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13 Steps To Send Love Energy Telepathically!

At certain points in our lives, we may feel the need to express our affection for those closest to us. Maybe we want to help a loved one get better after they’ve been hurt or sick, or we see that they need our love and support as they go through a hard time in their lives.

The capacity to telepathically send love to the people in our lives will give us the opportunity to care in ways that were previously impossible, whether the person in question lives too far away for us to be there and share our love directly, or whether we are hindered by roadblocks such as difficulty in communication or struggles matching busy schedules.

When it comes to communicating telepathically, there are a few key considerations. Anyone is capable of sending psychic communication; all it takes is knowing your goal. Sending unconditional messages of love, care, and healing to the person at issue shows that you have their best interests at heart. Close your eyes and think of the individual whose attention you seek. The question is, what are you truly experiencing? Present your affection towards them gently and unconditionally. If you’re just out for yourself, stop and reevaluate your goals.

Here’s How to Send Love Through the Void:

#1: Find a quiet place where you can do this process without being interrupted. To get the most out of your meditation, choose a quiet place where you can lie down on a bed, couch, or mat on the floor and close your eyes.

#2: Let yourself chill out. For this to work, you need to achieve a level of mental calm on par with meditation. To get there, you may need to engage in yet another little contemplative exercise.

#3: Take a slow breath in while counting to 4, then hold it for a count of 4, while your lungs are full. When you’re ready to start again, count to four as you exhale, and then hold your breath for that same amount of time. Repeat this process until you feel “happy” about yourself.

#4: Close your eyes and think about the person you want to love. Imagine them right in front of you.

#5: Feel the amount of love and care you want to express, and feel this love filling your entire being from the center of your heart as you prepare.

#6: Concentrate on the love itself, making sure it is pure, gentle, and kind.As you go through this procedure, be on the lookout for any bad energy or ill will and drive it away, keeping only what meets your standards.

#7: Say this to yourself over and over: “I love you without conditions and without bias. I can’t make the people I love do what I want them to, and I won’t compel them to accept my love if they don’t want to. Be sure you’re really thinking about what’s being said here.

#8: Bring your attention back to your love, but this time, focus on growing your love FOR the person you’re thinking about. Give this person your real love and affection, and let them in on the secret that you want to tell them you love them.

#9: Pull love from all over your body into your heart, drawing it in and preparing it in a single, focused, high-energy spot in the center of your heart.

#10: Let this high-energy love fill your heart as an energy that builds and grows.

#11: Visualize a cable linking you to the person to whom you are giving your love, and imagine that the cord is wrapped around the two of you. This individual needs a line of spiritual energy running from your heart to their sixth sense. Imagine the cable as though it were a genuine part of your environment.

#12: Let the love and care you want to send along with the energy you’ve built up in your heart travel along that cord. Imagine it traveling and making sure it encounters no roadblocks.

#13: Keep doing this for at least 10 minutes, because that’s how long it will take for the other person to get your message. Don’t be afraid to use your intuition to find out whether they can feel your affection. It is common to repeat this process several times over the course of a few days to improve the message being sent.

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