Self Healing – DNA AWAKENING In Devotion of Light Tue, 28 Nov 2023 05:00:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Self Healing – DNA AWAKENING 32 32 How to See, Cleanse, and Balance Your Energy Centers Tue, 28 Nov 2023 05:00:30 +0000 Read more

Energy centers, commonly referred to as chakras, are dynamic vortexes of energy that are aligned along the spinal column, extending from the base to the crown of the head. They are responsible for ensuring your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. When your energy centers are open and balanced, you have the opportunity to experience a state of harmony, good health, and overall happiness. However, if your energy channels become blocked or disrupted, you may encounter a range of difficulties, including stress, illness, anxiety, or depression.

In this blog post, we will delve into the topic of energy centers and discuss various techniques and tools that can be used to perceive, purify, and harmonize them. By incorporating these practices into your life, you can improve your overall well-being and experience positive changes in various aspects such as energy levels, imagination, self-assurance, relationships, effective communication, inner knowing, and spiritual connection.

How to See Your Energy Centers

One technique that can be used to visualize your energy centers is called aura reading. Aura reading is the skill of perceiving the delicate energy field that envelops your body and mirrors your current state of being. Each energy center in the body is associated with a distinct color and vibration that aligns with its specific function and position. By observing the colors, shapes, and patterns of your aura, you can gain insight into the state of your energy centers, whether they are healthy or blocked.

In order to practice aura reading effectively, it is important to be in a state of relaxation and focus. To view yourself in a mirror, you have the option to either sit or stand. Alternatively, you can also seek assistance from a friend. Please ensure that the background is plain and neutral, and that the lighting is soft and natural. Next, direct your gaze towards yourself or your friend, allowing your eyes to soften and become unfocused. You may begin to observe a subtle glow or outline surrounding the body. The first layer of the aura is known as the etheric body. The color of it is typically white or gray, and it conforms to the contours of the physical body.

As you continue to gaze, you may notice the emergence of other colors or layers from the etheric body. The higher layers of the aura correspond to the energy centers. The colors may vary from person to person, but in general, they follow a certain order:

  • Red: The root energy center, located at the base of the spine. It pertains to your survival, security, and stability.
  • Orange: The sacral energy center, located below the navel. This topic pertains to your sexuality, creativity, and emotions.
  • Yellow: The solar plexus energy center, located above the navel. It pertains to your personal power, confidence, and will.
  • Green: The heart energy center, located in the center of the chest. It pertains to your love, compassion, and ability to heal.
  • Blue: The throat energy center, located in the throat. This topic pertains to communication, expression, and truth.
  • Indigo: The third eye energy center, located between the eyebrows. It pertains to your intuition, vision, and wisdom.
  • Violet: The crown energy center, located at the top of the head. It pertains to your spirituality, connection, and enlightenment.

Please ensure that you are mindful of the brightness, clarity, and size of the colors. A color that is bright, clear, and large is indicative of a healthy and open energy center. A dull, cloudy, or small color may be an indication of a blocked or imbalanced energy center. In addition, one may also observe other indications like gaps, holes, or distortions in the aura. These signs may indicate the presence of energy leaks, attachments, or wounds that require healing.

How to Cleanse Your Energy Centers

An alternative method for observing your energy centers involves utilizing a technique known as pendulum dowsing. Pendulum dowsing involves utilizing a weighted object, such as a crystal, metal, or wood, that is suspended from a string or chain. You can use a pendulum to ask yes-or-no questions and receive answers by holding it over your energy centers and observing its movement. The pendulum serves as a valuable tool for enhancing your intuition and establishing a connection with your higher self.

In order to engage in pendulum dowsing, it is important to possess a pendulum with which you feel a sense of comfort and connection. You have the option to purchase a crystal from a metaphysical store or create one yourself. It is also important to establish a clear and consistent communication system with your pendulum. For instance, you can request your pendulum to demonstrate the visual representation of “yes,” “no,” and “maybe.” The pendulum has the ability to swing in various directions, including clockwise, counterclockwise, back and forth, or side to side. Once you have set up your system, you can begin to ask questions.

To cleanse your energy centers, you can hold the pendulum over each one and inquire whether it is open, balanced, and aligned. If your answer is yes, you may proceed to the next question. If the answer is no, you can inquire about the cause of the blockage or imbalance and seek guidance on how to address and heal it. You can also utilize your pendulum to assist in cleansing the energy center by instructing it to spin in a specific direction. For instance, you can request your pendulum to rotate in a clockwise direction to activate and invigorate the energy center, or in a counterclockwise direction to eliminate and release any negative or stagnant energy.

How to Balance Your Energy Centers

Chakra meditation is a technique that offers a third perspective for observing your energy centers. Chakra meditation is a specific type of meditation that involves directing attention to each energy center in the body and exploring their unique attributes. You can activate, harmonize, and balance each energy center by visualizing, affirming, and focusing on your breath. Chakra meditation is a practice that can greatly improve your overall well-being, encompassing your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects.

In order to engage in chakra meditation, it is important to locate a serene and comfortable environment where you can either sit or lie down. In addition, consider incorporating soothing music or utilizing aromatherapy to help establish a calming ambiance. To begin, focus your attention on your breath and your body. Take deep, slow breaths and notice how you gradually feel more calm and centered.

Next, direct your attention to your root energy center, which is situated at the base of your spine. Imagine a vibrant red ball of light spinning and radiating its glow within this space. Experience the powerful energy of the earth as it provides support and grounding for you. Repeat to yourself: “I am safe, secure, and stable.” I possess all the necessary resources to not only survive but also flourish in life. Take a few minutes to focus on your breath and direct it towards this energy center. Once you feel centered, you can proceed to the next energy center.

