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An Activation For Union of the Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine

by Nicole Frolick,
Contributing Writer, In5D.com

As many of you are aware, I have been on a deep healing journey of my own since the beginning of November 2018. This healing is very much a teacher for me to reconnect with the original divine blueprint of the feminine energies. So often we see physical illness as a signal to the end of something, but in a recent light language healing channel I was shown that it is actually instead a beginning. With a little bit of hindsight now at my disposal, I would absolutely agree.

For 6 months, I have wanted to produce my second guided meditation, but I was lacking the inspiration and creativity despite knowing exactly what I wanted to execute. As everything is often divine timing, I could feel the meditation wanting to come out as I started to delve deeper into my healing. One evening, just after Christmas, I asked my guides and higher self to assist me in my sleep so that I would awaken with the inspiration and motivation to birth this meditation into the physical. The very next morning, I was not disappointed.

I woke up with clear sight and knowing on exactly what I needed to do. I felt the energy building within me to bring forth what I had been wanting to for over half a year. And that afternoon, I sat down with my computer and higher self…and it just flowed. Tears streamed down my face as I felt the energy of the words I was writing. I knew that this was not a solo project of my 3D projected self here on Earth. I was being guided through the whole process.

So today, I am so honored to release my second guided meditation, An Activation For Union of the Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine. This is a project of love from me to the world.

Helping others to understand the true nature of our masculine and feminine energies is such a deep passion of mine because without understanding the true nature, we are powerless. And it is not in our divine blueprint as humans to be powerless. We are gifted with incredible co-creative abilities that this matrix we all live in tries to minimize and dull at every chance it can. But the matrix is dissolving. We who are awakened are clearing the fog and lifting the veil for others. And it starts with harmonizing the separation of our divine feminine (DF) and divine masculine (DM) energies back into union.

This meditation is an activation. It will empower your. It will harmonize your energy. This is a tool to assist you in your own personal union so that you may then project that union into your entire world. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed creating it.

My gratitude to you all,


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