Creature extinction on our planet is going off the scale compared to the five previous mass extinctions. With over 200 species going extinct daily, the current rate is unprecedented in earth’s history. We’re moving now into the ‘domino effect’: the radical loss of insect species, for example, beginning to threaten countless others. Increasingly, mainstream scientific articles, journals and media, are reporting this – see the video below – and yet the majority continue life today as if it were yesterday. We must prepare now for what lies ahead.
And those ready, are invited to look in the mirror and turn their full attention to spiritual evolution, The Shift into a Higher Paradigm of Existence…
The Inevitability of Future-Landing-Now
The majority continue to sleepwalk, yet the evidence of abrupt climate change leading to mass earth extinction is stacking up day-by-day. I’ve been speaking about this since my soul-exchange incarnation that initiated during a car crash back in 2002. I came here specifically to share a higher dimensional perspective. Till now, only a relative few have been prepared to take note, I trust in time, plenty more will. With the benefit of expanded consciousness and those in the ether gathering to support The Shift, I was fully aware of future-landing-nowway back then. Fortunately, the dramatic 3D effects of The Shift are now beginning to register in more mainstream scientific media, but nowhere near sufficient to cater for effective mass community response.
Earthquake and volcanic activity, caused by abrupt climate change and the accelerating pole shift, are both escalating around the globe. We are close to the eye-opening phenomenon of no summer sea ice in the North Pole, which would be a first for Gaia, and according to a recent NASA funded study, the Antarctic is now losing six times as much ice every year as it was in the 1980s. We are already at high temperatures never previously seen by Homo Sapiens on Earth.
I’ve been sharing my perspective on this since 2002. I well understand that it can be a phenomenal thing to take on board – something people might want to avoid, and often do. The biggest problem being that society continues in its amnesia. Even if you are already awake, there’s practically 7 billion reasons, and very persistent society, reflecting back that it’s business as usual. Let’s be clear, apart from making people assuage a degree of guilt, banning plastic bags is like sticking plasters on the Titanic!
Taking Essential Time to Reflect

If you’re reading this, I urge you to take some quality time out and reflect deeply on what’s unfolding, rather than sleep-walking into the inevitable. If you’re prepared to embrace any fear you might have and work through it, then you can normalise in what’s unfolding. It means the consciousness of your soul can integrate through it. You’ll find yourself connected to the mainstream flow of The Shift, which will then place you in the right location at the right time in the right frame of mind to bridge whatever may come.
Consider this viewpoint on How the Earth will Shift from 3D into 5D/6D/7D.
I was fascinated to hear from Openhand Facilitator, Jean “Blue Hopi” Michel, who shared his experiences of being caught up in the Indonesian Tsunami of 2004. Due to the level of surrender and connection to soul, he shifted immediately into the Spirit Light Body, which guided him not just to safety, but also to support those around him. People often speak of this when faced with life threatening crisis. We live beyond the body! It’s time for many more people to remember this and start to live the higher flow right now.
I totally understand that if you have kids for example, if you struggle with the enormity of it and if you’re afraid for your own mortality you wouldn’t want to consider what is now inevitably unfolding. Yet as the Dalia Lama rightly advocates, if you contemplate your passing on daily, then it liberates you from fear of death. And fear represents the gateways through which we need to expand on the evolutionary journey. In this way, fear can be your ally if you’re prepared to work with it. Many children incarnating these days for example, are choosing to come here at this time knowingly – their soul configurations perfectly fitting for just such times. When we look deeply into the crucible of our fears, we explode the myth that holds us in enslaved limitation – we are cosmic beings!
Compelling Climate Change/Mass Extinction Radio Interview
With this in mind, I commend you to watch this dialogue exchange with Guy McPherson, professor of evolutionary biology, who speaks candidly about the current situation and as he always does, sharing quotes from the very latest scientific papers to back up his viewpoint. Take some quality time to watch it. It is very compelling. In the second half they speak of geoengineering possibilities to stem the challenges of the problem. Personally I believe in the spiritual response, which I’ve shared below, so do tune in again afterwards…
5 Spiritual Responses to the Sixth Mass Extinction

1) First and foremost, it is to discover how to tune into your soul and learn how to follow it, moment by moment. The soul is interconnected with the higher dimensional flow and so it will steer your evolution and put you in the right place at the right time with the right resources to act in service (Explore the Openhand Shift Facilitator Program)
2) Make sure you develop your own internal process for dealing with karmic blockages and fear, for these are the gateways leading to greater expansion. It’s something we explore deeply in Openhand’s “5D Shift Project” (Discover more)
3) Take time out each day to meditate and tune into Gaia. You’ll gain perceptions and feelings of attunement that will put you in touch with the very latest shifts in the field
4) Become increasingly selective about how you spend your focus and time. For example, assuming you use social media and technology, be mindful to limit and choose what is only essential to your further development, rather than have it mindlessly consuming your consciousness
5) Explore the resources, structures and communities preparing for dramatic earth changes, such as the Transition Towns Movement, that has local communities springing up around the globe (background info on the Transition Towns Movement).
Only the Truth Can Truly Set You Free
My article has necessarily been brief. However, each of the main responses I’ve listed can go very deep in their inquiry, with much to unfold. I offer my viewpoints as a perspective only, for you to explore in a way that feels fitting for you. I understand that most people reading will likely have jobs within the current system, with family, friends and colleagues that are as yet unready to take the viewpoint seriously. Or else there’ll likely be plenty of projection, which usually comes from underlying subconscious fear.
I am certainly NOT meaning to propagate fear – fear only exists where there is lack of self-realisation. A self-realised being understands the eternally changing nature of life and their inviolable connection to the whole. Where fears arise, these represent the gateways through which to work.
The climate change phenomenon is fast becoming the critical issue of our time. It must be rapidly followed by what we can effectively do about it. What response is the Universe inviting? If you resonate with what I’ve shared, I encourage you to watch Openhand’s “Message to Humanity” about The Shift. Then to share your feelings, thoughts and viewpoints below – it is only ever the truth that can truly set us free.
In loving support

By Open / https://www.openhandweb.org