taken center stage, and it is on full display for everyone to see and understand. If the view does not appeal to you, don’t be concerned; it will not be there for long. People, on the other hand, must be shown what 3D is all about before they can decide whether or not to abandon it. Everything boils down to free will.

A plethora of options for settlement, reparation, and reassessment present themselves in December. As is true of any buffet, we will not enjoy or desire everything that is served to us at a buffet. Ultimately, we’ll pick what resonates and leave the rest, knowing that we can always return again if we desire something different. Prepare for the show to begin now, as we wind down the year 2021 and accept the gift of energy sovereignty that it has given us as we prepare for the year 2022.

Have a nice month ahead of you.

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