Please repeat the same process for each energy center, utilizing the specified colors, locations, and affirmations:

Orange: The sacral energy center, located below the navel. Imagine a vibrant orange ball of light spinning and radiating its glow in this particular space. Experience the invigorating sensation of water as it gracefully flows and replenishes your being. Repeat to yourself: “I possess creativity, sensuality, and emotional depth.” I enjoy expressing myself freely and joyfully.
Yellow: The solar plexus energy center, located above the navel. Imagine a vibrant yellow ball of light gracefully spinning and radiating its glow within this space. Experience the invigorating power of fire as it burns and empowers you. Repeat to yourself: “I possess confidence, strength, and capability.” I demonstrate bravery and resolve in my actions.
Green: The heart energy center, located in the center of the chest. Imagine a vibrant green ball of light spinning and radiating its glow in this particular space. Experience the invigorating and restorative power of the expanding air. Repeat to yourself: “I am a person who embodies love, compassion, and forgiveness.” I offer and accept love without any conditions.
Blue: The throat energy center, located in the throat. Imagine a vibrant blue ball of light spinning and radiating its glow in this particular space. Experience the vibrant energy of sound as it resonates and allows you to express yourself. Repeat to yourself: “I am a person who values honesty, genuineness, and effective communication.” I communicate with clarity and kindness, both in speaking and listening.
Indigo: The third eye energy center, located between the eyebrows. Imagine a vibrant indigo ball of light gracefully spinning and radiating its glow in this particular space. Experience the vibrant energy of light as it illuminates and guides your path. Repeat to yourself: “I possess intuition, wisdom, and visionary thinking.” I perceive and comprehend the reality of both myself and the world.
Violet: The crown energy center, located at the top of the head. Imagine a vibrant violet ball of light gracefully spinning and radiating its glow in this particular space. Experience the powerful connection and transcendence of the spirit’s energy enveloping you. Repeat to yourself: “I am a spiritual being, connected to the divine, and filled with enlightenment.” I am connected to everything that exists.

Once you have completed the exploration of all the energy centers, you can redirect your focus back to your breath and the physical sensations in your body. Experience the vibrant energy as it flows and harmonizes within you, encompassing all the colors and qualities. Thank you for taking the time to acknowledge, cleanse, and balance your energy centers. Gently begin to open your eyes and gradually transition back to your usual state of awareness.


In this blog post, we have explored three techniques for observing, purifying, and harmonizing your energy centers: aura reading, pendulum dowsing, and chakra meditation. Regularly practicing these techniques can lead to improvements in your health, happiness, and overall harmony in all areas of your life. In addition, you have the option to explore alternative methods for working with your energy centers, such as engaging in yoga, practicing reiki, utilizing crystals, or experiencing sound healing. By focusing on your energy centers, you can enhance your self-awareness and tap into your full potential.

We hope that you have enjoyed reading this blog post and that you have found it to be helpful. Please feel free to share any questions or comments you may have below. We are eager to receive your feedback and gain insights from your experiences. Thank you for taking the time to read this message. I hope you have a fantastic day!

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3 Untold Spiritual Practice Truths For Greater Peace Of Mind! Thu, 28 Sep 2023 14:32:50 +0000 Read more

It is essential for us to challenge the received knowledge that, so often, sends us in the wrong direction on our path to greater self-awareness and spiritual awakening. When it comes to attaining genuine mental peace through the practice of spirituality, we are here to challenge some unconventional and previously unknown truths. We believe that achieving the goal of having a vibrant, hot-pink face in the midst of a sea of conformity is a worthwhile endeavor. So, without further ado, let us delve into these nontraditional revelations.

1. More meditation? Not Necessarily.

Do you frequently experience feelings of numbness, disorientation, drowning in excessive thought, or exhaustion? Do you also get headaches? If this is the case, you may be experiencing a Kundalini awakening, which causes an abundance of energy to flow through your nervous system. It’s possible that your higher chakras are overactive, and here’s the kicker: you don’t need to meditate any longer in order to get your mind to be still.

In contrast to what most people believe, what you really need are embodiment practices that will help you become more grounded and will nourish your lower chakras. Meditation is touted in a lot of different spiritual teachings as the key to enlightenment, but if you’re trying to awaken your Kundalini, it might not be the best tool for you to use. It is time to make a daring assertion: those who insist on meditation as the ultimate path most likely have not experienced a Kundalini awakening.

They could be on the path of spiritual awakening rather than the path of Kundalini awakening. Your higher chakras may be left buzzing after Kundalini has awoken dormant energy in your body. In this sense, peace necessitates an attitude that is diametrically opposed to meditation.

2. Mind, Body, and Soul: A Holistic Approach

The practice of spirituality encompasses not only the mind but also the body and the spirit, as well as the mind alone. It’s possible that the fact that your spiritual journey isn’t producing the results you were hoping for is due to the fact that you’re ignoring your body.

In older metaphysical books, various energetic bodies in the biofield are discussed. These bodies include the physical body as well as the energetic body, the emotional body, the spirit body, and the astral body. However, there is no reason to pick yourself apart to the point of oblivion! The majority of individuals place their attention entirely on the mind by partaking in activities such as meditation, visualization, and affirmations.

However, this single-minded mental concentration can result in energy blockages, much in the same way that withholding words that need to be said can. What is the answer? To prevent “spiritual burnout,” you should develop a spiritual practice that takes into account both the mind and the body.
Consider combining aspects of your practices in order to benefit both your mind and your body. There are many excellent practices to try, including yoga, meditation, somatic dance, and mindful eating. It’s all about striking a balance.

3. From “Get Grounded” to “Feel Safe”

A common complaint heard in the spiritual community is that they are unanchored in their lives. Visualizing yourself as a tree, on the other hand, might not be as difficult as you think it is. The underlying problem here is that you do not have a sense of being supported or safe in your body.
When you lack a sense of perspective, you tend to get lost in thoughts of the past or the future.

Instead of continuing to visualize, it’s time to start moving around! Take part in activities that involve the physical environment, such as gardening, working out, dancing, or simply going for a walk. Moving your body is one of the most effective ways to combat anxiety and help you feel more grounded. It can be summed up like that.

In Conclusion

It is absolutely necessary for us to acknowledge these unconventional truths as we pursue mental tranquility through the practice of spirituality. More meditation is not necessarily the solution; there are times when you need to root yourself in the here and now. Your journey should involve your mind, body, and soul so that you don’t become exhausted along the way. And when you are feeling ungrounded, the solution is not to become a tree; rather, the solution is to find safety within your own skin.

Keep in mind that although these truths may go against the grain, they can put you on the path toward spiritual enlightenment and a profound state of mental tranquility. So, which of these revelations strikes you as being the most meaningful to you? Leave a comment below with your thoughts.

