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Twin soul Ascension Report – Divine Feminine has fully Surrendered, Activating full union Codes

Dearest beloveds,

Greetings of the most high. It is our most sincerest honour to come forward to you all in this moment with a sacred message from the higher dimensional realms of consciousness – that which is known as home.

We come forth in this hour of your time to express our deepest gratitude to the 144000 starseed Frontline crew…. who are stepping up now in this time of 2019, remembering implicitly that 2019 is a highly auspicious year which inaugurates the 3D realm through the master number 12 gateway into her original paradise state also known as the fairy tale reality, whereby all genuine divine vibrational counterparts are in union on all planes of consciousness with the Divine beloved of one’s soul.

As we stated in our last twin soul Ascension report there has been profoundly huge shifts taking place within the collective divine feminine consciousness in this gateway. The Divine feminine collective has truly released all hooks and attachments they were holding towards their divine masculine. The Divine feminine has truly remembered that she is stabilised in the zero point field of consciousness, the point of no time and the point where all timelines converge in the present moment of now.

The Divine feminine has awoken from the nightmare that somehow she is not fulfilling her mission if she is not in physical Union with her twin soul and she has realised that nothing could be further from the truth – the Divine feminine is on her mission in an extraordinarily inspirational way, and she is excuding her radiance far and wide for all to see.

This shifting within the Divine feminine consciousness is having a huge effect on the collective divine masculine consciousness, who now, in many ways, are experiencing the sensation of the plug being pulled from their illusory 3D lifestyles that they have created.

Whilst the Divine feminine was hooked into an illusion of needing the Divine masculine This created a scenario where by The Divine masculine was not being pushed to a place where by they were being forced to do the neccesary spiritual work, as they have been basking in the Divine feminines powerful source energies, which she has been scattering all over the Divine masculines energetic field and over his relationship with his karmic partner. However this has all ceased now, and is thus activating the tower archetype in the Divine masculine consciousness.

In moving forward dear ones on this life changing trajectory we advise you to increase your commitment to your spiritual practice and the practice of going on rampages of gratitude everyday.

The divine prophecy is being fulfilled at an unprecedented rate by awakened humanity at this time, and it is our most sincerest honour to be the mirror that truly recognises the Eternal being that you are and shall always be.

Dear ones, I Jen – Matahari ji am inviting you now, to come forth and add your sacred energy to the Highly auspicious 14th february Valentines Day portal transmission. This is a very important moment in the 2019 calendar whereby it is appropriate to harness the potent colletictive twin soul energies of this day, and so we are calling forth the brothers and sisters to come forward now and add your energy to this extremely Potent 2019 Valentine’s Day portal.

In the Valentines Day transmission We are being guided to activate on the etheric plane a cosmic relationships shuffle in order to support gaia’s most holy and sacred plan to unify true genuine twin souls.

The momentum of us all coming together in unity to send forth this intention into the etheric holographic field is exceedingly powerful and will produce miraculous results for all of us.

we are now experiencing cosmic energies that are unprecedented and unlike anything any of us have ever known. In the Valentines Day transmission we are also being guided to activate the full age regeneration codes that are stored within our crystalline core and we are being guided to assist the rainbow dragons to remove any last remnants of the dark sticky toxic poisonous 3D grids.

we will be applying this on a micro and macro level which will assist us to fully empower our age regeneration codes that are stored in our crystalline core.

please see below for full details to join this transmission.

as ever we have much to share with you and we very much look forward to Gathering with you all on their sacred and holy Valentines Day transmission

Faith is the key dear ones

Faith in your creator

Faith in your hearts whisperings and knowings

Faith in the knowing that true love is the most powerful force in the entire existence and that the fairytale is true.

Remember dear ones your parental lineage is high and very very holy.

Claim your royal bloodline, remembering that the royal bloodline, in truth is, alignment and Remembrance with the actuality of the Divine sovereignty that I am and that You are, and that which must be claimed your own.

The one who claims their inherent sovereignty is the one who can be referred to as being of the Royal bloodline……Brothers and Sisters we all carry the same blood, therefore we are all all of the Royal bloodline and the ultimate secret is to embrace and remember this at all times.

It would be our deepest honour to welcome you on the valentines day portal transmission.

in love and Eternal Light

Matahari ji and as always the white wolf tribe


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