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10 Signs You Are Ascending To The New Earth Energy!

As the world around us undergoes a significant shift, many people are starting to feel a sense of transformation within themselves. The old ways of living and thinking are being replaced by a new way of being, one that is more in tune with the energies of the earth and the cosmos. In this article, we will explore ten signs that you are ascending to the new earth energy.

What is the New Earth Energy?

The new earth energy is a term used to describe the shift in consciousness that is taking place on our planet. It is a time of spiritual awakening, where people are becoming more aware of their true nature and the interconnectedness of all things. The new earth energy is about living in harmony with the earth and with each other, and it is a movement towards a more conscious and sustainable way of life.

Sign #1: You Feel a Sense of Inner Peace

One of the first signs that you are ascending to the new earth energy is that you start to feel a sense of inner peace. This peace comes from within and is not dependent on external circumstances. You may find that you are more content with your life and that you are able to let go of stress and worry more easily.

Sign #2: You Feel a Strong Connection to Nature

As you begin to ascend to the new earth energy, you may also find that you feel a strong connection to nature. You may feel more drawn to spending time outdoors and may find that you feel a sense of peace and tranquility when you are surrounded by nature.

Sign #3: You Have a Heightened Sense of Awareness

Another sign that you are ascending to the new earth energy is that you have a heightened sense of awareness. You may find that you are more attuned to your surroundings and that you notice things that you may not have noticed before. This heightened awareness can also lead to a greater sense of clarity and understanding.

Sign #4: You Experience Synchronicities and Signs

As you begin to ascend to the new earth energy, you may also start to experience synchronicities and signs. These are meaningful coincidences that seem to be a message from the universe. You may notice that you see certain numbers or symbols repeatedly, or that you have chance encounters with people who have a significant impact on your life.

Sign #5: You Feel a Pull Towards Spiritual Practices

As you become more in tune with the new earth energy, you may also feel a pull towards spiritual practices. This could be anything from meditation and yoga to prayer and ritual. You may find that these practices help you to connect more deeply with your true self and with the universe.

Sign #6: You Have a Heightened Sense of Intuition

Another sign that you are ascending to the new earth energy is that you have a heightened sense of intuition. You may find that you are more in tune with your gut instincts and that you are able to trust your intuition more readily. This can be incredibly empowering, as it allows you to make decisions based on your inner guidance rather than external pressures or expectations.

Sign #7: You Experience Physical Symptoms

As you ascend to the new earth energy, you may also experience physical symptoms. These can include anything from headaches and fatigue to digestive issues and changes in appetite. While these symptoms can be uncomfortable, they are a sign that your body is adjusting to the new energies and releasing old patterns that no longer serve you.

Sign #8: You Feel a Sense of Detachment from Material Things

As you become more in tune with the new earth energy, you may also find that you feel a sense of detachment from material things. You may no longer feel the need to accumulate possessions or pursue material wealth, and instead, you may be more focused on cultivating meaningful relationships and experiences.

Sign #9: You Have a Heightened Sense of Empathy

Another sign that you are ascending to the new earth energy is that you have a heightened sense of empathy. You may find that you are more attuned to the emotions and needs of others, and that you are able to offer support and compassion more readily. This can be incredibly rewarding, as it allows you to connect more deeply with others and contribute to the collective healing of humanity.

Sign #10: You Have a Desire to Serve Others

Finally, as you ascend to the new earth energy, you may also find that you have a desire to serve others. This can take many different forms, from volunteering in your community to pursuing a career that allows you to make a positive impact on the world. When you are in alignment with the new earth energy, you are naturally drawn to service, as it allows you to contribute to the greater good and make a meaningful difference in the world.


In conclusion, the new earth energy is a powerful force that is transforming our world and our individual lives. By recognizing these ten signs of ascension, you can become more aware of the changes taking place within you and around you. Remember, the journey of ascension is a personal one, and it is important to honor your own unique path and process.

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2 thoughts on “10 Signs You Are Ascending To The New Earth Energy!”

  1. Greetings DNA family,
    I am one person going through this august and remarkable shift in conciousness, harnessing of new positive energies and heightened spiritual awareness.
    I am so grateful for all that you are sharing.

  2. My score on this checklist – Maybe one out of ten.

    “…the new earth energy is a powerful force that is transforming our world and our individual lives…”. ? Doesn’t appear so with me. I haven’t noticed any energies at all.

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