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How to REALLY Put an End to Excessive Overthinking! Sat, 02 Sep 2023 15:29:20 +0000 Read more

Overthinking is a common problem that many people struggle with. It can cause anxiety, stress, insomnia, and even affect your physical health. But what is overthinking, and why do we do it?

Overthinking is when you repeatedly analyze, ruminate, or worry about something that has happened, is happening, or might happen in the future. Stress, trauma, uncertainty, perfectionism, or low self-esteem are just a few of the things that can cause it. Overthinking can make you feel stuck, overwhelmed, and unable to make decisions or take action.

The good news is that overthinking is not a permanent condition. You can learn to break the cycle of overthinking and free yourself from its negative effects. Here are some effective strategies that can help you stop overthinking and start living:

Recognize when you are overthinking.

The first step to stopping overthinking is to become aware of when you are doing it. You can use a journal, an app, or a friend to help you track your thoughts and identify the patterns and triggers of your overthinking. Some signs that you are overthinking are:

  • You replay the same scenario or conversation in your mind over and over again.
  • You imagine the worst possible outcomes of a situation and worry about them excessively.
  • You question your own actions, decisions, or abilities and doubt yourself constantly.
  • You have difficulty sleeping, relaxing, or focusing on other tasks because of your thoughts.
Challenge your thoughts.

The second step to stopping overthinking is to challenge the validity and accuracy of your thoughts. Overthinking often involves distorted or irrational thinking that is not based on facts or reality. You can use cognitive behavioral techniques, such as:

  • Asking yourself if there is any evidence to support your thoughts or if they are based on assumptions or emotions.
  • Asking yourself if your thoughts are helpful or harmful to your well-being or goals.
  • Asking yourself if you are being fair and realistic to yourself or if you are being too harsh or negative.
  • Asking yourself what you would say to a friend who had the same thoughts as you.
Replace your thoughts.

The third step to stopping overthinking is to replace your unhelpful or negative thoughts with more positive or constructive ones. You can use affirmations, gratitude, or optimism to shift your perspective and focus on the positive aspects of your situation. For example:

  • Instead of thinking “I always mess up everything”, you can think “I have done many things well, and I can learn from my mistakes”.
  • Instead of thinking “I have no control over what happens”, you can think “I can control how I react and what I do next”.
  • Instead of thinking “I have nothing to look forward to”, you can think “I have many opportunities and possibilities ahead of me”.
Take action.

The fourth step in putting an end to excessive overthinking is to take action on the things that are within your control and let go of the things that are outside of your control. Overthinking can paralyze you and prevent you from moving forward. You can overcome this by:

  • Setting small and specific goals and breaking them down into manageable steps.
  • Taking action on the most important or urgent tasks first and rewarding yourself for your progress.
  • Seeking feedback or support from others who can help you achieve your goals or solve your problems.
  • Accepting the uncertainty and unpredictability of life and focusing on the present moment.
Practice mindfulness.

The fifth step to stopping overthinking is to practice mindfulness, which is the ability to pay attention to the present moment without judgment or distraction. Mindfulness can help you calm your mind, reduce stress, and increase happiness. You can practice mindfulness by:

  • Doing meditation, yoga, breathing exercises, or other relaxation techniques regularly.
  • Engaging in activities that bring you joy, such as hobbies, sports, music, art, or nature.
  • Being fully present and attentive to what you are doing, seeing, hearing, feeling, or tasting at any given moment.
  • Observing your thoughts and emotions without reacting to them or trying to change them

One’s tendency to engage in excessive ruminating is a pattern that can be broken with sufficient effort, time, and persistence. You can learn to stop overthinking by following these steps, and then you can begin living a life that is more peaceful and fulfilling.

How To Physically Manifest Healing Energy With Chakras! Wed, 19 Apr 2023 02:05:49 +0000 Read more

Chakras are the energy centers of the body that regulate the flow of life force or prana. They are often depicted as spinning wheels of light that align with the spine from the base to the crown. Each chakra corresponds to a different aspect of our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being.

When our chakras are balanced and harmonious, we feel healthy, happy and vibrant. However, when our chakras are blocked or imbalanced, we may experience physical symptoms, emotional distress or spiritual disconnection. This can happen due to various factors such as stress, trauma, negative thoughts or beliefs, unhealthy habits or environmental influences.

One way to restore balance and harmony to our chakras is to physically manifest healing energy through them. This means using our intention, awareness and action to activate and channel the healing power of the universe into our bodies and lives. Here are some steps to help you do that:

