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8/8 Lions Gate Portal Opening! Be Prepared To Experience A Shift In Your Human Form

A great change is coming your way this 2019 as we enter the Lions Gate Portal. Our transformation will accelerate and only culminate two years from now in 2021.

It is about releasing us from the Old self and activating our Soul Embodiment process. It is all about Ascension.

You will be become like an Embodied Spirit, completely light and full of power to rush through the path of Creative Love. Your destiny will come to you not as some abstract element but in a physical form.

Lions Gate is a special time when a brand-new cycle of Change begins, called Time Creation. It is a time to let go of the old, jump timelines in the universe and experience certain shifts in our life. It is about living the NOW to its fullest.

This Sacred Year will begin on 26th July. Your ancestors will see this as the passing of a cycle and celebrate it as a festivity of job. The new cycle gets initiated on the 26th.

The Mayans, as well as Egyptians, celebrated it as a new cycle renewed by the Divine Creative Intelligence. The Royal Star Sirius is also in conjunction to the Sun during this time. The Sirians, as well as the Royal Lion Beings, propel us towards a complete Evolution.

The Lions Gate Portal has two guards, The Royal Sirian Lions. Only people grounded in the Now can be conscious of this portal and be able to enter it.

It will teach us to listen to our guardian angels and will guide us to the path of awakening. The thing is every one of you are able to make this change – everyone is capable of moving through this transit. You just need to keep your intuition levels high.

The Lions Gate Portal will start on 26th and will reach its full state on 8th August. It will start closing by 12th August. 13th marks the time to move forward guided by the Heart of the Lion and the Royal Lion Star Teachers. It will be a time full of power.

From 2019 to the year 2020

Huge transformations will be coming your way during 2019 and 2020. It is about bringing fresh wisdom to you and to enter a path of higher ascension.

2019 focuses on the Divine Feminine. It is the teacher and leader of our lives. The Divine Feminine set the tone for new creativity and is controlled by the frequency 2.

2019 itself in the year no. 3 which is related to Abundance and the Earth Mother. Divine Feminine would mold the earth to take up the role of Leadership and pave the way for New Masculine.

2020 has the frequency of the double master number. Doubling up the 2 will power up the Divine Feminine, while doubling up 0 suggests the Void. It’s all about empowerment and manifesting creation and rebirth. Your focus should be clear at this moment as you allow the Divine Creative Energy flow through you.

Focusing On Ascension

The Embodiment of Soul is a long process and it had started back in the 2018-2019 cycle. At that time, you were enveloped in Golden and Diamond Light Codes which activates the inactive DNA strands of our body, pushing us to become the Divine Human.

It is not easy as the frequency should come in congruency with the Soul frequency. Ego must be curbed down. A difficult process of cleansing must purify you and make you prepared to accept the new energy. But the culmination of it will bring everything to you.

Both our soul and the Divine creation will dance in the light of the Portal. It is slowly entering a new reality. You will feel Collective Consciousness taking hold of you. Empathy will rise – you will wish to share your resources with other people.

There will be an increased sense of ‘Ancestral Healing’ a state where you will spread out your healing energy, not only to the individual but to the community as a whole.

What All Of It Means?

Since transformation is coming towards you, all of it means that you will be a new person. But do not forget Who you are! There will be emotional turmoil but keep your inner peace.

The Embodied Soul and the Divine Human should live inside and express itself outside. It should not be reactive to external impact. During this phase, you will be in a multidimensional world where time and space are distorted.

Take care of your body during this time. The increased frequency and intense perception levels will make you feel tired. Surrender and allow yourself to be raised higher. Feel empowered. But do not leave yourself completely.

You are experiencing a shift in your Human Form. Are you ready for it?

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