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Are You Experiencing These 8 Stages Of The Twin Flame?

The love experienced by two reunited twin flames is similar to that of a wild, beautiful beast.

It is impossible to capture. It’s impossible to keep it under control. It is uncontrollable. The opposite is true: it burns ferociously with an insatiable type of intensity that is both exciting and intimidating at the same time. As with Holy Fire, the love experienced between twin flames burns you to ashes while simultaneously forging you into a new creature, like a Phoenix emerging from the ashes.

Despite the fact that every twin flame connection is unique and cannot be generalized, there is a common pattern that seems to emerge in these relationships. In my own personal experience, I can attest to how overwhelming (and even scary) going through a twin flame fusion can be. When I was going through such a disorienting situation, I would have delighted in having read an article on the typical tell-tale twin flame indications that I might have looked for. However, I was completely unaware of the existence of twin flames or their importance at the time. So, in this section, I’d want to present you with something I didn’t have: a general map that can assist you in navigating and pinpointing your current location.


Twin flames are believed to be creatures who assist our souls in their quest for fulfillment. Plato, the ancient Greek philosopher, was the first to propose the concept of souls “split in two” that are perpetually on the lookout for their “other half.” These days, we still carry the notion of “finding our other half,” but regrettably, we have come to feel that finding another person is absolutely necessary in order for us to be whole. Please bear in mind that, while twin flames can help us experience unconditional love and grow tremendously as individuals, not everyone finds their twin flames, and not everyone needs twin flames in order to be happy or to feel whole.

In addition, it’s important to understand that the degree to which you may experience harmony in your twin flame connection is dependent on your level of spiritual maturation. Two ancient souls, for example, will have a lot easier time “keeping it all together” than two youthful souls in the same situation.

As a result, with this in mind, what are the eight primary twin flame stages that you will most likely go through during your relationship?


You have spent your entire life longing for “The One,” who does not yet exist in your life, and you are currently at this preliminary stage. When you think about it, you get this peculiar impression that someone who exactly matches your personality is “out there,” but you have no idea where or when they will arrive in your life. The fact that you miss your twin flame does not lessen your faith that they will appear to you at some point.

On an unconscious level, this stage can also be used to “prepare” for the coming of the twin flame, which can be rather intense. In my case, I had to learn to love myself first before I could love someone else. This stage of preparation comprises the development of self-awareness, exploration, and comprehension of others.


You will catch a glimpse of your twin flame at some point throughout the journey. Whether it’s through a dream indication or a real-life meeting, the Beloved can be sensed at any point in the journey. The ramifications of this are enormous. Wonder, delight, worry, and intoxication are all experienced at the same time. If you are one of the more cautious types, the effect will be a lasting sensation of deep interest and a need to learn more about that individual. You’re not sure what it is about this individual, but you sense that something is quite unique about them. You may even get a sensation, like I did, that this person will play an enormously significant part in your life-even before you have a chance to get to know them.


When you fall in love with this person, you will fall in love with them very, very hard. You will fall harder than you have ever fallen for anybody before, and the force of the fall will take your breath away. In fact, as you become more acquainted with your twin flame, you will find yourself falling more and more profoundly in love with them. As a result, it will be difficult for you to stand with two feet on solid ground. You could be feeling disoriented, lovesick, and “unlike yourself” at the moment. You could even try to fight the attraction, but ultimately you’ll come to terms with the fact that you’re sincerely and hopelessly in love with this person.


As the two of you ultimately come to terms with your feelings and get into a relationship, life will begin to feel like a fairy tale. Each aspect of your connection with them will be excellent in every way imaginable. It will appear as though your twin flame meets every single need you have and provides you with everything you could possibly desire. What this taste of “heaven” looks like after the following several phases of upheaval is what the developed twin flame relationship looks like.


Trouble has erupted in paradise during this period. As the thrill of the initial meeting begins to wear off, egos begin to flare up among those there. Suddenly, there are differences of opinion, taste, and personality, and ancient fundamental scars emerge from the shadows to reveal themselves. Even while our twin flames share and mirror our most intimate wants, goals, and ambitions, they also have a tendency to reflect our dark sides. Consider the following scenario: If you are an emotionally repressed individual, your twin flame will most likely be an extremely explosive individual. If you have a tendency to be conceited, your twin flame will most likely be uncertain and reserved in nature. In this way, our twin flames confront us, causing us to become more self-conscious. This may be extremely irritating, upsetting, and excruciatingly unpleasant.

While all of the bickering and fighting in this era may appear to be a disaster, the fact is that it is vital for our development. In the absence of being provoked, in the absence of recognizing ourselves for who we “truly” are, we continue to live in delusion and fail to progress spiritually. However, while your relationship is experiencing such turmoil, it can be difficult to see the bigger picture.


The tendency for one spouse (or both) to emotionally or physically retreat and “run” away as tensions rise is well documented, and another partner will often follow after them in a game of cat and mouse. Sometimes this entails emotional shut-down as well as silent treatment methods. It may also include physical separation and, in severe situations, the final dissolution of the marriage or partnership. During this stage, twin flames are put through their paces by fire. While some relationships endure and become stronger over time, others are doomed to failure. As I indicated at the outset, everything is contingent on the soulful development of each participant in the relationship. Sometimes one person leaves the relationship for a long period of time and then returns, only to repeat the cycle once again. The chaser, on the other hand, tends to be the more psychologically and emotionally mature spouse of the two, attempting to straighten things out and make atonement for his or her actions.


Once the dark side of your relationship has been revealed, you may find yourself in a state of complete surrender. After a great deal of grief, anxiety, and prodding, you and your partner begin to open up about your scars and fears to one another. It is usual to feel a great deal of ego breakdown as well as soulful development during this period. During the process of letting go of one’s ego, important lessons about one’s own nature and the nature of the “other” are learnt. During the process of figuring out how to work through your differences, you will notice that the maturity of your connection grows deeper and stronger.

It is common for couples to go through phases six and seven several times throughout their relationship.


In your partnership, you will enter a phase of soul reunion as the difficulties you are experiencing become increasingly manageable. In stage eight, it is normal for you and your partner to discover a shared purpose, passion, or cause that provides you with a mutual feeling of contentment and satisfaction. As the ego continues to decompress, qualities like forgiveness, understanding, empathy, and patience are taught to the student. The more diligently you and your partner work through each difficulty that comes your way, the more you will experience the sense of “oneness,” also known as ego death.

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