  1. Set your intention. Before you begin, take a moment to clear your mind and focus on your intention. What do you want to heal? What do you want to create? How do you want to feel? Be specific and positive. For example, instead of saying “I don’t want to be sick”, say “I want to be healthy and strong”. You can also use affirmations or mantras to reinforce your intention.
  2. Connect with your breath. Breathing is the bridge between the body and the mind, and it is also a powerful tool for moving energy. Start by taking a few deep breaths and relaxing your body. Then, breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth, making a soft sound like “ha”. As you breathe in, imagine that you are drawing in healing energy from the universe into your body. As you breathe out, imagine that you are releasing any tension or negativity from your body.
  3. Activate your chakras. Now that you have established a connection with the healing energy, you can start to activate your chakras one by one. You can do this by visualizing each chakra as a spinning wheel of light in its corresponding color and location. You can also use sounds, words or gestures to stimulate each chakra. For example, you can chant the seed syllable of each chakra (LAM for root chakra, VAM for sacral chakra, RAM for solar plexus chakra, YAM for heart chakra, HAM for throat chakra, OM for third eye chakra and AH for crown chakra) or place your hands over each chakra and feel its vibration.
  4. Balance your chakras. After you have activated each chakra individually, you can balance them as a whole. You can do this by visualizing a beam of white light that runs through all your chakras from the base to the crown. You can also use a pendulum or a crystal to check the alignment and spin of each chakra. If you find any chakra that is too open or too closed, too fast or too slow, you can adjust it by sending more or less energy to it until it is balanced.
  5. Manifest your intention. Now that you have balanced your chakras and filled them with healing energy, you can manifest your intention into reality. You can do this by visualizing yourself as if you have already achieved your desired outcome. Feel the emotions and sensations that come with it. Express gratitude and joy for receiving it. You can also write down your intention on a piece of paper and place it under a crystal or a candle to amplify its power.
  6. Ground yourself. Finally, after you have completed your manifestation process, it is important to ground yourself and return to the present moment. You can do this by visualizing roots growing from your feet into the earth and anchoring you firmly. You can also eat something nutritious, drink some water or do some physical activity to reconnect with your body.
heres another method to physically manifest healing energy with chakras:
  1. Identify the chakra that corresponds to the area of your body that needs healing. There are seven main chakras in the body: the root chakra at the base of the spine, the sacral chakra below the navel, the solar plexus chakra above the navel, the heart chakra at the center of the chest, the throat chakra at the base of the neck, the third eye chakra between the eyebrows and the crown chakra at the top of the head. Each chakra has a specific color, element, sound and function that relates to a certain aspect of our being. For example, if you have a sore throat, you may want to focus on your throat chakra, which is blue, associated with air, sound and communication.
  2. Activate the chakra by breathing deeply and consciously into it. Imagine that you are inhaling fresh air and exhaling stale air from the chakra. Feel the chakra expanding and contracting with each breath. You can also chant or hum the sound that corresponds to the chakra to stimulate its vibration. For example, if you are working on your throat chakra, you can chant or hum “ham” (pronounced as hum).
  3. Visualize a beam of light or a stream of energy flowing from the chakra to the area of your body that needs healing. Imagine that this light or energy is carrying healing properties that can soothe, repair and restore your cells and tissues. You can also use affirmations or positive statements to reinforce your intention. For example, if you are working on your throat chakra, you can say “I speak my truth with ease and grace” or “I express myself clearly and confidently”.
  4. Hold this visualization for as long as you feel comfortable or until you sense a shift in your condition. You may feel a warm sensation, a tingling feeling or a relief of pain or discomfort. You may also notice a change in your mood, thoughts or emotions. These are signs that you are physically manifesting healing energy with your chakras.
  5. Thank yourself and your chakras for their cooperation and support. You can also thank any higher power or source that you believe in for assisting you in your healing process. Express gratitude for your health and well-being.
  6. Repeat this process as often as you need or want to until you achieve your desired results. You can also work on multiple chakras at once or in sequence depending on your situation and preference.

By following these steps, you can physically manifest healing energy through your chakras and experience more health and harmony in your life. You can do this practice as often as you like or whenever you feel that your chakras need some attention or care. Remember that you are a powerful being of light and energy who can heal yourself and others with your intention and awareness.

10 Powerful Self-Love Mantras & Positive Affirmations Wed, 19 Apr 2023 02:05:29 +0000 Read more

Self-love is the foundation of a happy and fulfilling life. It is the practice of accepting and appreciating yourself for who you are, without judging or comparing yourself to others. Self-love also means taking care of your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being, and honoring your needs and desires.

However, self-love is not always easy to cultivate. Many of us struggle with negative self-talk, low self-esteem, guilt, shame, fear or insecurity. We may also face external challenges such as criticism, rejection, discrimination or abuse. These factors can make us feel unworthy, inadequate or undeserving of love and happiness.

That’s why it’s important to have some tools and strategies to boost our self-love and overcome the obstacles that prevent us from loving ourselves fully. One of the most effective and simple ways to do that is to use self-love mantras and positive affirmations.

What are self-love mantras and positive affirmations?

A mantra is a word, phrase or sound that is repeated to create a positive mental state. A positive affirmation is a statement that expresses a desirable or true quality about yourself or your life. Both mantras and affirmations can help you change your mindset, reprogram your subconscious beliefs, and attract more of what you want in life.

By using self-love mantras and positive affirmations regularly, you can:
  • Increase your self-confidence and self-esteem
  • Reduce your stress and anxiety
  • Improve your mood and emotional well-being
  • Heal your past wounds and traumas
  • Enhance your relationships with yourself and others
  • Achieve your goals and dreams
10 Powerful Self-Love Mantras & Positive Affirmations

Here are 10 powerful self-love mantras and positive affirmations that you can use to boost your self-love and transform your life. You can choose one or more that resonate with you, or create your own based on your needs and preferences. You can also modify them to suit your language and style.

To use them effectively, you can:
  • Repeat them aloud or silently in your mind several times a day, especially in the morning and before going to bed.
  • Write them down on a piece of paper, a journal, a sticky note or a digital device, and place them where you can see them often.
  • Visualize them as vividly as possible, using all your senses and emotions.
  • Feel them as if they are already true and happening in your life.
  • Express gratitude for them as if they are already manifested in your reality.
Here are the 10 powerful self-love mantras and positive affirmations:
  1. I am enough. This is a simple but profound affirmation that reminds us that we don’t need to prove ourselves to anyone or seek validation from outside sources. We are enough as we are, with our strengths and weaknesses, our achievements and failures, our beauty and flaws.
  2. I love myself unconditionally. This mantra helps us cultivate unconditional self-love, which means loving ourselves regardless of our circumstances, emotions or actions. We don’t have to earn our own love or meet certain criteria to deserve it. We love ourselves because we exist.
  3. I am worthy of respect, kindness and compassion. This affirmation reinforces our sense of dignity and self-respect. It also helps us set healthy boundaries and expectations in our relationships with others. We don’t tolerate abuse, neglect or mistreatment from anyone, including ourselves.
  4. I am proud of who I am and how far I’ve come. This mantra celebrates our uniqueness and our journey. It acknowledges our achievements, challenges, growth and learning. It also encourages us to appreciate our gifts, talents and skills, and to express them authentically.
  5. I trust myself and my intuition. This affirmation boosts our self-trust and confidence. It helps us listen to our inner voice and follow our gut feelings. It also empowers us to make decisions that are aligned with our values and goals.
  6. I forgive myself for my mistakes and learn from them. This mantra fosters self-compassion and healing. It helps us let go of guilt, regret and resentment that may hold us back from moving forward. It also reminds us that we are human and we make mistakes, but we can always learn from them and grow.
  7. I honor my needs and desires. This affirmation supports our self-care and happiness. It helps us prioritize our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being, and to say no to things that drain us or harm us. It also inspires us to pursue our passions and dreams.
  8. I am grateful for all that I have and all that I am. This mantra cultivates gratitude and abundance in our lives. It helps us focus on the positive aspects of ourselves and our reality, rather than the negative ones. It also attracts more blessings and opportunities into our lives.
  9. I am capable of achieving anything I set my mind to. This affirmation enhances our self-efficacy and motivation. It helps us overcome self-doubt and fear of failure that may prevent us from taking action or pursuing our goals. It also reinforces our belief in our potential and possibilities.
  10. I am a radiant being of light and love. This mantra elevates our vibration and consciousness. It helps us connect with our true essence, which is pure, divine and infinite. It also radiates love and positivity to ourselves and others.

