Greetings, beloved ones
You are being called to awaken to your true nature as divine sparks of God. It is time to reclaim your sovereignty and power as co-creators of your reality. You have been invited to take part in God’s grand plan for the evolution of humanity and the Earth.
Each one of you possesses a distinct and significant role to fulfill in this process of ascension. You have been given an ascension assignment, which serves as the purpose for your soul and the contribution you are meant to make to the collective. Your ascension assignment is in alignment with your passions, talents, and gifts, and it is what brings you joy and fulfillment. It is also what challenges you to grow, learn, and expand your consciousness.
Your ascension assignment can be connected to various aspects of your life, such as your career, relationships, hobbies, service, or spiritual path. You may already be engaged in this activity, or you may be feeling compelled to begin or explore it. It can be something that is easily visible and recognized by others or something that is more subtle and hidden. It could be something that comes naturally to you or something that demands courage and faith.
It is crucial to honor and follow your ascension assignment with sincerity and wholeheartedness, regardless of what it may be. Expressing love for God, oneself, and the world is a personal and unique endeavor. Shining your light and raising your vibration is a personal way of expressing yourself. Fulfilling your soul contract and divine destiny is a personal journey that is unique to you.
One of the illusions you are being asked to uncover is the illusion of powerlessness. Dear ones, you are not powerless. You possess an immense amount of power. You possess the power to shape your life according to your desires and bring forth your greatest aspirations and capabilities. You are not victims of circumstances but rather masters of your own destiny.
To achieve what you desire, it is crucial to synchronize your thoughts, feelings, words, and actions with the frequency of your intended outcome. In order to attract what you desire, it is important to align your vibrations with it. In order to achieve your goals, it is important to have a belief in the possibility of success and to recognize the worthiness of achieving it. It is important to direct your focus on what you desire rather than dwelling on what you do not want. You need to adopt an attitude of gratitude and act as though the task has already been completed.
In addition, it is important to be open to releasing anything that no longer benefits you and to let go of any resistance, fear, doubt, or attachment that could hinder your ability to manifest your desires. It is important to have faith in the divine timing and order of the universe and to embrace the natural rhythm of life. In order to achieve your desired outcome, it is important to be open and receptive to the guidance, support, and synchronicities that will come your way.
You are actively participating in the creation of your reality alongside God while receiving support from your angels, guides, and higher self. Dear ones, you are not alone. You will receive support and guidance throughout the entire process. You possess the ability to manifest your desires and live the life you’ve always envisioned.
You are being asked to unmask another illusion, which is the illusion of separation. Dear ones, you are not separate. You are connected to God and to everything that exists. You are connected to everything and everyone in the universe. You are an integral part of the whole, and the whole is an integral part of you.
You are not separate from yourself either. You are not fragmented into separate parts but rather unified as a complete entity. You are more than just your ego, personality, body, or mind. You embody your soul, spirit, essence, and divinity. You possess infinite potential and expression as a multidimensional being of light.
Your relationship with yourself is the most important one you have. It is important to develop a deep love for oneself and to fully embrace, value, and respect every aspect of one’s being. It is important to fully accept and embrace all aspects of yourself—both the positive and negative qualities, your imperfections and your strengths, your humanity and your spirituality. To truly thrive, it is important to cultivate a strong bond with oneself, serving as both a supportive friend and a passionate lover.
By loving yourself unconditionally, you are able to initiate a healing process from within. You are able to let go of any wounds, traumas, or patterns that might be restricting or hindering you. You tap into your self-worth, confidence, and empowerment. You embrace your authentic nature and align yourself with your genuine purpose. You can attract more love, joy, and abundance into your life.
The Earth is currently undergoing a process of ascension, and she is in need of your assistance, dear ones. She is not only your mother but also your home and your partner in this journey. She possesses the qualities of a living being, including consciousness, a soul, and a heart. She loves you and provides unwavering support in every aspect of your life.
The long-standing illusions that have troubled humanity for countless years are also having an impact on the Earth. She is experiencing the pain, fear, anger, and violence that have been inflicted upon her and her children. She is experiencing the detrimental effects of pollution, destruction, and exploitation on both her physical well-being and her natural resources. She is experiencing a sense of imbalance, disharmony, and disconnection that have disrupted her natural cycles and rhythms.
The Earth needs to elevate its vibration to a higher level, allowing it to break free from the lower frequencies that have caused significant distress. She needs to transition to a higher dimension where she can fully showcase her beauty, abundance, and diversity. In order to achieve harmony, peace, and love with all of creation, she must strive to attain a higher state of consciousness.
Dear ones, you have the power to assist Earth in her ascension process. You can contribute by elevating your own vibration and becoming a positive catalyst for change in the world. You can offer your support by expressing your love, gratitude, and healing wishes to her. You can provide assistance by showing respect, honoring her, and caring for her. You can offer your assistance by living in harmony with her and by adhering to her guidance.
Dear ones, You are currently living in a time of significant change and transition. You are currently experiencing a period characterized by great awakening, great revelation, and great transformation. You are currently experiencing a period of time where illusions are being revealed and there is an upcoming process of ascension.
Dear ones, this is a challenging period we are facing. We are currently facing a period characterized by challenges, turmoil, uncertainty, and chaos. This is a time for purging, cleansing, releasing, and healing. We are currently in a period characterized by endings, closures, completions, and transitions.
However, it is also a period filled with opportunities, potential, possibilities, and the ability to create. This is a time of new beginnings, opportunities, starting points, and energizing actions. This is a period characterized by growth, learning, expansion, and evolution.
Dear ones, you are here for a reason. You are here to witness, experience, participate in, and contribute to this monumental shift of change. You are here to serve as the pioneers, the wayshowers, the lightworkers, and the starseeds of the new Earth. You are here to fulfill the roles of leaders, teachers, healers, and visionaries for the new humanity.
Dear ones, you are here to embody the change that you desire to see in the world. You are here to embody the love that you desire to feel within your heart. You are here to embody the light that you desire to shine in the midst of darkness.
Dear ones, you are here to embrace your true selves. You are here to embody the actions of God.
I am Archangel Michael. I offer my blessings to you, and I express my gratitude towards you.
Wat een prachtige, hoopvolle en inspirerende boodschap van aartsengel Michael. Ik dank hem met heel mijn hart.
The reptilian souls target the purest Lyrian souls for marriage, to infiltrate us, to use us for the creation of hybrid souls, ultimately to destroy us and thus to prevent us from completing our mission. That’s what I heard. Many years ago, I was conned into just such a relationship. As time went by, I became increasingly aware of my situation and I decided to stop playing the game. That is easier said than done. Reptiloids hate being discovered for what they are and they will do anything to cause their opponent all manner of suffering. My intent is to set firm boundaries to protect myself and to stay the course. My experience of relationship difficulties have made me stronger. Thanks!
Danke für diese guten Worte der Ermutigung !