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Are We Prepared For The Great Spiritual Transformation of 2022?

During the closing months of 2022, you may have noticed some intriguing shifts in the world around you. Yet as you become aware of these novel developments, you will also begin to experience them. This self-awareness is crucial.

It’s true that it may not make sense at first, but that’s how things operate. Until you bring your attention to anything, you will not recognize it. But when it changes your perspective, you won’t be able to go back. What spiritual growth does is alter one’s perspective on the world, other people, and one’s own existence.

the physical realm experiences the lasting effects of these changes, which is why people like me feel compelled to share what we see and experience. i understand when people say things like “but i don’t see any change,” but much of what has been happening has unfolded in the unseen realms and higher dimensions. believe it or not, the time has come for the actual collapse and cleaning up to start, but as always, you must decide for yourself what to believe; this choice is a powerful co-creative force that will determine the nature of the reality we co-create in the here and now. we’re in for a wild trip, that much is certain, and it’s up to us to make the transition between the old and new realities as smooth and painless as possible.
the blueprints for a new ascension earth are encoded in our dna and energy field; thus, the future is in our hands and hearts. we’re here to spark things off and build this together. when we find our actual soul family again, when we return to our spiritual roots, when we come “home” to our hearts, we may begin to fix what went wrong. every single thing we say, feel, believe, and do at this present time contributes to the future we want to see. since we have transcended time and entered the quantum state, nothing is set in stone.
there will be no hiding from the truth from now on.
taking place inside and externally.
since nothing can be concealed any more, the false ego and masks vanish.
by destroying the false matrix, we are liberating ourselves from anything that isn’t real, including all illusions and all thinking formations founded in fear.
there is a complete and total unveiling of all that is unreal and fake, and it all crumbles and disintegrates as a result.
there is nothing left but the naked truth.
armageddon, also known as the revealing of truth, is currently taking place.
because that’s exactly what happened!
being fearlessly yourself means being your true, honest are perfectly at ease with who you are and deeply in love with yourself. that is the pure divine love spark you bring into your own dna and then radiate to all living things.
when we reach a point of karmic completeness, we may finally let go of the past and the things that no longer serve us, allowing us to start fresh and create new chapters in our lives.
the 777 ancestral healing code helps activate and fix dna on multiple dimensions so that all ancestral lines in all of time and space can be cleaned up and fixed.
when we join together and rise together as one in true divine love, the lower codes, which indicate fear-based thought formations and beliefs, are easily cleared away, and the false completely falls away and dissolves.
love has always been the path and the key to our is the only thing that is healing right now!
as a result, the unity field was created so that we could once again unite as the united tribe that we are.restoring heaven on earth as a shared endeavor via the cultivation of oneness, love, joy, peace, harmony, and balance
there are no real limits to what we can do here. in this case, the regulations are entirely arbitrary. in other words, until you give them existence, the limitations do not exist. at this point, there are no more limits or boundaries. no matter your opinion on whether you can or cannot do anything, you are correct. you are that potent. at this time, we have a complete recall of our innate, authentic, and unique identity. as though in a trance, free from all anxieties and concerns.
the impossible becomes possible and the invisible becomes apparent when we believe in ourselves and one another, in our skills, abilities, and power.
we are now at a fork in the road, and it’s up to you to decide which way to go.
the time is out of joint, and it’s up to us to make the magic happen and make it visible to all! we have the keys and codes to ignite the new earth realities within us and then project them out into the hologram.
when we finally get the chain off our necks and stop being afraid, we are no longer constrained!limitless!
by moving from anxiety to love and from the head to the heart, we contribute to the repair and activation of our dna and edenic realities.
as we become fully conscious of our eternal self
anything is possible now for the one who can never die and was never born.

The following is what you should do if you’re interested in learning more about this spiritual transformation, which is desired by many:

First, you must convince yourself that a spiritual shift is desirable.
Focus on the task at hand to help you stay in the here and now.
Then, give folks your whole attention and focus as they speak to you.
Consider your words carefully before uttering them.
Equally important, treat others around you with respect.
Treat others with kindness.
Take no judgment.
Extend your reach with a kind of adoration.
Be forgiving.
Try to be kind.
Lastly, remember that your spiritual family consists of everyone you’ve ever met.

There is a thriving movement for spiritual evolution, and you want to join it. That “all our views, ideas, and moral attitudes operate as a uniting force throughout society” is because you are a member of the “collective consciousness.” Therefore, your thoughts and beliefs are important and contribute to the ongoing spiritual transformation.

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