These are some of the powerful self-love mantras and positive affirmations that you can use to boost your self-love and confidence. Remember that repetition is key to make them work for you. The more you say them, the more you believe them.

I hope you find this blog post helpful and inspiring. Feel free to share it with your friends or anyone who may benefit from it.

Thank you for reading

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Techniques to Positively Change Your Vibration! Mon, 17 Apr 2023 04:09:13 +0000 Read more

We all have a vibration, which is the energy that we emit and attract. Our vibration can be influenced by our thoughts, emotions, actions, and environment. When we have a high vibration, we feel happy, healthy, confident, and aligned with our purpose. When we have a low vibration, we feel sad, sick, insecure, and disconnected from our true self.

The good news is that we can change our vibration by using some simple techniques that can help us heal, activate, and transform our energy. In this article, we will explore some of these techniques and how they can benefit us in different aspects of our life.

DNA Healing

One of the most powerful ways to change our vibration is to heal our DNA. Our DNA is the blueprint of our physical and spiritual existence. It contains information about our ancestry, health, talents, and potential. However, our DNA can also carry traumas, diseases, and limiting beliefs that can affect our vibration negatively.

DNA healing is a process of clearing and repairing our DNA from any distortions or damages that may have occurred in this or past lifetimes. By doing so, we can restore our original divine blueprint and activate our dormant abilities and gifts. Some of the benefits of DNA healing are:

  • Improved physical and mental health
  • Enhanced intuition and psychic abilities
  • Increased creativity and manifestation power
  • Greater connection to our higher self and soul purpose

DNA Music Repair & Healing Frequencies

One of the easiest ways to heal our DNA is to listen to music or sounds that have specific frequencies that can resonate with our DNA and stimulate its repair. These frequencies are also known as solfeggio frequencies or healing tones. They are based on ancient mathematical principles and sacred geometry that correspond to different aspects of creation.

Some of the most common solfeggio frequencies are:
  • 396 Hz: This frequency helps us release fear, guilt, and negative emotions that can block our energy flow.
  • 417 Hz: This frequency helps us undo situations and facilitate change. It also helps us cleanse traumatic experiences and clear karmic patterns.
  • 528 Hz: This frequency helps us repair our DNA and restore its original state. It also helps us increase love, joy, and peace in our life.
  • 639 Hz: This frequency helps us harmonize relationships and enhance communication. It also helps us connect with others on a deeper level and foster empathy and compassion.
  • 741 Hz: This frequency helps us awaken intuition and expand consciousness. It also helps us cleanse toxins and infections from our body and environment.
  • 852 Hz: This frequency helps us return to spiritual order and align with our true self. It also helps us access higher realms of wisdom and knowledge.

To use these frequencies for DNA healing, we can simply listen to them as background music or meditate with them. We can also use them to tune our instruments or sing along with them.

DNA Activation Techniques Through Meditation

Another way to heal and activate our DNA is to use meditation techniques that can help us access higher states of consciousness and connect with our higher self. Our higher self is the aspect of us that knows our soul purpose and guides us on our spiritual journey. By connecting with our higher self, we can receive guidance, inspiration, and healing for our DNA.

One of the simplest meditation techniques for DNA activation is to visualize a golden light entering through the top of our head (crown chakra) and filling up our entire body. As we do so, we can affirm:

“I am activating my DNA to its highest potential. I am aligning with my divine blueprint. I am embodying my true self.”

We can repeat this affirmation as many times as we feel comfortable while breathing deeply and relaxing. We can also ask our higher self to assist us in this process and send us any messages or insights that may be helpful.

Affirmation and Positive Thinking

One of the most powerful ways to positively change your vibration is to use affirmation and positive thinking. Affirmation is the practice of repeating positive statements to yourself that affirm your desired reality. For example, you can say to yourself “I am worthy of love and happiness” or “I am attracting abundance and success”. Positive thinking is the practice of focusing on the positive aspects of your life and situation, rather than dwelling on the negative ones. For example, you can think of all the things you are grateful for or all the opportunities you have.

Affirmation and positive thinking work by reprogramming your subconscious mind, which is the part of your mind that controls your beliefs, habits and emotions. By changing your subconscious mind, you change your vibration and attract more of what you want into your life. Affirmation and positive thinking also boost your mood, self-esteem and motivation.

To use affirmation and positive thinking effectively, you need to do them consistently and with conviction. You can say or write down your affirmations every morning and night, or whenever you need a boost of positivity. You can also use affirmations as mantras or chants that you repeat throughout the day. You can also practice positive thinking by journaling, meditating or talking to yourself in a positive way.

Manifesting Genuine Relationships

Another way to positively change your vibration is to manifest genuine relationships with people who support you, inspire you and uplift you. Relationships are a major source of energy exchange in our lives. When we interact with people who vibrate at a similar or higher level than us, we feel more energized, happy and connected. When we interact with people who vibrate at a lower level than us, we feel more drained, unhappy and isolated.

Therefore, it is important to surround yourself with people who match or raise your vibration. These are people who share your values, goals and vision. They are people who respect you, appreciate you and encourage you. They are people who make you laugh, smile and grow.

To manifest genuine relationships, you need to be genuine yourself. You need to be authentic, honest and vulnerable with others. You need to express your true feelings, thoughts and desires. You need to be open to giving and receiving love, support and feedback. You also need to be selective about who you spend your time and energy with. You need to let go of toxic people who bring you down, hurt you or take advantage of you. You need to set healthy boundaries and respect yourself.


Positively changing your vibration is not something that happens overnight. It is a process that requires commitment, practice and patience. However, it is also a rewarding process that can transform your life for the better. By using techniques such as affirmation, positive thinking and manifesting genuine relationships, you can raise your vibration and attract more positivity into your life. You can also enjoy more health, happiness and success in all areas of your life.

