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Successful Manifesting in the Ascension Energy !

“Wow!” Myrna looked down at her finger. It was swollen and red after accidentally getting it caught in the garden gate hastily leaving for work.

Perhaps, the next owner of this house will get their finger nipped too!” she said cantankerously to herself as she rushed off to work. Her job barely paid her monthly bills and her home was going to foreclosure.

Myrna was a different person five years ago. Attractive, calm and confident, she was the head of office administration for a large residential real estate firm in her area.

As of right now she is cranky, with a stomach ulcer and emotionally still suffering from the breakup with her fiance..

Try as she might, Myrna has not been able to be successful using her old manifesting techniques. She created a vision board with her desired life, but all she got was a headache from staring at it too much.

No matter how much time and attention she gave her guided visualizations, self hypnosis and other manifesting techniques she still ended up right where she is.

Finally a spiritual friend of hers suggested she try FLOW, a new way to manifest for the energies of the Ascension.

“If you think manifesting is the same as it used to be, think again,” her friend said.

Myrna had a lengthy discussion with her friend. Her friend essentially told her the ascension brings with it female energies. These energies encourage awakening of our soul purpose in service.

“Manifesting with the old ‘ego’ energies will produce results which are limited. You might lose much of what you once had as spiritual evolution catapults you forward into the new energies,” her friend continued.

“OK. So now what should I do?” asked Myrna.

The following plan is what her friend offered.

1. Let go of resisting your life. Accept everything as a blessing. Do a gratitude exercise daily.

2. Open to your life’s dream, the flow of your soul path. Do what you love to do even if it does not seem like it is practical.

3. Vibrationally align with this dream by placing it on your vision board. Associate money with this dream. When you ask for money as reward for your soul service, you will be compensated generously.

4. Entirely receive your FLOW. Once you have everything in place, you will be led by little intuitive hunches, miracle synchronicities and serendipitous opportunities. When this happens you are living in accordance with the new energies of the ascension for manifesting.

Myrna was a bit skeptical. She thought she had been doing all of this all along, yet she had to admit she had only been asking for money. She did not care how she got it, just that it was delivered to her. This was not working.

The first little miracle was related to her job. She got fired from it!

This became a miracle because it forced her to take inventory of her life. She could not find another job since the employment market was very tight.

Myrna had a hobby. She knit baby clothes for fun and profit. These knitted garments were easy to sell due to their creative and individual feel.. Each person that viewed her original creations wanted to purchase them right then and there.

She decided, even though this was risky, to make a business around this talent. As soon as she decided to do this, it was like a current of energy took her up into it and led her.

She was given an opportunity to sell her creations in a local children’s clothing store. This store offered exposure of her wares to a national chain. Before she knew it, her lovely past time had become a full time business.

Your natural gifts and abilities contain energy. When you surrender to it, you will be led.

Ponder what you really enjoy doing. Start to do this service for the love of it. When you are ready, begin to charge for this service.

Doors will open for you. The universe cannot help to remunerate because in the new energies of the Ascension we are all being encouraged to serve from our gifts. When we align with this energy, we are compensated.

source : dimension1111

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