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A Guide To Unlocking Your Sacred Heart’s Gates!

Your excursion into density lasted billions of years, according to your timekeeping. As you walked farther into the vastness and darkness of space, you helped fill it with light, substance, texture, and shapes beyond your wildest dreams. Then, in accordance with the Divine plan, you submerged yourself within each new reality you helped create, allowing you to fully experience creation. And so it began, with pure thought from the Supreme Creator’s mind, then the mind of each universe’s Father or Mother God, and finally your own ideas as you traveled further and further away from the pure source of all creation.

You knew you were intended to voyage into the immense unmanifested emptiness as an emissary of Light as soon as you realized you were a Divine Spark of the Supreme Creator, the ALL THAT IS, since it was engraved deep within your immortal soul and Sacred Heart Core. All other “awakened sparks of consciousness” were meant to experience the marvelous diversity of creation for the Creator, our Father/Mother God, and all the great Beings of Light.

We tell you this to show you how old and complex you are. Your DNA, cellular structure, mental and emotional bodies, as well as your enormous chakra system of awareness, all contain a wealth of wisdom and a rich, complex ancestry. You often wonder why members of a family are so diverse yet they have the same parents and ancestors. Your earthly ancestors represent a tiny fraction of your enormous and rich history.

You have divided or fragmented your awareness millions of times to experience Creation’s immense diversity, and you have also rejoined with many of your numerous facets. Your memory bank grows larger and more complicated with each repetition. Your creations were denser and less perfect as you progressed away from the Supreme Creator’s perfection and into multi-dimensionality. So there is no blame, no guilt, and no failure. Now is the time to reclaim your self-mastery and the ability to create beautiful and harmonious things in accordance with the Divine design. What are you going to do now that you know you can get an infinite supply of Adamantine particles of love and light?It’s a shame to deny your divine birthright. Your Higher Self will not stop nudging you to awaken and take your divine inheritance.

To experience duality and polarity, the universe’s light and shadow spectrums were created. This is because the higher dimensions are closer to our Father/Mother God and the Great Central Sun, so the duality spectrum is narrower. However, as each level is developed, the duality spectrum becomes larger and more apparent. Humanity’s deepening into duality and polarity, inflicting so much suffering, was not predetermined. It is now time to restore harmony to the past’s distortions and excesses, and it is our greatest desire to help you do it gracefully.

Please remember that you are not judged by anyone or any being from the invisible or higher worlds—you only judge yourself! All of your ideas, intentions, and actions are stored within your auric field and chakra system. Vibrational patterns are formed and radiated by you, returning to you in comparable frequencies and measures. Previous generations lived many lifetimes to reap the rewards of positive, loving activities or to suffer the consequences of negative, harmful ones. So it is not always evident that the “righteous” are actually rewarded, and the “unrighteous” are also rewarded in kind. There is no great or small being that rewards or punishes.The Universal Laws are in place, and your Higher Self is always monitoring your progress, either by clearing the road and blessing you with miracles big and small, or by putting more hurdles in your path in hopes that you will awaken and ascend.

Beloveds, too many of you are burdened with past mistakes, prior indoctrination, and buried memories of terrible experiences or deeds from all your previous lifetimes. This memory, or the “burdens of inequity,” no longer benefits you. So, just as we are clearing the distortions of the Third/Fourth Dimension collective consciousness belief patterns, it is time for you to allow us to help you heal the painful memories of the past.

As you entered the restricted, limiting realms of consciousness, light membranes encircled your DNA, leaving only two accessible and active. Light membranes were also placed over your memories and around the light. Wisdom is stored in your “Sacred Mind” higher brain structure. A veil was placed over your memories, preventing you from recalling former incarnations, as recalling past mistakes and imperfections would be too burdensome. It was an act of mercy, because forgiving yourself for your mistakes and misjudgments in this lifetime is difficult enough. Those limiting light membranes are gently dissolving as you re-establish balance and harmony and ascend in the spiral of reunion.

A light membrane protected the gateway at the back of your Sacred Heart Center until you were ready to return to the higher dimensions and realms of light. In spite of this, you alone built a protective membrane across the front vortex of your Sacred Heart Center. Using the procedures we taught you, you have slowly dissolved the restricting membranes, allowing the love and light to flow freely to and from you.

You must be able to integrate and permeate your being with advanced vibrational patterns in order to access and transmit higher light frequencies. Your Sacred Heart Center portal must radiate these changing light frequencies down into the Earth’s core, and then project them out into the world from both sides. Remember how we said you came to Earth as a brilliant crystalline pillar of light? A cross of matter formed as you went deeper into the density, as your spectrum of light and shadow intensified. To bring the fragments back into balance and harmony, you seek and tap into higher frequencies of light. Your spinal chakra system is igniting, beloveds, and you are radiating love and light from your Sacred Heart Center in front and behind you.

As we have frequently advised you, “heal the past, script your future, and then live in the moment.” In the eye of duality and polarity, packed with pure, rich Cosmic Life Force substance just waiting to be shaped into your vision of the future, why not move in? As you journey into your Sacred Heart Center, you will feel our Father/Mother God’s and the Supreme Creator’s deep love and compassion. You are a beloved son or daughter on a vital mission, and nothing you say or do will change that.

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