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10 Things You’ll Notice When A Merkaba Is Activated!

Your Merkaba maintains an unbroken connection to the Source at all times. You must first meditate on it in order to give it the proper instructions before you can activate your Merkaba. When you are ready, your Merkaba will start spinning as a result of your breathing, your physical activity, and your habits. But before you even think about trying to activate your Merkaba, you need to know about the following unpleasant side effects and get ready for them.

Merkaba is also occasionally spelt According to legend, the Merkabah is the holy light vehicle that ascended masters ride in to communicate with people who reside in higher realms. In order for us to access higher dimensional realms, we are going to need to make this potential active through the process of evolving our consciousness.

When you first start activating your Merkaba, you are going to experience a number of uncomfortable symptoms, including the following:

1. You’re experiencing intense longing that can’t be satisfied in any way.
You have a deep-seated desire to have a closer relationship with the Source, and you are actively working toward achieving this goal. On the other hand, it appears like nothing you can do can put out the fire of this need. You have a huge, huge amount of learning to do.

2. The world appears distant and distant from you.
You have severed all ties with the reality that you are familiar with. Nothing makes any sense, and everyone seems to be a million miles away. This will pass, but in the meantime, to put it mildly, it is intolerable.

3. You have trouble getting the amount of sleep that your body needs.
You are not able to obtain the amount of restful sleep that you require. Either you receive an excessive amount or an insufficient amount. One may find that they cannot sleep after activating the Merkaba.

4. Your body has no weight.
You have the impression that someone else is living your life through you. Your physical form is no longer burdened by heaviness or weight. You have the weightlessness of air.

5. Your emotions are unpredictable and ever-changing.
Your feelings are moving even though there hasn’t been anything to trigger them. You are perfectly happy at one moment, but then you get irate at the next. You will need to exert effort if you want to maintain control of this.

6. You feel more connected to the essence of your being.
You get the impression that you have a strong connection with your inner self, yet your outward self continues to decline. You are gaining a ton of fresh knowledge right now. It is possible for it to be overpowering.

7. The frequency and intensity of your intrusive thoughts increase.
Everything that is occurring within your thoughts ramps up to an extraordinarily acute level. Your thoughts are more concentrated on pushing you, and while some people can manage this, it can be challenging for others. Stay positive and don’t let this get you down.

8. You start to question your own identity and where you came from.
You are not aware of who you are when you are exposed. Even while you have established a connection with your inner self on some level, the person you present to the world does not yet fully reflect that. This might cause a person to feel extremely disoriented.
You won’t be able to start working on activating your Merkaba until you’ve made peace with the issues described above; until then, you won’t even be able to consider doing so. Watch the video that has been provided below for further explanation on how to activate the Merkaba. Because when the Merkaba is activated, all of the portals that lead to astral projection are opened, and because of this, we need to make sure that we are prepared to use them.

9. Whenever you are able to get a good night’s rest, you get vivid dreams.
When you do sleep, you have vivid dreams. These dreams are communications coming to you from the Source. Pay attention to them. You are tasked with deciphering the meaning of each one.

10. You get a heightened awareness of the world around you and the things in it.
You are now feeling the effects of everything in a significant way. It is possible that the feelings of other people and the terrible things in this world are too much for you. This might either make or ruin you, depending on the other person.

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