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Between August 2022 And March 2023, What Will Happen?

Mars will enter Gemini at 12:56 am PDT on August 20, and will remain there for the next seven months as a result of its next retrograde, which will take place between late October and mid-January. What does this imply for each and every one of us?

It indicates that the way we “fight the challenges of life” or “take the initiative” no longer expresses itself via the Fixed Earth of Taurus but rather through the Mutable Air of Gemini. This is because Gemini is ruled by the sign of Gemini. As a result, Mars has become accustomed to moving at a “slow and steady” pace in Taurus, the sign of its “exile,” and as a result, it is now learning to multitask to a significant degree.

When Mars was in Aries from the end of May to the end of July, we were presented with opportunities that will explode like wildfire at the beginning of 2023 when Jupiter transits its conjunction point with Mars at 4 Aries. Now that it has passed through Taurus, the process that it began will continue once Jupiter reaches the sign of Taurus in the middle of May 2023. Mars was operating by its own will in the signs of Aries and Taurus, which are known as the “primary signs,” doing its own thing in its own manner. Now that it’s in Gemini, which is a sign that is more sensitive to the outside world and the relationships it has with other people, you can expect it to be more adaptable.

Mars’ forward motion is currently around 35 minutes each day, and it has started to slow down in preparation for its next retrograde in late Gemini. Mars’ most recent retrograde period occurred between early September 2020 and mid-November 2020, between the degrees of 18–28 of Aries. As we move closer to the next one, which will occur between late October 2022 and mid-January 2023 between the degrees 9–26 of Gemini, we are getting closer to the end of Mars’ cycle. Mars direct encourages us to get a lot done, while Mars retrograde forces us to do things more slowly and to undo, re-do, or re-plan our lives with an eye toward making things more effective when Mars is in direct motion.

During the period when Mars was in Gemini, the door was open to finding new methods to approach and make use of what had been established in Taurus after having been established in Aries. Maintain your flexibility and pursue your curiosities in new areas of knowledge, practices, and points of view. This helps us to renew our Gemini skills, where we can take the enthusiasm and power generated in Aries and grounded in Taurus to expand our skill set or improve our ability to communicate from a variety of different approaches. This is made possible by the fact that this helps us to renew our Gemini skills.

What Happens to Us When Mars Moves Through the Zodiac Signs?

Mars’ current placement in Aries teaches us how to take charge of our own actions, not to defer to the judgment of others as much, and that “working half-heartedly is not the way to accomplish anything.” Mars in Taurus teaches us to “enjoy delight in our job” as we learn to keep it simple and steady despite the fact that there may be headwinds, while Mars in Gemini shows us adaptation since “there are various ways to get things done.” Mars’ current position in Cancer tells us to “be vigilant while we work,” which means we should be sensitive, careful, and cautious.

Mars’ current placement in Leo instills in us the ability to “work with flair and style,” or to “put on a show while achieving things in inventive ways. This is the moment to make the most of opportunities to demonstrate our strength and sense of style, and to experiment with the myriad ways in which our command of energy might be artistically portrayed. Mars’s current position in Virgo has given us a valuable lesson: “A life of only play and no toil makes for an ungrounded existence.” The lesson we learned while Mars was in Libra was that a life consisting only of labor and no social interaction is unsustainable. The lesson that Mars taught us throughout its transit through Scorpio was, “Doing the wrong thing in the wrong way with the wrong people will never make us happy. Therefore, do the right thing and be happy! “

Mars’ current location in Sagittarius imparts both the knowledge that “scattered effort leaves us unsatisfied” and the ability to become a “stylish and courageous archer riding our Sacred Arrows to our dream.” The lesson that we are to learn from Mars’s placement in Capricorn is to “work for the present, work for the future, and work for all time.” Mars’ current position in Aquarius imparts onto us the following wisdom: “As you strive for bigger things, you make real a future ideal which will survive you.” Mars is currently in the sign of Pisces, which teaches us to “see our shared humanity while we fight for clarity in a collectively confusing environment.”

When Mars traveled through Sagittarius, we were given a glimpse of what was to come in the future. When Mars entered Capricorn, we were given a new perspective on what we should do and how we should do it. Additionally, we were given a new opportunity to engage with multiple long-wave Aquarian cycles. We passed through the huge fogs of the collective consciousness, where we had to bless a lot in order to progress along the time stream in Pisces. This allowed us to accept the significant new beginnings that were brought about by the conjunction of Mars and Jupiter in Aries. Now that we have the momentum in Taurus under control, we get to discover that there are many different ways to accomplish most things, and that we get the most delight out of those activities when we participate in them with our Spiritual Brothers and Sisters.

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1 thought on “Between August 2022 And March 2023, What Will Happen?”

  1. This is a wonderful read! Totally on point like a bullseye of Saggitarius’s aim 😀
    True I along with you all went through that period of challenging collective energy!
    Its odd to understand and a bless to understand it ..
    I am working and playing as well as navigating the best I can through this confusing but most needed soverign time..
    I understand Oneness and experienced the confusion of ??WHAT?? Union of minds?
    I came to understand through my best discernment it is union of heart, having an open heart and turning the other cheek so to say in the mind and remain open heart, whilst keeping the ego behind thee..
    A lot of activity is happening in the heavens now.. Virgo… Gemini… Leo etc … weird thats all parts of me 😀 and even my special day tomorrow , ill be 33 if I decide I want to.. But I think ill just stay at 33 .. No sense in getting older aye?

    I do agree, though me personally.. Im having MUCH DIFFICULTY balancing my physical life and spiritual life… as well at the same time with work and play and both of them being the joy I bring to the world…
    As well as accepting and devoting myself to DIVINE TIMING..
    I devoted myself to that with my visit with auquarius and things have been incredibly miraculous and almost creepy! So.. Like common sense says.. Two steps forward, one step back.. or sometimes its 7 steps forward 2 steps back…
    We are all individuals and I believe we should note this as self evident.. though “Unity, or via Law of Oneness” Is also self evident in the case that we are all beloved beings/humankinds on this planet..
    And if some like to go further.. Among the federation, We are all beloved kinds of the universe.. And that shall not be broken!
    Because seperation from source/LOVE is IMPOSSIBLE


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