Clear Ways the Universe is Telling You to Embrace Change! Sun, 16 Apr 2023 05:26:30 +0000 Read more

Do you ever feel like the universe is trying to tell you something? Maybe you keep seeing the same number everywhere, or you have a recurring dream that seems meaningful. Maybe you encounter a series of coincidences that make you wonder if there is a hidden message behind them. Or maybe you just have a gut feeling that something is off and you need to make a change.

The universe is always communicating with us, but sometimes we are too busy or distracted to pay attention. However, when we ignore the signs, we may miss out on important opportunities or warnings that could help us improve our lives. Here are six signs from the universe that you need to change your life:

You feel stuck in a rut.
  1. If you are bored, unhappy, or dissatisfied with your current situation, whether it is your job, your relationship, your health, or your lifestyle, it may be a sign that you need to make a change. You may have outgrown your old habits or goals and need to find new ones that align with your true purpose and passion. Don’t settle for less than you deserve or want. The universe wants you to grow and evolve, not stagnate and suffer.
You experience repeated challenges or obstacles.
  1. Sometimes the universe sends us challenges or obstacles to test our faith, resilience, and creativity. These are opportunities to learn and grow from our mistakes and difficulties. However, if you keep facing the same problems over and over again, it may be a sign that you are not learning the lesson or making the change that is required. You may be repeating a negative pattern or resisting a positive change that could benefit you. The universe wants you to overcome your fears and limitations, not stay stuck in them.
You see synchronicities or signs everywhere.
  1. Synchronicities are meaningful coincidences that seem to have a deeper connection or significance than mere chance. For example, you may think of someone and then they call you, or you may see a word or a symbol that relates to something you are going through. These are signs from the universe that you are on the right track or that there is something important for you to notice or do. The universe wants you to pay attention and follow your intuition, not ignore it.
You have vivid dreams or visions.
  1. Dreams and visions are ways that the universe communicates with us through our subconscious mind. They can reveal our hidden desires, fears, hopes, or messages from our higher self or spirit guides. If you have vivid dreams or visions that seem relevant or meaningful to your life situation, it may be a sign that you need to change something or take action on something. The universe wants you to listen to your inner wisdom and guidance, not dismiss it.
You feel restless or anxious.
  1. If you feel restless or anxious for no apparent reason, it may be a sign that you need to change your life. You may be feeling restless because you are not living up to your full potential or following your true calling. You may be feeling anxious because you are not in alignment with your authentic self or your soul’s purpose. The universe wants you to be happy and fulfilled, not restless and anxious.
You attract people or situations that mirror your issues.
  1. The law of attraction states that we attract what we think about and feel most strongly. Therefore, if we have unresolved issues or negative beliefs about ourselves or others, we may attract people or situations that mirror those issues or beliefs back to us. This is a way for the universe to show us what we need to heal or change within ourselves in order to attract what we truly want and deserve. The universe wants you to love and respect yourself and others, not judge or criticize them.


If you notice any of these signs from the universe in your life, don’t ignore them or brush them off as coincidences. They are messages from the universe that you need to change your life for the better. The universe is always supporting and guiding you towards your highest good, but you have to be willing and ready to receive and act on its signs.

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Feminine Energy: What It Is and Practical Ways to Increase It! Sat, 15 Apr 2023 01:38:02 +0000 Read more

Feminine energy encompasses all of the characteristics and traits that are commonly associated with the feminine principle. All people, not just women, possess both masculine and feminine energies. However, the focus of this article will be on the ways in which women can recognize and express their own feminine energy.

Many adjectives have been coined to describe the qualities associated with feminine energy. It’s the power of being as opposed to acting, of experiencing as opposed to analyzing, of connecting as opposed to competing. Connections to one another, to ourselves, and to the cosmos all originate in the feminine energy that permeates everything.

It’s crucial to your health, happiness, and fulfillment to honor your feminine side. Adopting a more feminine perspective is a gesture of respect for your essential self. Your inner strength and knowledge are unleashed. Your goals and interests coincide. You are the one who brings peace and stability to the world.

However, in a culture that largely rewards and celebrates masculine energy, it can be difficult to fully embrace your own feminine energy. We typically think of masculine vitality as being robust, logical, productive, assertive, and oriented toward achieving goals. It is the vitality that comes from doing as opposed to being, from thinking as opposed to feeling, and from competing as opposed to relating. Action and success come from the masculine energy that drives us.

Women are stereotyped as being emotionally fragile, irrational, passive, and dependent on others. Feminine energy is often downplayed or ignored in favor of masculine energy. As a result, some women may feel guilty or ashamed when they act in ways that are traditionally associated with femininity.

That’s why you should find your own definition of femininity and learn to fully embrace your feminine side. In this piece, we will discuss four ways to honor your feminine side: through introspection, connection, play, and self-care. Although these aren’t the only options, they are some of the best and easiest ways to connect with your feminine side. If you follow these guidelines, you’ll be able to realize your full feminine potential and lead a more genuine, fulfilling life.

Understanding Feminine Energy

Let’s first discuss what feminine energy is and how it differs from masculine energy before diving into the four ways to embrace your feminine side. Every person possesses both masculine and feminine qualities, as we discussed earlier. They are balancing factors that bring about unity and peace.

Feminine vitality is the energy of being, as opposed to the energy of doing. It’s the power of emotion, not reason. The vitality of cooperation as opposed to rivalry The qualities of feminine energy are caretaking, empathy, imagination, intuition, openness, cooperation, and flexibility.

Doing is more important than being in a man’s energy. It’s the vitality that comes from thinking as opposed to feeling. It’s the drive to win instead of the desire to connect. The characteristics of masculine vitality are strength, logic, productivity, assertiveness, focus, and orderliness.
Neither male nor female energy is superior or inferior. Both are important to our survival and development and should be prioritized accordingly. Overemphasizing one over the other or rejecting one or both of them can lead to an unbalanced or distorted view of reality.

Some common misconceptions about feminine energy are:
  1. Men are not allowed to possess feminine energy.
  2. There is a perception that feminine energy is inferior to that of men.
  3. The nature of feminine energy is submissive or passive.
  4. Emotion and irrationality characterize feminine energy.
  5. In terms of energy, femininity is dependent.

These false beliefs are rooted in prejudice and preconceived notions that prevent us from realizing our full potential. They also stop us from seeing people as unique and deserving of respect.

