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5 Signs the Universe Sends When You are Heading Towards Burnout

By Tanaaz

When we are not in balance, life has a way of taking over and running away with us. This typically occurs when all of those emotional stresses, work stresses, financial stresses, lifestyle stresses, and so on begin piling up and become a hot mess just waiting to happen.

When these stresses reach the point of over flow, often it leads to extreme burnout, fatigue and even depression, which can be challenging to recover from. This is why it is important to observe the signs and do something about them before they start to pile up.

On an energetic level, most of us store stresses in our solar plexus and heart chakras. When these chakras become overloaded it can lead to anxiety attacks, absent mindedness, confusion, frustration and mood swings.

Physical symptoms can also manifest such as skin conditions, muscle tension, tummy aches, indigestion, and just a general feeling of tiredness.

If you are heading towards burnout and taking on far too much, often the Universe will intervene and send some signs your way, these include-

1.) You have dreams where you are searching for something you can’t find or you are lost 

Dreams where you are trying to chase or find something are often an indication that you need to slow down and find some time to rest. The act of trying to find your way or find something often indicates that you are doing too much and are perhaps finding it hard to catch up or stay on track. A dream like this can also indicate that you are feeling overwhelmed and over burdened with what is on your plate.

2.) You stub your toe or have other careless accidents 

Easily preventable accidents are another sign that you need to slow down and perhaps take it easy. They could also indicate that you need to stop and think about something more before rushing ahead. If you find yourself stubbing your toe or hurting yourself one too many times, it could be the Universe’s way of slowing you down and making you think twice before moving ahead on something.

3.) You forget appointments or commitments that you made 

If you are forgetting appointments or have to break commitments that you made, it may also be a sign that you are overloading your plate and perhaps trying to do too much. While it is normal to forget things once in a while, having this happen constantly, or with things that are important, could be a sign that you are perhaps trying to cram too much into your day.

4.) You feel overwhelmed and under appreciated

When you say yes to everyone and everything, it can be hard to break the habit. Eventually, doing things to please others and always saying yes to everyone but yourself can cause you to feel under appreciated and overwhelmed. This in turn can lead to feelings of anxiety, and can make you lose sight of your purpose. If you find yourself feeling this way, it is important to look at your schedule and see what you can release and remove in order to give yourself more “me time”.

5.) The things that brought you joy no longer do

If you love to cook but find it has turned into a chore, or if you love yoga class but now can’t bring yourself to go, it could be because you are doing too much and have consequently, lost your energy and enthusiasm. If this resonates, and you find yourself avoiding the hobbies that you once enjoyed, it could be a sign that you need to take some time out to rest and recharge your batteries.

Essentially, if you have clicked on this article and are wondering if you need to slow down and do less, it’s probably a sign that you definitely do!

If you are on track towards a burnout, it is really important that you make the time to rest, check in with yourself and make some adjustments.

In the long run, the most liberating thing you can do for yourself is to clear your schedule of things that are weighing you down and learn how to say ‘no’ to people and to particular tasks in your life.

It may also be that you need to off load some of the tasks to people around you. There is nothing wrong with delegating tasks or seeking outside support.

There are also some energy healing techniques that you can do to help recharge your aura. These include working with crystals and the innate healing power of your hands.

Regular aura cleansing can also make a huge difference when it comes to helping protect your energy levels and reducing the chances of burnout.

At the end of the day, getting your priorities in order is really key. By keeping your schedule light and free of heavy burdens and obligations, and letting go of the notion that you need to be “busy” and say yes to everything, can really go a long way in helping you to lead a healthy, balanced and peaceful life.

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