Comments on: Critical Pleiadian Message: April 20, 2023, Massive Cosmic Energy! In Devotion of Light Mon, 17 Apr 2023 22:30:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dawn T. Mon, 17 Apr 2023 22:30:29 +0000 God ATON Thank You ! Our Beautiful CREATION Thank You!

By: Annette Heunis Sun, 16 Apr 2023 17:45:04 +0000 HI. I am so grateful for the privilege to receive this message. I am ready and open to receive the knowledge and wisdom in order to help the earth and creation for greatest good. Annette

By: Cliff Owens Sun, 16 Apr 2023 13:58:06 +0000 Thank you so much with LOVE AND LIGHT FROM MY HUMBLE HEART SO BE IT

By: Rene Recappe Sun, 16 Apr 2023 00:42:36 +0000 Thank you for connecting with me I’am grateful for your guidance and support. Stay by my side in this proces and take me to the ninth demension. I have been long enough in this coccoon, this is the right time to pop out and be the one with the spiritual ability to accomplish spiritual realization. Thank you.

By: Alan Christensen Sat, 15 Apr 2023 17:10:25 +0000 Understood, and thank you for your teaching.

By: Christine Nelson Sat, 15 Apr 2023 16:06:24 +0000 Thank you so much for the wonderful message. I am having so much fear regarding my 60 year history of a “genetic” disease Diabetes since age 11. Insulin dependent. For some reason I’m feeling like I won’t survive this. It is my only fear through my Ascention. My fear came from a video that has caused me such fear I can’t resolve it. I am trying so hard to control my thoughts and emotions. Please help me resolve my fear. Much LOVE AND LIGHT.