In reality:
  1. Everyone, regardless of their gender identity or expression, can benefit from feminine energy.
  2. Strong and vital to our health and happiness, feminine energy cannot be ignored.
  3. The energy associated with women is dynamic and confident in its own way.
  4. Feminine vitality is composed of equal parts logic and emotion.
  5. Feminine vitality is simultaneously autonomous and mutually supportive.
The benefits of embracing your feminine energy are:
  1. You feel more connected to yourself, to others, and to the universe.
  2. You tap into your inner power and wisdom.
  3. You align with your purpose and passion.
  4. You create harmony and balance in your life.
  5. You experience more joy and fulfillment in your life.

Embracing Your Feminine Energy Through Self-Awareness:

Understanding yourself is the first step in welcoming your feminine side. To have an in-depth familiarity with one’s own ideals, beliefs, capabilities, limitations, hopes, and fears. By knowing yourself, you can stop pretending and start being the real you.

Some ways to cultivate self-awareness are:
  • Understanding your values and beliefs: What matters most to you in life? What are your core principles and standards? What are the beliefs that shape your worldview and behavior? How do they support or hinder your feminine energy?
  • Cultivating self-love and self-compassion: How do you treat yourself? Do you accept and appreciate yourself for who you are? Do you speak kindly and gently to yourself? Do you forgive yourself for your mistakes? Do you celebrate your achievements and successes?
  • The role of mindfulness and meditation in embracing your feminine energy: Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention to the present moment with curiosity and openness. Meditation is a form of mindfulness that involves focusing on a specific object or sensation (such as your breath) or a mantra (a word or phrase) for a period of time. Both mindfulness and meditation can help you become more aware of your thoughts, feelings, sensations, and impulses. They can also help you calm your mind, relax your body, and connect with your inner wisdom.
  • Connecting with your intuition and inner wisdom: Intuition is the ability to sense or know something without logical reasoning or evidence. It is often described as a gut feeling or a hunch. Inner wisdom is the deeper knowledge that comes from your soul or higher self. It is often accessed through intuition or other spiritual practices. Both intuition and inner wisdom can guide you in making decisions that are aligned with your feminine energy and your highest good.

Embracing Your Feminine Energy Through Relationships:

The feminine energy can also be expressed through relationships. Family, friends, romantic partners, coworkers, acquaintances, and any other ties to other people are all examples of relationships. To thrive, flourish, and develop, human beings require meaningful connections with others. They’re there for us when we need help, love, feedback, a challenge, inspiration, or just someone to talk to.

Some ways to nurture your relationships with feminine energy are:
  • Nurturing your relationships with family and friends: How do you show up for the people who matter most to you? Do you spend quality time with them? Do you listen to them attentively and empathetically? Do you express your gratitude and appreciation for them? Do you offer them help and comfort when they need it?
  • Embracing vulnerability and authenticity in your relationships: How do you share yourself with others? Do you allow yourself to be seen and heard for who you are? Do you share your feelings, thoughts, opinions, needs, and desires honestly and respectfully? Do you admit when you are wrong or when you don’t know something? Do you ask for help when you need it?
  • Balancing independence and interdependence in your relationships: How do you balance your own needs and wants with those of others? Do you respect yourself and others as separate individuals with different perspectives and preferences? Do you honor your own boundaries and respect those of others? Do you also acknowledge that you are part of a larger whole and that you depend on others for some aspects of your life?
  • Developing healthy boundaries and communication skills: How do you communicate with others? Do you express yourself clearly and assertively? Do you listen actively and respectfully? Do you avoid blaming, criticizing, or judging others? Do you use “I” statements instead of “you” statements? Do you negotiate win-win solutions instead of engaging in power struggles?

Embracing Your Feminine Energy Through Self-Care:

Taking care of ourselves should not be seen as a reward or a perk, but as an essential part of our day. We don’t just do it whenever we’re able to spare the cash or the time; rather, we make it a top priority. The concept of self-care is not static; rather, it is an individual and adaptable practice that changes as our needs and circumstances do.

Self-care is important because it helps us to:
  1. Maintain our physical health and prevent illness.
  2. Reduce stress and anxiety.
  3. Boost our mood and energy levels
  4. Enhance our self-esteem and confidence.
  5. Improve our productivity and creativity.
  6. Strengthen our resilience and coping skills.
  7. Nurture our relationships and connections.

In addition to allowing us to express our feminine energy in ways that are genuine and empowering, self-care is crucial. Taking care of ourselves is an act of self-respect. We also make room for the development of our inner faculties of discernment, feeling, and invention. Our true nature and our life’s mission become more in sync with one another.

Self-care is important because it helps us to:

The four main aspects of self-care are the body, the mind, the emotions, and the spirit. Each subheading deals with a particular facet of our health and calls for a unique set of habits and routines. Some examples from each group are listed below.

  • Physical self-care: This involves taking care of our body and its basic needs. It includes activities such as eating nutritious food, drinking enough water, getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, stretching, relaxing, breathing deeply, grooming ourselves, dressing comfortably, etc.
  • Mental self-care: This involves taking care of our mind and its cognitive functions. It includes activities such as reading, learning new things, solving puzzles, playing games, meditating, journaling, setting goals, planning ahead, organizing our space, etc.
  • Emotional self-care: This involves taking care of our feelings and their expression. It includes activities such as acknowledging and validating our emotions, expressing them in healthy ways, seeking support when needed, practicing gratitude, forgiveness, compassion, etc.
  • Spiritual self-care: This involves taking care of our soul and its connection to something greater than ourselves. It includes activities such as praying, meditating, practicing yoga, chanting, singing, dancing, spending time in nature, following our passions, serving others, etc.


You and the world around you will benefit from your embracing your feminine energy. Authenticity, joy, and power increase when you learn to harness your feminine energy. You start a chain reaction of good deeds when you encourage others to follow suit.

Don’t be shy about expressing your inner goddess and embracing your feminine side. You stand to gain much and risk nothing.

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Easy Ways To Cleanse Your Home of Negative Energy! Sat, 15 Apr 2023 01:37:56 +0000 Read more

At times, our homes can feel like a place of refuge and tranquility, while at other times, they can feel like a source of negative energy. Negative energy can come from various sources such as a build-up of clutter, the presence of toxins, and bad Feng Shui.

