Comments on: Between August 2022 And March 2023, What Will Happen? In Devotion of Light Tue, 13 Sep 2022 12:46:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Blake James Ruley Tue, 13 Sep 2022 12:46:51 +0000 This is a wonderful read! Totally on point like a bullseye of Saggitarius’s aim 😀
True I along with you all went through that period of challenging collective energy!
Its odd to understand and a bless to understand it ..
I am working and playing as well as navigating the best I can through this confusing but most needed soverign time..
I understand Oneness and experienced the confusion of ??WHAT?? Union of minds?
I came to understand through my best discernment it is union of heart, having an open heart and turning the other cheek so to say in the mind and remain open heart, whilst keeping the ego behind thee..
A lot of activity is happening in the heavens now.. Virgo… Gemini… Leo etc … weird thats all parts of me 😀 and even my special day tomorrow , ill be 33 if I decide I want to.. But I think ill just stay at 33 .. No sense in getting older aye?

I do agree, though me personally.. Im having MUCH DIFFICULTY balancing my physical life and spiritual life… as well at the same time with work and play and both of them being the joy I bring to the world…
As well as accepting and devoting myself to DIVINE TIMING..
I devoted myself to that with my visit with auquarius and things have been incredibly miraculous and almost creepy! So.. Like common sense says.. Two steps forward, one step back.. or sometimes its 7 steps forward 2 steps back…
We are all individuals and I believe we should note this as self evident.. though “Unity, or via Law of Oneness” Is also self evident in the case that we are all beloved beings/humankinds on this planet..
And if some like to go further.. Among the federation, We are all beloved kinds of the universe.. And that shall not be broken!
Because seperation from source/LOVE is IMPOSSIBLE

