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Ascension Update November 2021 (The Beginning Of The End)

Please accept this Ascension Update with my heartfelt gratitude. Life on Earth may appear to be spiraling out of control, but it’s crucial to distinguish between the increased light frequencies entering our planet and how our individual and communal egos assimilate these energies. Heart-centered consciousness is the beginning of the end for the obsolete collective unconscious in the world of ego.

When it enters our atmosphere and energy fields, pure crystallized light can trigger the ego’s survival mode and systematic implosion, which believes it has the power to dominate reality and dictate the will of others. Your nervous system and perception of reality are currently experiencing the very beginning stages of a frenzied feeling of confusion and chaos. Regardless of how you perceive it, you are witnessing the very beginning stages of a frenzied feeling of confusion and chaos that is sweeping across your community, your city, and the world at large.

The scrambling for control that you may be experiencing, or have been experiencing, is a scrambling for control as the power the ego never had over reality slips through its fingers as nothing more than a deeply-engrained self-serving belief. Additionally, this may lead to an incomprehensible perceptual experience in which it appears that the news headlines shift direction almost daily or that it is nearly impossible to halt and clearly define where you are in your journey and exactly where you are headed in the present moment.

As these new waves of light deconstruct the fear and control grip of the ego, you always have the power, awareness, and ability to choose the healthiest choices for your mind, emotional body, and nervous system, as well as the physical body and energy systems currently being reconfigured in you. When it comes to missed appointments or scheduling mistakes, breakdowns in communication, technology interruptions, and the ghosting of folks who may not be moving ahead in the same timeframe as you are,

All of us have a decision to make in this year, as 2021 adds up to 5 and signifies that 5D reality portals are beginning to open in the collective consciousness for the first time. A choice-point occurs that determines which timeline you will choose to proceed from, through, and beyond—not based on desire, but on which vibration the majority of your own decisions match.

To summarize, 3D timelines are a place where people can learn more about themselves and the wounds they carry that influence their patterns of conditioning, which includes the inevitable realization that life is a journey of self-expression, inner growth, and evolving expansion, as one begins to see through the veil of conflict, corruption, and coercion to begin sensing cooperation, compassion, and deeper understanding. When life is no longer a path of defining your worth or sense of self by wins and losses and incorporates an awareness of personal conduct as how we accept responsibility for the lives being explored, human beings make their way into 4D timelines. During 4D, the ego is prepared to let go of the power it only imagined it had, as the unraveling and transmutation of familial, social, and ancestral conditioning deepens. Also, it is here that one learns the difference between control and freedom.

Conspiracy theories founded on 3D fear are sometimes embellished with spiritual notions and ideals in 4D timelines, obscuring the path to spiritual awakening for many. In 4D timelines, the goal is to allow all of the wisdom you’ve gained along the way to be converted into a more fully realized expression of spirit. The more you know, the more you can see in 3D. It’s not what you know, but how you act upon that knowledge that is important in 4D thinking. When we cut chords with dualistic thoughts and perspectives in the 4th dimension, we open the doorway to 5D unified consciousness, allowing all identifications with fear-based conceptions to be relinquished as a time-honored gateway.

When it comes to picking which timelines to stay in or move into, humans, regardless of whether or not they are aware of it, are being asked to do so based on the wisdom reflected in the aggregate sum of their personal decisions. To stay in 3D timelines, anyone who spends a lot of time selecting sides, debating viewpoints, or having anything to battle, take down, or expose is unwittingly choosing to stay in 3D timelines because they want more time to track, confront, oppose, and fight.

That’s the case regardless of whether or not they believe they’re helping others grow spiritually. They are able to travel back into 3D time to continue unraveling their conditioning and developing their awareness if they are stuck in this type of 4D spiritual ego spiral. Your timeline advancement is totally contingent on aligning your choices with your highest knowledge, so that the decisions you make honor what you are for and do not reinforce what you are against.

Identifying the opposite of what you want to fix is the first step in shifting your focus. From a 5D perspective, you may be able to help someone’s sobriety from a different perspective than judging their addictive patterns. Even if family members only speak from a position of judgment, deflection, and accusation, perhaps it’s time to advocate for open communication. Is it possible that you don’t have to condemn the horrors that are in view in order to support the development that permits each dispute to be solved?

For instance, whether you are vaccinated, unvaccinated, or uncertain, if the purpose of what you do is for anything and not against something else, you will find yourself advancing into your next highest timeframe. Each and every person is able to access their highest timeline regardless of their opinion on vaccinations, which is a personal and intuitive decision that each individual must choose on their own.

It also reveals a fact that many people will be surprised to learn: There is no need to demolish anything in order for a new consciousness to emerge. “You cannot address a problem from the same consciousness that caused it,” Einstein said.Humanity’s issues were first conceived and developed in 3D. As more people move into 4D timelines and 5D oneness consciousness, the answers to these problems begin to take shape in the here and now.

It is only when more people continue to make this shift, no matter how hypnotized and divided they are by the headlines, that new ideas can enter the atmosphere of the planet as a new reality of socio-economic relief, legislative clarity, and social reform that allows the cosmic rules of Universal Will to be the governing principles for society, serving the uniqueness and needs of all sentient beings. We need to keep in mind the wisdom of divide and conquer: when we as a species are split or turned against each other, we’ve already been conquered.

It is necessary that we connect instead of split in order for us all to transcend this propensity and collectively manifest the light of oneness that exists to resolve all aspects of division (prejudice), judgment, manipulation, abuse, deception, greed, and misery. It doesn’t matter how you anchor your light, as long as you do it in the name of the all-inclusive, loving power of eternal truth. Every step of the way, keep loving yourself even more than you already do. Observe how the world’s ebb and flow is a sign of how the collective ego structure is reacting to the threat of evolutionary change, as you continue to align your decisions with your inner wisdom.

Please accept our heartfelt gratitude on behalf of the entire universe for each and every step forward you take in development, not just as a gift for your own personal path but also to encourage and inspire a global shift toward more fully awakened consciousness. Our preparations have been done for the time we were born for. It’s up to the collective to determine how miraculous or long-winded the ascension process will be. Because, no matter what anyone else chooses, your most significant contribution to helping alter collective consciousness is the light that you embody via your words, acts, and behavior.

Ascension is here. We’re on the rise. Thank you for receiving this briefing and for the important decisions it has inspired you to make. More details will follow. Be guided by love until our next Ascension Update.

All in the Name of Love.

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