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1 Common Mistake You May Be Making When Using the Law of Attraction!

By Cherie Roe Dirksen

Are You Just Flat Out Broken by the LOA?

It can be darn right frustrating watching people around you manifesting their hearts desires and there you are feeling like you couldn’t conjure a pig in a poke!

What’s wrong with your Law of Attraction prowess?

You’re so sick and tired of hearing that you bring about that which you think about most because you’ve been drawing sweat-beads trying to manifest that $4 million bank account and it just ain’t happening.

What are you doing wrong?

Shooting Too High and Taking the Fall

I’ve had my feelers out, listening to how friends use the LOA to attract a better life. I’ve got to say I’m a bit taken aback. A lot of the aforementioned peeps are straining to go large or go home…and they’re ending up taking the long and frustrating road home.

No wonder!

Here’s what I think is going horribly wrong:

  • Instead of trying to manifest a bar of chocolate, they’re trying to get a ticket to Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory.
  • In lieu of attracting a long lost friend to make contact, they’re trying to procure a relationship with the hot guy from ‘Supernatural’.
  • Despite their amazing efforts to get in shape — and they’re really looking good and making steady progress — they’re feeling shortchanged because they don’t have a bod like J-Lo yet.

In my opinion, the one factor that is going awry is the target is set too high and the patience to manifest such a trophy is way too low.

I totally advocate going for your dreams no matter how intimidating but I also believe in a steady progression of knock-down goals.

It seems like a lot of people are missing the groundwork — then when nothing is coming to fruition, hands are thrown in the air and it is declared that this new-age hippy sh*t doesn’t work.

No…it does work — you just need to hone down on your skill to use this magnificent force of free universal energy.

Those seeds are indeed fertilized and are growing beneath the soil — you may just need to tune your patience, work on your faith and brush up on your affirmation/visualization/feeling expertise. The best way to do this is to start small.No on e wants to hear this but it is actually the fastest track to success.

Trying to manifest a million dollar bank account when you’re sitting in the red is going to exhaust you. So try manifesting $100, then $400, then $600…then progressively increase the amount.

Getting a Self Worth Work-Out

Some people CAN manifest big, it’s not that you CAN’T. It just may be that you’re self belief muscles need some training. As my mother used to remind me, Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Give yourself bite-sized goals to achieve. Each time you vanquish the small hill, it makes the big mountain more and more conquerable (is that even a word?). Now you’re starting to build and flex those worth and belief muscles to the max. Eventually, you’ll be able to take the LOA training wheels off and go full tilt!

But until then, you’ve got to eat the elephant one bite at a time (what a ghastly saying! But it sure purveys the point).

Going from Zero to Hero

Okay, so what’s worth checking in on are these points:

  1. Start small. Manifest things daily that are achievable and remarkable. In other words, you want a beautiful garden so your first thought is to manifest a new palatial home with grounds to match when all you need to do is try initially attract a rose bush (palatial mansion may take in excess of 10-20 years to manifest, rose bush may take a day — you do the math!). If your neighbor then leans over the fence and offers you a gorgeous little cutting of her iceberg roses, you’ll not only be pleasantly surprised because the world works in remarkable ways but you’ll be toning those believability biceps. Slow and steady wins the race. This is how you think and manifest outside the box.
  2. Water! You’ve got to nourish your dreams. Keep them well fertilized and fed. Affirm your desires daily and don’t let impatience or despair creep in and ruin your flower bed! If you’re feeling like you’re not manifesting — check in with yourself. Are your goals realistic? What can you do to enhance your desires (like meditate on them or create a vision board, set an even smaller more achievable goal, etc)?
  3. Trim Back. You future project what you’re thinking NOW. Keep realigning your thoughts to nurture your dreams and not bring about existential drought. Stop reiterating the same old sob story about your life/finances/weight/relationships/’fill in the blank’. Create new exciting versions of the life you’re rewiring to step into.

Happy manifesting!

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