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How to Get Access to Your Higher Self’s Wisdom!

Acknowledging that you are a White Fire Seed Atom Facet of our Mother/Father God is part of the ascension process. Deepening your self-exploration reveals your close relationship with ALL THAT IS. The longing for love is progressively satisfied once you have experienced the exquisite ecstasy of a heart-to-heart connection with our Mother/Father God and may draw fully on the Adamantine Particles of Love/Light. Your thirst for food will be satisfied, and you will be granted the will, strength, and resolve you need to cheerfully finish your purpose on Earth.

Instead of patterns of resistance or friction, energy is generated by frequency patterns of attraction. Thoughts, words, and emotions can have a positive or negative impact on your physical body, and they also produce a specific band of frequencies in your auric field and beyond. As a result, your physical existence is constructed. You must always feel what you make according to the Universal Laws.

As a conduit for the Divine, you must become a tributary of the River of Life. Your Sacred Heart enters a state of stagnation as soon as the flow of Adamantine particles into and through it is cut off. Your aura will brighten and expand as you take on the light of Spirit as a Sentinel of Light. It doesn’t matter how brilliant or faint the auric field around you is; you, your home, and all of your surroundings have one. Each country’s soul and heart must be resurrected. When unity consciousness is compromised, spiritual vitality in a country tends to decline. Keep in mind that everything in the universe has an aura. Everything is infused with the divine and mighty power of the Creator!

As a result, many souls are spiritually bankrupt, unable to draw on the complete spectrum of Creator Light because they have exhausted their allotment of Adamantine Particles of Life/Light or have been enmeshed in the Third and Fourth-Dimensional world’s lower frequency range. They may not have been able to develop the harmony frequency patterns necessary to activate their Sacred Heart’s allocation of Adamantine Particles since childhood.

Sadly, a large percentage of the Creator Light allotted to many beloved souls is lost when they pass away. As a result of their sentiments of hopelessness, inferiority, and self-hatred, they’ve lived a life of pain, seclusion, or violence. These are troubled souls. They often blame others and fate for their shortcomings, while at the same time being unaware that they are the source of their own anguish and suffering.

In many cases, these beautiful ones prefer to appear on the lower end of the spectrum of shadow and light. Because they wanted to correct some unbalanced frequency patterns from the past, they deliberately determined the overlay for the life drama they would encounter. The problem is that the path they choose is frequently too difficult, and they revert to the destructive habits of many fruitless lifetimes.Obsessions, addictions, and unconscious impulses rule the lives of those with the least agency. Because of their past unpleasant experiences, they are unable to break free from their shackles. Remember, dear ones, that no one but you is judging you, and you will always have the chance to make amends for your mistakes. Forgiveness of oneself is a necessary first step in letting go of the past and reclaiming one’s personal power.

A self-master will progressively sever ties with people with whom they are no longer in harmony, even if it appears cold and callous to others. We are not here to judge; rather, we are here to gradually let go and to cut any energy cords that bind us. When the other person no longer receives the “emotional energy” they need from the enlightened person, they end the connection.

As more and more souls attain a certain level of harmony within themselves, they are searching for their soul mates around the world. There are a lot of people out there who have reached the end of their soul’s separation trip and are now embarking on the “reunion and integration” path. There has been a progressive infusion of divine dissatisfaction into your consciousness, and you have turned within to tame the self and reconnect with your soul, the OverSoul, and other elements of your greater self in order to heal the ego. Once again, you have access to all of your soul family members, as well as the numerous oversouls and the God Ray that you are connected to in your higher self (I AM Presence).

Many soulmates, on the other hand, have comparable soul vibrational patterns, but this does not imply that they have identical physical auric patterns. Emotional and heartfelt states enhance the power of soul vibrations, which are much more potent than physical ones. It is possible to see the beauty of the soul when the brightness is great enough, but it may not be strong enough to overcome the discordant physical, emotional, and mental features in order to build a long-term, satisfying connection. On the terrestrial plane, physical connections are challenging at the best of times, but this is especially true when you are working toward self-mastery and “knowing oneself,” which leads to continual, transformational changes both within and without.

Never forget, my courageous ones, that you are immortal and eternal. God’s abode is in your physical body, which is a transient structure. There is nothing more sacred than the Sacred Heart of the Soul, where the essence of life lives and where your awareness of Infinity begins. The Twelve Rays of God Consciousness are etheric crystal prisms of refracted light called Rays that shine forth the essence of creation from the Diamond Core God Cell in the Sacred Heart.

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