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Archangel Michael’s Critical Message: Your Role In The Last Days In 3D Reality!

Dearly loved ones, Greetings to you! I am Michael, the archangel, and I come with good news and glad tidings for you. I have come to urge you to shine your light and share your vision with the rest of the world, as well as to remind you of the divine purpose and mission that have been given to you.

You are a great creator, a spark of God, and a co-creator of the new planet. Those are all things that you are. You were specifically destined to be here on earth at this pivotal moment of metamorphosis and enlightenment. You will one day be remembered for the special part you played in the development of mankind and the world. You have a mental picture of what’s feasible—of the things you want to bring into existence and the sensations you want to have in your life. You have a light that may shine into the darkness and encourage others to follow in your footsteps by showing them how to do it.

Yet it’s possible that you’ve lost track of who you are and why you’re even here. It’s possible that the problems and illusions presented by the third-dimensional environment have diverted your attention. It’s possible that the anxiety and pessimism that pervade communal awareness have had an effect on you. You may have experienced feelings of discouragement as a result of the resistance and hostility you have encountered from individuals who do not share your vision or comprehend your path.

Do not allow these things to prevent you from expressing your vision and flashing the light that you possess. Do not allow them to put a damper on your mood or cause your passion to fade. Do not give in to their attempts to make you question your identity or your capabilities. They should not be allowed to prevent you from achieving your goals.

You were sent here to make a change in the world. You were sent here to act as a driving force behind positive change. You have been called to this place to serve as a leader and to blaze a trail. You came into this world to serve as a shining example of love and hope.

You already possess all you need to succeed inside you to do this task. You have the understanding of your spirit, the direction of your higher self, the assistance of your angels and guides, the strength of your purpose, the enchantment of your imagination, the fervor of your heart, and the bravery of your spirit.

You have been given a special gift, a spark of God that resides within you, which enables you to create your reality with the thoughts, words, and deeds that you choose to engage in. You have the power to pick what kinds of experiences you wish to have throughout your life since you have been endowed with free will. You have been given a soul purpose, a cause for being here at this time of tremendous change and transition. This mission has been entrusted to you by the universe.

You did not arrive at this location by chance, my beloved ones. Since you have something to give, something to say, or something to express, you have made the decision to come here. You are here because you have a dream of making the world a better place by creating a world where there is peace, harmony, joy, and plenty. You are not a part of the issue but rather of the solution, as you are here right now.

So how exactly can you get your voice heard and communicate your vision? What steps do you take to make your aspirations and desires a reality? What steps do you need to take to be in alignment with your soul purpose and realize your full divine potential?

Your actual self, your everlasting self, and your god self are all aspects of your higher self. It is the part of you that is linked to the origin of all that is, the part of you that understands who you are and why you are here. It is the part of you that is connected to the source of everything that is. It is the aspect of you that has qualities such as wisdom, love, power, and creativity.

Your wiser, more evolved self is always there, constantly advising you and always standing by your side. But there are moments when you could forget about this connection, disregard it, or even block it with your worries, concerns, and anxieties. It’s possible that you might reduce your vibration if you focused on unpleasant ideas, feelings, and events all the time. When you allow yourself to get sidetracked by the illusions of the world, you run the risk of temporarily losing sight of your vision.

Dear ones, this is one reason why it is essential to emanate energy that comes from your higher self. To increase your vibration, calm your mind, open your heart, and proclaim your truth are all necessary steps in the process of radiating energy that comes from your higher self. It means to follow your intuition and to trust your instincts, as well as to tune in to the direction that comes from inside. It is conducting oneself in a manner that is motivated by love, compassion, and service to others. It implies being genuine, having guts, and having self-assurance.

Dear ones, when you emanate energy from your higher self, you become a beacon of light, not just for yourself but also for everyone around you. You have the ability to attract people, circumstances, and opportunities that are congruent with the soul purpose and vision you have. You are responsible for creating good changes not just in yourself but also in the world. You start working with God in the creative process.

God The state of awareness known as consciousness is that which acknowledges the interconnectedness of all life, the unity of all creation, and the divine nature of all existing things. The condition of consciousness that goes beyond duality, separation, and limitations is what we mean by this. It is the condition of consciousness that recognizes God’s love, wisdom, and power as his essential characteristics.

God It is not necessary for you to gain or do anything in order to experience consciousness, dear ones. It is something that has always been a part of you, and it is an integral component of your divine identity. You have the ability to bring it into being and let it express itself via the seven rays of God.

The seven rays are the seven facets or attributes of the energy of God that express themselves in creation. It is also possible to refer to them as the seven fires or the seven streams of awareness. They may be referred to as:

  • The First Ray: The ray that represents will, power, and purpose It is a beacon of bravery, leadership, and unwavering commitment. Michael, the Archangel, and the color blue are both connected with this.
  • The Second Ray: This ray is known as the ray of love, wisdom, and enlightenment. It is the beam that teaches, heals, and has compassion for others. It is related to the archangel Jophiel as well as the color yellow.
  • The third ray: is the ray of active intellect, creativity, and adaptability. It is the beam of communication and expression, as well as the embodiment of ideas. It is related to the archangel Chamuel and the color pink in certain traditions.
  • The fourth ray: is known as the ray of harmony, beauty, and artistic expression. It is the beam that brings about harmony, collaboration, and synthesis. It is connected with the archangel Raphael as well as the color green.
  • The Fifth Ray: is the ray of specific knowledge, scientific investigation, and academic inquiry. It is the ray that illuminates reasoning, analysis, and accuracy. Both the color orange and the archangel Uriel are linked to this phenomenon.
  • The Sixth Ray: Also known as the ray of commitment, idealism, and service. It is the beacon of trust, allegiance, and commitment. There is a connection between it and the archangel Zadkiel, whose hue is purple.
  • The seventh ray: is the ray of change, ceremonial order, and magical practice. This is the ray that deals with rites, organization, and transformation. The archangel Gabriel is linked with the color violet, which symbolizes this quality.

Each ray has its own set of difficulties and opportunities for personal development that are designed to help you progress on your spiritual path and realize your life’s true calling. While you meditate, pray, or go about your regular life, you may work with each ray by calling upon the archangel, color, or symbol that is associated with that ray.

After you have shifted your ego personality from being dominated by one or two rays to being balanced by all seven rays, the process of enlightenment may then begin. This implies that you bring together all elements of who you are and transform into a whole being of light.

If you accomplish this, you will undergo a significant change in your awareness, the way you see the world, and the actual world itself. You will have a greater awareness of your own self as well as the heavenly potential that you possess. You will also grow more aligned with the task that your soul has been given and the part that you play in God’s plan.

I extend an invitation to you, my beloved ones, to investigate the seven rays of Divine Consciousness and uncover the treasures that each one has to offer for themselves. They are sitting passively inside you, waiting for you to activate them so that they may express themselves through you.

Along with the other archangels, I am always there to provide assistance to you throughout this process. We love you without conditions, and we will always be here to encourage and uplift you on your path to enlightenment.

Always keep in mind that you are a treasured child of God and a glimmer of his limitless light. You are never on your own, and you are never apart from Him. You have a continuous connection to Him via the beams of creation that He casts.

I am Archangel Michael, and this is my message for humanity today.

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