Your home should be a sanctuary, a place where you feel safe, comfortable, and relaxed. However, sometimes, you may notice that your home feels heavy or negative, and you can’t put your finger on why. This negative energy can affect your mood, relationships, and overall well-being.

In this article, we will discuss the 7 things that bring negative energy into your home and how to avoid them. By making a few simple changes, you can create a positive and harmonious living space that nurtures your mind, body, and soul.

1. Declutter Your Home

Clutter can create a sense of chaos and negativity in your home. By decluttering your space, you can create a more peaceful environment that promotes relaxation and calm. Start by getting rid of things you no longer need, and organizing the items you want to keep in a way that makes sense for your lifestyle.

2. Incorporate Natural Elements

Integrating natural elements into your home can help create a sense of calm and promote positive energy. Consider adding plants, natural light, and earthy colors to your decor. You can also incorporate crystals, which are believed to have healing properties and can help purify negative energy.

3. Cleanse with Sage or Palo Santo

Sage and Palo Santo are two natural remedies used to cleanse negative energy. Burning sage, also known as smudging, can help purify the air in your home and create a sense of calm. Palo Santo is another sacred wood used to cleanse negative energy and create a positive atmosphere.

4. Practice Good Feng Shui

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese art that involves arranging your home to create a sense of balance and harmony. Some basic Feng Shui principles include decluttering, balancing colors, and incorporating natural elements into your decor. You can also use a Bagua map to help identify areas of your home that may be negatively impacting your energy flow.

5. Use Essential Oils

Essential oils can help purify the air in your home and promote positive energy. Consider diffusing oils such as lavender, lemon, and peppermint to help create a sense of calm and relaxation.

6. Clear Out Toxins

Toxins can also contribute to negative energy in your home. Consider switching to natural cleaning products and avoiding synthetic fragrances, which can contain harmful chemicals. You can also purify the air in your home by investing in an air purifier or opening your windows to let in fresh air.

7. Play Soothing Music

Playing soothing music can help create a sense of calm and relaxation in your home. Consider creating a playlist of relaxing music to play throughout the day, or playing white noise to help drown out any negative energy.

By following these simple steps, you can create a more harmonious living space that promotes relaxation and positive energy. Remember, a happy home is a healthy home.


Your home is more than just a physical space; it’s a reflection of your inner world. Negative energy in your home can affect your mood, relationships, and overall well-being. By avoiding the 7 things that bring negative energy into your home, you can create a positive and harmonious living space that nurtures your mind, body, and soul.

Remember to regularly declutter your home, surround yourself with positive people, limit your exposure to electronics, and let in natural light. Release negative memories and create new positive ones, and pay attention to the principles of Feng Shui to create a balanced and harmonious home.

By making these simple changes, you can transform your living space into a sanctuary that supports your physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Avoid the 7 things that bring negative energy into your home, and create a positive and uplifting space that you and your loved ones will enjoy for years to come.

Curious about affirmations? Here’s How to Start Using Them! Thu, 13 Apr 2023 03:40:23 +0000 Read more

Affirmations are a powerful tool for improving your mindset and manifesting your desires. They are simple, positive statements that you repeat to yourself to shift your thoughts and beliefs. In this article, we’ll explore how affirmations work, different types of affirmations, and how to start using affirmations in your daily life.

How affirmations work

Our thoughts and beliefs have a powerful influence on our emotions, actions, and outcomes. When we repeatedly think and believe negative or limiting thoughts, we create a self-fulfilling prophecy that reinforces those beliefs. Affirmations work by helping us reprogram our thoughts and beliefs to align with our desired outcomes.

The subconscious mind plays a crucial role in the effectiveness of affirmations. It is the part of our mind that controls our automatic thoughts and behaviors, and it operates mostly outside of our conscious awareness. By repeating affirmations, we can communicate our desired beliefs and outcomes directly to the subconscious mind.

Research has also shown that affirmations can have a physical impact on the brain. MRI studies have shown that the brain’s neural pathways can change in response to repetitive positive affirmations.

Types of affirmations

There are many different types of affirmations, but they all have the same goal: to help you shift your thoughts and beliefs to align with your desired outcomes. Some popular types of affirmations include:

Positive affirmations

Positive affirmations are simple statements that affirm a positive quality or outcome. For example, “I am confident and capable” or “I am worthy of love and respect.” Positive affirmations help counteract negative self-talk and beliefs.

Affirmations for self-love and confidence

Affirmations for self-love and confidence help improve your self-esteem and self-worth. Examples include “I love and accept myself unconditionally” or “I am deserving of happiness and fulfillment.”

Affirmations for abundance and prosperity

Affirmations for abundance and prosperity help shift your mindset to focus on abundance and prosperity rather than scarcity and lack. Examples include “I attract abundance and prosperity into my life

How to start using affirmations

If you’re new to affirmations, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. Here are some steps to help you get started:

Identify your goals and desires

The first step in using affirmations is to identify what you want to achieve or manifest in your life. This could be anything from improving your self-confidence to attracting more abundance and success.

Choose affirmations that align with your goals

Once you have identified your goals and desires, choose affirmations that align with them. For example, if you want to improve your self-confidence, you could choose affirmations like “I am confident and capable” or “I trust myself to make the right decisions.”

Create a daily practice

To see the most significant benefits from affirmations, it’s important to create a daily practice of repeating them. Find a time and place where you can be alone and say your affirmations out loud or in your head. You could do this first thing in the morning or before bed at night.

Tips for effective affirmation practice

To make your affirmation practice as effective as possible, here are some tips to keep in mind:

Use present tense and positive language

Phrase your affirmations in the present tense and use positive language. For example, instead of saying “I will be confident,” say “I am confident.”

Believe in your affirmations

Belief is a crucial element in the effectiveness of affirmations. If you don’t believe in your affirmations, they won’t have the same impact on your mindset. Take time to connect with and believe in the affirmations you are using.

Visualize your desired outcome

Visualization is a powerful tool for manifesting your desired outcomes. As you repeat your affirmations, visualize yourself already having achieved your desired outcome. This will help reinforce the beliefs and thoughts that align with that outcome.


Affirmations are a simple but powerful tool for personal growth and self-improvement. By repeating positive statements regularly, you can reprogram your subconscious mind and attract positive experiences into your life. If you’re looking to improve your mindset and achieve your goals, start using affirmations today.
