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11 Powerful Mantras for Healing

By Tanaaz

Everything in this Universe carries a vibration, including the words that you speak.

For centuries, people have used words for healing. Words can be used to share a story, they can be used to pray and they can be used to express a deeper truth.

Another way words can be used for healing is through mantras. Mantras are short, positively inspired phrases that carry a powerful healing vibration and can help to free your body, mind, and soul of any stresses.

The word mantra loosely translates to “instrument of the mind”. This is because mantras have the power to transform your thinking, and rewire thought patterns and belief systems that have been engrained deep within your subconscious.

In traditional practices, it was believed that you had to chant the mantra 125,000 times in order for it to really sink in to the deepest level of your soul. While this may sound daunting, even reciting a mantra a few times over the course of a week or month can have life changing effects.

In fact, mantras are so simple yet so effective for all sorts of healing, that I have shared 150 of my most favorite and powerful mantras in a new book – My Pocket Mantras.

Here are a few of my favorite mantras from the book –

1.) I know I am loved and supported as I move through the day.

Recite this mantra three times either out loud or quietly to yourself first thing in the morning or whenever needed. As you recite the mantra, cross your arms and wrap them around your body like you are giving yourself a big, supportive hug.

2.) This too shall pass.

Recite this mantra seven times out loud or quietly to yourself during challenging life periods and when you are working through painful emotions.

3.) I surrender my worries to the Universe.

Recite this mantra three times either out loud or quietly to yourself as often as needed. Visualize yourself taking your heavy coat of burdens off and handing it over to the Universe to take care of as you recite the words.

4.) I choose to feel good about myself every day.

Recite this mantra three times either out loud or quietly to yourself while looking in the mirror.

5.) I am exactly where I need to be.

Recite this mantra three times either out loud or quietly to yourself.

6.) I release my past and forgive myself.

Recite this mantra five times either out loud or quietly to yourself as you place your hands over your heart.

7.) Everything I need to heal is already within me.

Recite this mantra five times either out loud or quietly to yourself while placing your hands over your heart.

8.) Things are always working out in my favor.

Recite this mantra three times either out loud or quietly to yourself.

9.) I am effortlessly creating a life I love.

Recite this mantra six times either out loud or quietly to yourself.

10.) The next perfect step is always being revealed to me.

Recite this mantra three times either out loud or quietly to yourself with your hands in prayer position.

11.) I use love to make all the decisions in my life.

This mantra is best recited after or during meditation. You can incorporate it into your own practice, or you can use the following instructions as your guide: Take three to four deep breaths in and out while placing your hand over your heart. Chant the mantra in your mind eleven times. Once finished, end your meditation by taking three to four deep breaths.

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