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5 Ways to Strengthen Your Feminine Energy !

By Tanaaz

She was beautiful, but it wasn’t her beauty that got me, it was her energy. She was standing there tall and strong and she just radiated goddess energy. She felt powerful, and her very presence demanded respect.

This was a woman I happened to see just passing by. She was graceful and feminine, and yet there was something about her that I just instantly respected. She caught my attention and as I saw her float by, I just felt that she was dialled in all the way to her feminine power.

In the Western world, feminine energy is often seen as weak, but there really is nothing weak about it. If you had seen this woman, who was just radiating with goddess energy, you too would have also felt that she was strong, not in an aggressive way, but in a way that commanded respect.

Perhaps seeing this woman caught my attention because over the years feminine energy has been squashed and belittled. In fact for decades, women have been encouraged to take on more of a masculine energy.

While there is nothing wrong with honoring the masculine, I think over the years both men and women have forgotten the power that comes through feminine energy.

Feminine energy expresses itself in a different way to masculine energy, but it is just as important, and especially in these times, it has become more important for us to claim it back.

The good news is that we can all play a role to enhance and advance feminine energy. This goes for both men and women, however, I do feel that women need to be the ringleaders here and begin claiming what is truly theirs. In this case, I feel it is women who need to headline the change.

In order to enhance your feminine energy it is important to understand the qualities of it. Masculine energy is seen as straight lines, it is seen as an outward expression, it is seen as quick and fast moving.

Feminine energy on the other hand, is seen as curvy lines, it is seen as an inner expression, and it is slow and methodical.

Feminine energy is fluid and watery. It is intuitive and graceful. It is creative and allows us to receive. Masculine energy is direct and earthy. It is logical and practical. It is sturdy and allows us to give.

Feminine energy is yin and masculine energy is yang.

To feel feminine energy, take a walk by the water and pay attention to how it ebbs and flows or take a look at the Moon on a night when it is full, and tap in to the strong and radiant vibrations.

Alternatively, take a walk in a park and just observe what you see. Look at the flowers, look at the leaves blowing in the wind, just witness how Mother Earth creates.

By observing nature we can begin to tune into some of the feminine energy that has been lost to our consciousness over the years.

Here are an additional 5 steps you can also take to help tune into your feminine power:

1.) Honor Your Menstrual Cycle

In today’s culture, periods are still considered to be gross, taboo, and something that we shouldn’t talk about. Menstruation is natural and one of the most powerful expressions of feminine energy. Before the time of the patriarchy, men were in awe of women when they bled, because if they bled like that they would die. They actually used to drink menstrual blood as they felt it had healing properties and promoted eternal life. Today periods are considered to almost be a shameful thing, but you can stop this by honoring and celebrating your cycle. After all, what a fabulous reminder us women have about the power and strength of our body. The menstrual cycle is our window into the inner workings of our body, and should be celebrated. When we are on our periods we are also more sensitive and intuitive, and I feel the more we embrace periods as a society and begin honoring them, the less PMS we will experience.

2.) Spend Time With Other Women 

Spending time with other women can be so healing. Women are naturally receptive and receivers of energy, and when they come together, it’s almost like a forcefield is created where they are able to support and recharge one another. This is why many rituals are often conducted by a group of women, as together they were more powerful and more receptive to send their wishes out into the Universe. By uniting with other women, especially in ritual or just to share, it can be naturally cleansing and uplifting.

3.) Feel Beautiful In Your Skin

Feminine energy has been belittled for decades, so it’s no wonder that many women suffer from poor self-esteem. We are constantly told we are not good enough and we are constantly made to feel shameful about our bodies. Just think, a man can show his nipples in public no problem, but a woman would be arrested. A busty woman can appear on a TV commercial, but a woman breastfeeding in public is considered offensive. With this distortion of feminine energy, it’s no wonder many women struggle to feel beautiful in their own skin. The power however, comes from drowning out what the media or other people think and say, and accepting and owning exactly who you are. Feeling beautiful in your own skin is the most powerful and freeing thing you can do, and instantly releases waves of feminine energy.

4.) Pleasure Yourself More

Feeling pleasure is very much connected to feminine energy. You can seek pleasure in many ways from orgasms, to having a relaxing bath, buying a bunch of beautiful flowers, eating some decadent chocolates, dancing to your favorite music, and so on. By bringing pleasure and sensuality into your life, you can help to unlock the feminine energy within. Taking time to honor your body and seek pleasure from it can also help to awaken your inner goddess, and can do wonders for your feelings of self-esteem. Getting to know your body intimately is also an important part of honoring who you are.

5.) Awaken Your Kundalini

Kundalini is a feminine, creative energy that lives inside us all. It is envisioned as a snake that remains tightly coiled at the pit of your belly. When it is awakened, the snake rises and floods our body with feminine energy. This helps us to elevate our consciousness and step into our true power. You can read more about kundalini awakenings and how to experience one here.

By taking these steps and making a conscious effort to honor and celebrate the feminine, we can create a shift that is felt all over the world.

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