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11 Common Characteristics Of Spirit Warriors!

Spirit warriors are extraordinary people who have been selected to roam the Earth and show us how it’s done. They are one in spirit and purpose, and they have figured out how to go where they need to go in life.

There is so much evil and violence in the world today. It’s enough to merely flip on the TV and check out the headlines to be reminded of this fact. It may make you feel hopeless, yet there is still hope for the future. Amazing people, the “selected few,” are here among us to help us find our way back to a better world. Our future depends on spiritual warriors who show us what it means to live a life full of love, light, and happiness.

What Kind of Spirit Warrior Are You Meant to Become? Keep an eye out for these eleven warning signs:

#1: Doing What They Feel Is Right
Finding a happy medium between fulfilling our responsibilities and following our hearts is a challenge we all have to confront. Our interests steer us in the direction of our life’s purpose. The example of the spirit fighter teaches us that it is possible to act on one’s inner calling even if it goes against conventional wisdom.

#2: The Courage to Face Fears
In our world, everyone has a fear, whether it’s of spiders or of failing at something they really want to do. Only through facing and conquering these apprehensions can success be achieved, and doing so is rarely easy. By doing this, they build up the strength to face their worries and, in the end, beat them.

#3: Feelings of sympathy and caring
Spirit warriors care deeply about the well-being of others around them and put the needs of others above their own. They are able to empathize with others by taking on their perspectives and experiencing what others are going through. Living in such a selfless and caring manner is a true reflection of their character.

#4:  A Love for the Truth
Honesty is paramount to true spirit fighters. They’ve made it their mission to spread the word that the truth is the doorway to lasting joy, development, and connection. The truth may hurt in the short term, but it’s the better option in the long run.

#5: Light and happiness in the world
Have you ever encountered someone whose presence just transforms a space? They are the ones who make others happy simply by being in their presence, bringing sunshine everywhere they go.

#6: Get back up and try again.
It’s possible that, despite your best efforts, your entire world will collapse in on you. Although having hit rock bottom might make anybody feel like giving up, a true spirit fighter will not succumb to despair. They pick themselves up, dust themselves off, and prove that it’s possible to begin again. They show everyone around them that losing a battle doesn’t equal losing the war.

#7 – Patience
The world doesn’t operate the way we want it to, so we can’t just charge in and make everything happen at warp speed. Patience and understanding are sadly lacking qualities in today’s society, but they are essential for success in any endeavor. Warriors in spirit take on the world with calm dignity. They are patient and wait for the best time to strike. When that time comes, they use smart moves to get what they want.

#8: Fortitude in Adversity
We have been blessed with the presence of warrior spirits here to help us overcome the difficulties of our mortal existence. They achieve this by persevering in the face of adversity, whether it is a handicap, illness, financial hardship, or profound loss, and thus serving as an example to others.They do this so that we might learn from their actions and apply those lessons in similar situations.

#9: They should pick their fights wisely.
It seems like wherever we turn, there’s another circumstance that’s bad, difficult, or even just plain weird; another war that we’re supposed to join and fight so that we may make the world a better place. We are outnumbered if we try to fight every war we encounter. Spiritual warriors model the importance of picking and choosing one’s fights, devoting their time and effort to the issues that truly matter. You can’t alter the entire world overnight, but you can alter yourself.

#10: Freedom from bad thoughts
Every day of our existence, we are presented with a choice between a positive and a negative outlook. A lot of individuals will choose the lazy route, putting their preferences for convenience ahead of their own values and principles. The brains and emotions of spirit fighters are sacred, and they will not be harmed by any outside influence. They are totally devoid of any and all negativity.

#11: Put love ahead of everything else.
True love in the face of a violent and chaotic environment is the one thing a spirit warrior is sent to offer to our earth. They spread love everywhere they go and do good deeds for no other reason than that it “feels right.” These are the folks you see holding the door open for strangers and who always seem genuinely happy to see you. All they want to do is spread love to everyone they encounter.

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