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A Guide To Attracting Abundance To Yourself!

Isn’t it amazing how precise those contracts are? You probably didn’t realize you’d signed a contract, so start asking yourself, My Beloved, what you’ve agreed to. You will be startled to learn that you are accountable for what happens in your lives on Planet Earth.

To ask yourself these questions, simply write them down on a piece of paper. Focus on these questions in your meditations and dreams. Invite your angels to help you draw these answers for yourself.

Why did I choose my mother, father, and so on until you have covered all the main players in your lives? Put the questions out there so you can fully awaken and accept responsibility for choosing your finest and worst teachers in this lifetime. These are all lessons and experiences you choose to travel through in this incarnation, My Beloveds. It was a team effort between you and your spiritual advisors.

Many of these lessons were so severe that your angelic support crew had to see you go through them. The events have helped you remember, care, and understand others.

You’re all here for a reason, and now is the time to start requesting that reason be remembered.My beloveds, ask the questions now so you can remember. It’s time to let in more knowledge and light.

All of the answers to these questions and more exist within you. Your angels and guides can help you remember. No third party is required for you to dive in and find your own exact answers. In reality, only you hold the key to that priceless memory vault. Others may guess, but only you remember.

Allow this to lead you through a meditation.A path to reclaim your abundance.

Make yourself comfy in your chair or on your bed. Avoid crossing your legs and arms, as this restricts the flow of energy. If you become cold easily, wrap up lightly. We want you to be comfortable and undisturbed while you meditate.

Close your eyes and inhale deeply, then exhale as hard as you can. Each inhale brings love. Fear and mistrust are exhaled with each exhale. Inhale deeply and comfortably, letting go of all stress. Take another deep breath in, then exhale slowly, letting go of the day’s frustrations with a sigh.

Relax your entire body, from head to toes. Permit yourself to feel calm and peaceful. Your muscles are slack and limp, your mind relaxed, calm, and blissfully lazy.

Ask your ego self to sit on your left. To be an observer on this voyage, not a participant, instruct your ego self. Please identify your ego with a symbol or an object if that helps you imagine.

Ask the Creator to send you a protecting Ray of White Light by praying mentally like this. I am praying for a protecting ray of white light to enfold and lift me up so I can experience the greatest vibrations possible on this trip into my deepest understanding and Being. protecting myself and my creator from anything that is not in my best interest. Thank you, my Creator, for sending this ray. I am now envisioning the ray falling down through the corner of my meditation place. It is penetrating my bodily form and my I AM presence.

The Creator has answered your petition by sending you an Iridescent White Ray with gentle Pink and Purple Rays. There are beams of light that enter your body from the soles of your feet, move up through your physical vessel, permeate your etheric energy fields and physical vessel, and then escape through your crown chakra. The Rays are returning to the Creator and cycling down through you and back to the Creator. During meditation, these protective healing beams move in a circle.

You are now divinely shielded and nothing can speak to you that is not for your ultimate good.

My Divine Light Beings You’re breathing gently and evenly now, and you’re relaxed.

Inhale deeply. My beautiful Beings of Light, feel protected and divinely guided into this meditation. Inhale deeply, knowing you are breathing the Creator’s pulse. Listen to the Creator’s spiritual heartbeat and experience the unconditional love coursing through you.

Inhale deeply, inviting your Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides to join you. The angels guide you out of your physical body and into your etheric spiritual heart chakra. An Angel has been assigned to you till you return from your meditation excursion.

Your Guardian Angels, Spirit Guides, and special guests are now within your Spiritual Heart Chakra with you. When you find the Golden Door that says “To My Highest Guidance Within,” you turn the etheric spiritual door knob and cross the threshold, knowing you are on a spiritual growth journey.

You enter a white marble corridor. Your angels lead you to your helipad. Once aboard, your angelic pilot takes flight. Your angels say you’re nearing your own Crystal Palace.

Flying over the woods, meadow, brook, mountain, and your garden of serenity. Your wonderful animal pals are visible from the helipad. Each time you visit, you see new animal species not found on Earth.

So far, you like unicorns. Those silken ears and nose horn are to die for! When your helicopter lands on the helipad, Jake, your unicorn friend, will unlock the door for you.

Jake welcomes you back and thanks you for visiting the helicopter. You and Jake converse as you travel through your Garden of Peace to your own Crystal Palace.

Upon completion of your spiritual contemplative work today, Jake says he will be waiting right here for you.

Your gorgeous Crystal Palace stands in front of you, with a sturdy golden door bearing your name at the top. Below your current name are the names you have held in all previous lives, together with your original name, given to you upon your birth into Creation.

You will be able to read the names when ready. Some may only be in symbols, while others may only be in tones, light, or sounds, but they all pertain to the spiritual being that you are. Take a moment to remember any of the names. If the information isn’t available now, don’t worry; you’ll get it when you’re ready.

You open the golden entrance and enter your own personal Crystal Palace. Coloured dots are generated by light refracted through crystal facets over the entrance hall.

You enjoy stepping into the colored dots at your Crystal Palace. You’ve noticed that each hue makes you feel differently. When you come, the dots like to leave messages for you. Enjoy the hues today.

After finishing your colored dots, you peek down the corridor and observe tons of construction. Your angels tell you that you are always building your own crystal palace. Because you are an everlasting being, it is only right that your structure evolves and grows with you.

You continue down the hall and turn left into the Grand Room. The Grand Room is a big circle with doors around it with labels on them. There are further halls off the grand room. The angels remind you that these halls also contain many doors for you to explore, remember, or work in some way.

The first door on your left is labeled “The Creator.” You may feel the beautiful love waves and see shining lights all around the door. Other doors say “Your Angel”, “Your Guides”, and so on.

Your Angels ask you to find the “Your Abundance” door today. This door is placed about 3/4 of the way around the Grand Room door circle. You approach it, open the door, cross the threshold, and gaze up. This room is almost completely covered in gold, silver, diamonds, stones, and wealth of all kinds. At the room’s center is a fountain that emits golden coins instead of water. Your angels remind you that you are never short of wealth, but your limiting beliefs and scarcity mindset have recently stifled your success.

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